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Everything posted by friesman

  1. I know, a few times......just havnr been able to get the Vancouver loop to work when Ive had the bike. Brian
  2. its is a gorgeous place, one of these days i gotta get to the area on a bike....... Brian
  3. I am one of the brian Fries's on FB CJ, but yes i think we are friends on FB ... Brian
  4. Here are some pics i took yesterday when I went for a "visit" I dont want her to get lonely. Brian
  5. I wouldnt pay for them either if they werent included on the bike. i like good LED light but there has to be a cheaper solution. Brian
  6. that is the dealer pic of the bike when they got it in for the trade in, its has the Daymakers installed now and yes they were about 800 bucks retail. Brian
  7. I really wasnt looking for a bike, but the guy at the dealership knew Ive liked the Roadglides for years called me and told me that he had a smokin deal..... I had to buy it....but .now i gotta sell the RSV tho Brian
  8. heres a pic its all I have as its back in storage until things warm up around here.. I am impressed with the fit and the finish and I think i got a pretty good price at 20k cdn and its only got 10000kms (6000 miles) on it. The dealer also gave me a 5 year warranty included. Its got the HD LED headlights and the upgraded Sound system too. All of the toys my RSV has.....
  9. yeah the exchange rate makes it almost impossible for a Canadian to buy a U.S. bike for a good price any more. When 10000 US price tage become about 15000CDN its hard to even look anywhere but Canada. I got what I think is a good deal on a 2013 Road Glide Ultra that has under6000 miles on it. plus they are including 3 more years of warranty. Brian
  10. HI Brett I am not offended at all, in fact i appreciate the honesty. I seemed to have as much space as on my RSV when I sat on it and took it for a quick trip through a warehouse. I noticed that the passenger area is smaller but I am not sitting there it doesnt bother me..
  11. THks Don, I wa looking for this and couldn't find it, then thought i was hallucinating about it and just dreamt it up.... Brian
  12. I am looking at a 2013 road glide ultra as its seems to be a good price and in perfect shape with almost no kms on it. I have missed the fixed fairing on my 85 Venture since ive sold her a few years ago and think I would like to go back to that setup. I was wondering if there are any major "gotchas" that i should look for when I look at the bike, and I would also like to know of any things about the bike you dont like about the Road Glide. Another issue for me is last summer i had some minor mechanical issues on my RSV and I had issues getting parts in to where I was in a timeley manner, so I thought that HD might be better at that with their large dealer network. our Yamaha dealers around here arent people I would buy anything from so my hand is forced if i buy another bike. thks in advance for your time and help, Brian
  13. thanks for the heads up i can save some cash.... Brian
  14. I did a bit over 16000 kms this year so about 10k miles but it certainly wasnt my best year.. in the 3 years since Ive had my RSV Ive put about 55000 kms on it (about33000 miles) Brian
  15. I have my Drift camera mounted on the left mirror stem. I had to fill build up the mounts opening a bit with rubber but it works fine. Perhaps the gopro is a different shape that wont fit there tho.... brian
  16. thks for sharing the pics! its good to see osme of those old faces again! Brian
  17. Clive and Cowpuc In the original link I posted the mini usb keyboard was included from AliExpress. It really doesnt require much setup just a bit of reading if you get the box pre set up like the one I mention is. I just plugged mine in connected it to my wireless and I was watching tv in a few minutes. If you want to try out Kodi before you buy the Android Box there is a windows version that will run on a windows 7 or higher computer and just watch it on the computer or plug the computer to your tv. Here is the link to the windows version of KODI from the tvaddons.ag (their version is called TVMC and its the version I like the best) people. Its a self updating version if you read all the way to the bottom of the page it will tell you everything you need to do the download and install. http://www.tvaddons.ag/tvmc-windows BTW, I still have a ROKU3 box and used to use it a lot before I got the Andoid box running KODI, ROKU is a bit easier to use, but choices in programming are a lot more limited. THe reason to go to an ANdroid box instead of just using a windows computer is that the Android box runs things faster and is easier to use with a tv. (also only 65 bucks instead of tying up a computer worth a few hundred.)
  18. Hi Clive Here is a link to a youtube vid that shows exactly how it works and just a few of the streaming options available. Its been quoted the Canadian news as legal because not downloading, you're just viewing the show or movie. You have to keep in mind that its free and you do need a bit more than a bare bones internet connection, and occasionally you may have to click on more than one connection to view a program. it works well on my work connection which is the 2nd slowest available. There is a bit of a learning curve as its so much to absorb all at one time with all of the choices and no central directory, but I mark mine as favourites and its all good for me. Make sure you get a Bluetooth keyboard with a touchpad, it will make using the unit so much easier... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-Lc655Zvos
  19. I am under the understanding that the carb boots on the RSV have a steel lining so unless the crack is right at the ends it probabaly isnt a major concern Brian
  20. SOunds good to me, lets work on that, maybe a change of location too? lets discuss on a new thread or via message. Brian
  21. I wouldnt buy a dish OR have cable. For the last year I have cut off my cable tv in favout of an Android TV box that streams all kinds of tv and movie to your tv through your internet connect. It doesnt usually even require an etheret cable connected to it as it will run on your wireless network in your home. The good boxes run about 60-125 bucks in price and you dont have any more charges for programming. I ordered my boxes from here , http://www.aliexpress.com/item/M8S-Android-Smart-JAILBROKEN-TV-Box-Amlogic-S812-Chip-4K-2G-8G-wifi-Bluetooth-HDMI-XBMC/32441552788.html?spm=2114.01010108.3.39.do4BZW&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_7_79_78_77_91_80,searchweb201644_5,searchweb201560_9 . these guys offer free delivery in most cases and this box was fully configured except for my wireless settings when I got it. Its a good solution foro tv for free...
  22. Rick, (SilvrT) I could help with that, if its decided to do something closer to west Canada..... Carson City is a pretty decent location as youre so close to Truckee and Tahoe just a short ride away, but I seem to remember the rides going any other direction are kind of bland and hot..... Brian
  23. sure can, I get a msg from him almost every day on Facebook.
  24. that sucks about your helmet, but a good story.. I went with the Nolan N44 helmet that is kinda like a modular, but you can never get stuck in as the chin bar comes off. I like the fact this helmet is convertible from full face to open face to shielded. Its the best fitting helmet for my xxxl round head that Ive ever had, (Ive always found the xxl HJC a bit on the tight side) Brian http://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/nolan-n44-helmet
  25. i still miss my 85. the larger trunk does remove like the 83-84, but it mounts on a one year only mounting plate design with key locks that are also your helmet locks. The side bags are exactly like the earlier bikes. I was told the frame issue was fixed after 83 models. mine had the plastic impeller in the water pump and it was pretty beat up when it was replaced. Brake calipers were the same as the earlier VR/s and brakes are linked if. I am pretty sure the stator had the hole and the oil spring but cant say for sure. MarCarl would be a good source on 85s too as he knew his machine far better than i knew mine. Brian
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