I am from Regina Sk, about an hours drive north of the US border and about straight north of the North Dakota/Montana state line. Things are busy and expensive here because of the oil boom but we havnt been hit as hard as the Williston area, Ive been told that that the Willliston area is the worst area with the big rigs on the narrow roads squeezing riders out and pounding out the road surfaces, so I would recommend trying to avoid it, but the rest of ND was fine last summer when I went thru a couple of times.
I would also check road reports as we have had record snowfalls around here in SK and in ND so I am expecting some significant flooding again this year that may affect roads and low lying towns. THe dams were opened more yesterday trying to lower lake and river levels in the area before this snow melt hits, so I hope its early enough to save ppl downriver from the damage we saw 2 years ago.