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Everything posted by friesman

  1. If you know someone that has a corporate UPS or FedEx account it can be cheaper for you, but there will be a large charge on the recevers end when delivered. Ive bought quite a few things online and USPS is till probably the best way to ship up to us Canucks. ANYTHING shipped via UOS, FedEx or Any courier will have a huge brokerage fee added at delivery, ONLY USPS doesn't add this charge. Most Canadians live within 90 minutes of the border so maybe find out where the guy is at and see if he could drive to a US members place for a pickup.
  2. I would suggest NOT downloading the Facebook HOME update when it comes up for your android device. It changes a lot of stuff on your Android phone and makes FB your desktop on your phone. I would just leave the old FB App as it works fine. Brian
  3. so what mini amp did you decide on? Brian
  4. Around here about 1/3 of the snow has melted, but if it turns warm like it should be for this time of year, we are screwed! We have sandbags and levees up all over town and around the province, they are forecasting bigger runoff than 2011 when all of the water than ran outta here flooded a big chunk of North Dakota, especially Minot Brian
  5. Yeah the cold has affected my fingers......:rotfl:
  6. We had the snowiest winter on record, and a Radio station in Saskatoon SK asked their listeners to post some pics to show off their snow. WOW!! We still have snow everywhere and its not going away quick enough, I have always been riding for about a month by now, but its still a way off for any riding to start. I hope North Dakota and all points downstream from us are doing their flood prep as a lot of our snow is headed their way....Sorry to my ND friends! Its a Facebook link and you can click the arrow on the first pic to see the rest. Brian
  7. good ta hear that youre up and about! Brian
  8. congrats on the move, good luck on the house!. better be careful of some of those guys in the Toledo area, I hear they will hijack all your weekends from late April until late October.... BRIAN
  9. I don't know anything about running XBMC on Ubuntu, but it does run fine on my windows 7 machine.
  10. if someone pulled the fin cover when the bike was running it is possible that the pressure in your cooling system pushed the plug out, as its only the fin cover that holds those rubber plugs in place. Brian
  11. nope, that's one of the reasons I bought this new rig.
  12. Just use my trusty Condorbox,-- a watertight sleeve with a quick waterproof seal. ( a baggy). It will mess up the vid quality but it doesn't rain much here so not anticipating missing the vid very many days. Actually I will swap it back and forth between the Escape and the bike and will remove it from the bike when not in use. Brian
  13. A couple of friends have a similar setup and while the video is ok and you can read licence numbers from a decent distance it doesn't compare to my Drift hd. but it isn't bad, it also has night vision and on my friends cameras you can see everything just fine whether its day or night. Brian
  14. that's what I thought too its cheap and even if it doesn't give a great pic, it will verify an issue if I need it on the bike or the car. If I woulda had this when I got cut off on the bike 18 months ago I would have not had to eat 50% share of the cause of the accident, s the vid woulda showed that I was cut off and may have gotten a license number too. Brian
  15. a type of memory card http://search.focalprice.com/search?keyword=tf+card&categoryid=
  16. If you've ever had an accident that wasn't your fault but the insurance found you at fault anyway? I just found this Dash cam for about 40 bucks that starts when you turn on your key and shuts off when you turn off ignition. It has 2 cams (front and rear) and continosly records to an sd card whenever youre driving. I thought it looked like cheap insurance, and Ive dealt with this company before with great results. Also, they do NOT charge shipping from Hong Kong to your door. But the sale is only on until the 8th of April. A couple of my friends that drive for a job have a very similar model that they paid over a hundred bucks for so I think this is a good price. I ordered one and it will be here in a couple of weeks, ill keep you posted. http://www.focalprice.com/ER1324B/X1000_8Light_20_TFT_Screen_Dual_Lens_Vehicle_Black_Box_DVR_with.html?utm_source=Radica&utm_medium=EM&utm_campaign=DM_1314ZM_ER1324B&Currency=CAD#.UWDZk_P4DmI Brian
  17. Good luck with your new wing! I hope you get many safe miles and years out of it. Brian
  18. just added mine, had to click edit button, then right click and select add placemark. then save and close it. Brian
  19. LOVE IT!!!!
  20. I havnt heard about the Isimple, but know that a few guys in here are using the Venture MP3 system that replaces the Cd and works off the handlebar controls. Oh, BTW, welcome to the group! I am sure youll find eveeyone here friendly and a lot of fun. (with useful info thrown in for good measure too) Brian A link to the thread about it. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=64911&highlight=venturemp3
  21. no, no probs here. that sucks that youre having issues. Brian
  22. That's a pic of snow on the railway tracks taken about 10 days ago just north of town a bit, so we have a BIG melt going on.
  23. I am from Regina Sk, about an hours drive north of the US border and about straight north of the North Dakota/Montana state line. Things are busy and expensive here because of the oil boom but we havnt been hit as hard as the Williston area, Ive been told that that the Willliston area is the worst area with the big rigs on the narrow roads squeezing riders out and pounding out the road surfaces, so I would recommend trying to avoid it, but the rest of ND was fine last summer when I went thru a couple of times. I would also check road reports as we have had record snowfalls around here in SK and in ND so I am expecting some significant flooding again this year that may affect roads and low lying towns. THe dams were opened more yesterday trying to lower lake and river levels in the area before this snow melt hits, so I hope its early enough to save ppl downriver from the damage we saw 2 years ago. Brian
  24. I just took the jacket into my local tailor shop and they replaced it for 25 bucks.... Brian
  25. DO you mean Eck or his computer? Personally I think Ecks issues might be more than high moisture content.....
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