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Everything posted by friesman

  1. The back Metz on my bike was just changed because it was cupped badly. the bike wandered in left corners and had a vibration and made noise. I had the suspension checked when the new tire went in and all the bearings and joints are fine. As soon as I put the new Michelin C2 tire on it I can now pick any line thru a corner and it is solid. When I bought my bike up it had 25 lbs of air in the back tire and about 30 in the front. The previous owner liked a softer ride, I guess, but it did cup the tire badly. IMHO Brian
  2. Oil spots aren't normal, As Buddy said, its probably your oil overfilled. No more than halfway up the sight glass when the bike is upright, NOT on the kickstand. Also, the manual seems to ask to add too much oil by about 1/2/quart. Brian
  3. did you have Dunlop 404's or Dunlop 491 Elite2's ? I am thinking you had 404's as they are as Dunlops entry level tire. Brian
  4. Welcome to the group! I hope you enjoy everyone and get some good info and a few chuckles in the process. it might be a bit slow around here until next week and a ton of ppl are at the INTL Rally at Galena, but it will pickup. Brian
  5. just load all the music onto the SD card in the Garmin GPS and let it play through the bike speakers using the FM radio. then you get the music turned down and can hear your directions whenever there is a turn coming up. CD's will be as out of date as cassettes in about a year or so. Brian
  6. Has anyone tried the Laminar Lip? Its supposed to be good at directing air up and over the passenger area and its price doesn't look too bad as it just adds to your existing oem windshield. http://www.laminarlip.com/gl.php Brian
  7. Have a wonderful trip! I wish I could travel down there with you guys. Brian
  8. I would be inclined to think its because he is too close to Ottawa,....the feds are sucking everything in like a big black hole and its affecting time in the area..... Brian
  9. gee Steve, looks like you just caught that one in time. I think youre down far enough for a tire change. Brian
  10. you really did steal it, ENJOY! And if you join up we have the manuals in the forums somewhere..... Brian
  11. My noise disappeared as soon as the new tire went on, Got about 250 kms on the C2 and so far I love it! Brian
  12. Congrats on the new bike! and welcome to a great group, but I hafta warn ya, they get a little bit nuts at times.... Brian
  13. As the Michelin C2 Is a pretty new tire some of you may not have seen the tread pattern before. I think it looks kind of like the Avon style tread and I was told it has the dual rubber compounds, so it shouldn't flatten out like the Metz did that was on the bike until now. (C2 = Commander2) This is 2 pics of reaer tire, I didn't replace the front. Hers a link to more data about the tire. http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/3/31/401/41873/PRODUCT-REVIEW/Michelin-Commander-II-Cruiser-Rear-Tire.aspx
  14. Ill try to remember to post a pic of the C2 later so you can check out the tread pattern, but it does have the what-cha-ma-callits on it. On the edges of the tire we call em chicken strips. Brian
  15. I just swapped out the Metz on the back of mine to the Commander2 and I am really impressed with the difference in the ride. The Metz wasn't worn out, but was cupped badly, but I didn't realize how badly until I rode with the C2. I thought I had an engine miss from time to time but it turns out it was just the vibration from the tire at a certain speed. No noise when I lean the bike over now, and it seems to feel more planted in the corners. Ive got about 150kms on it and so far I am one happy camper! brian
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Yammer Dan Let me know. Right now a 700 mile ride doesn't sound great. Shovel has really been setting leg off and I have a lot of digging to do on my list. Looked it all over today and decided. Screw that shovel I'm going to rent trencher. I'm not one for using equipment to save a little sweat but leg just don't like that stuff anymore. And since I've already had my 29th birthday that could have a little to do with it. Gonna take some pills and a nap before I go down over the hill and retrieve shovel I threw down there!! Dan: I am with Condor on this one, we all know how much you like to ride and be there,...so why miss it and put yourself in pain, everyone would like to see you there with the cage and trailer,rather than for you NOT to be there. Plus the Warden and the rest of us wont worry about you riding with all those pain meds... Brian
  17. glad youre getting some asphalt time!!! Brian
  18. From what Ive read from the manufacturers that is not recommended as you'll will get heat build up in the tire and possible delamination and failure. Brian
  19. I was wondering that just yesterday...... Brian
  20. I was kinda wondering about VENTR , but thought someone might think I was a loudmouth (even more than I already am...... ) Brian
  21. OOOOhh, ummmm, too many Ontario Jokes,..... I gotta let that slide..... Brian
  22. Yep, I didn't hear about this soon enough and took out my odo on the way back from Cody a couple of years ago. I would recommend youre stopped when resetting the trip meter on the G1 bikes,....on the G2 I can reset all day!!! Brian
  23. Geez, you're one of the few that actually pronounces it right , Ive given up and gone with the flow too and just say FRYS now, but you're right, my last name is actually freeze. Brian
  24. Great ideas guys, keep em coming, I like quite a few of these. Thanks! Brian
  25. I was just readying George's post on another thread about a personalized plate with Gezer on a bike, and it made me think about asking you guys a question. Ive been toying with getting a personalized plated for my rsv and was kinda wondering what to get on a plate with a max of 6 letters/numbers. I know you guys will have suggestions, come on now,.. lets have them. Any ideas?
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