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Everything posted by friesman

  1. I live in Sasktachewan, kinda the last holdout of the socialists in North America. The provincial government runs some major corporations here that they feel can keep prices down by underwriting it themselves, but I think I am being fed a line of b.s. Our registration, plate and insurance is all lumped together as one charge. my registration and insurance for my 85 1st gen with 500k liabiilty and 700 deductible costs about 749 bux a year .( I get a 20% discount for good driving off that). But I usually turn in the plate and cancel insurance after about 6 months (very occasionally 7) and I let it sit with no insurance the rest of the year when its bein stored. That doesnt include any medical as all our medical and hospital stays are covered by our medicare program Brian
  2. I know oil is sometimes a hornets nest around here but I recently switched from a synth that the previous owner put in my 85 1st gen to a Canadian tire motorcraft regular oil at about 12 bucks a gallon,( i think it was 15-40) at the recommendation of another Canadian rider and it totally cleared up my slipping clutch here. Its so great in here how everyone helps one another out and bounces all the ideas and experiences around. this way when we share, we all learn ....and not all of us have to learn the hard way.
  3. Thanks for the reply to my message. Yes I am definitely interested could you send me some pics and details as price to my email at jungle@accesscomm.ca Thanks Brian
  4. When I first got my 85 VR a couple of months ago I started it with a jump off my 07 escape. I left the ignition off as I didnt want to fry an electrical on either machine. I used a heavy set of jumper cables and the VR fired right off and removed the jumper immediately on firing to avoid overload. I replaced the battery on the ride the next day, I figured if it won't start around 0 theres' not much life left in the battery. Brian
  5. Radar detectors are legal in Saskatchewan, for sure and I think Alberta, and B.C.allows their use also. I use mine all the time and have had a couple of the last 25 years. But he's right on about the guns and drugs thing. It's fine to have 2 pieces of ID with one being a photo ID, but if you have a passport bring it as it does seem to make things more standardized. We are all glad youre coming up, its always good to have more friends around up here. Brian
  6. Glad youre both here to tell the tale, My best wishes for a speedy recovery. Brian
  7. Best Wishes on getting your cataracts done Don. You'll think why didnt I get this done years ago. I had both eyes done about a years and a half ago (about 60 days apart) and it was the most painless and non invasive thing Ive ever had done. I walked out of the room 20 minutes after the procedure and spent the rest of my day doing normal stuff with out even a patch over my eye. I just couldnt bend over or do any work outside because of the dust. (darn, the yardwork had to wait) I didnt take any tylenol or any form of painkiller so it really was painless. (I am a winp when it comes to pain) So again, best of wishes with the procedure and if you have any questions feel free to contact me about it Brian PSA great side effect was the my vision went from being about 20/200 to 20/20 as they insert a lens to correct your vision, but if you do a lot of close up work you might tell that to the doc as mine said he could correct for long or short view( my choice) and could make it so I wouldnt need glasses for up close work, but I opted for the distance as ive never even been able to read an alarm clock in bed without my glasses, so I thought I could deal with the glasses for up close work.lol.
  8. I have a 85 1st gen that Ive owned for a couple of months now and I noticewd the clutch would slip in under full throttle in 2nd and occasionally 3rd gear. I happened to run into the prev. owner and he mentioned that he changed the oil and used synthetic in it. I remembered reading in here that some guys thought that the synth made their clutch slip so I thought what the heck give it an oil change ahead of schedule. Well, almost immediately after changing the oil to a good quality regular oil my clutch issues went away, now it will take the occasional full throttle burst with no slippage at all in any gear.
  9. I am looking for footboards/floorboards for my 1st gen VR but am having difficulty finding something I know will work. There are so many floorbards out there but out rides are getting old enough that theyre not included in the listing on what will fit anymore. Any suggestions ideas? Just got out bid on a pair on ebay that were markland brand but I cant find any info on them either. Thanks for all your ideas in advance.
  10. We took a jump today to 1.29 a liter (almost exactly 4 in a US Gallon) for regular and 1.34 for diesel. I dont know how truckers and ppl that drive for a living can make a living anymore. that works out to about 5.12 a USgal. Its making it harder and harder to drive the suv to work and around town everyday. The projections are for us to get up to 140 a liter and we produce all our own oil and gas and natural gas in the province,,,,, I dont get it.
  11. I have a brickstone on the front of my 1st gen so if you ever have a spare kicking around avon kicking around I would take it off your hands. the brickstone is not quite ready to be replaced but it feels so unstable at low speed that I was thinking its time to change it out, esp if I was planning to get down to Morro bay this summerin August.
  12. A couple of friends of mine did this run a couple of summers ago from a city a couple of hours west of here all the way up to Alaska. I know they rode Harleys on this run but I thought some ppl would want to see the scenery anyway, some of it is so gorgeous!!... (note the Harleys had breakdown issues... ) http://www.scra.ca/alaska
  13. My 85 VR had nasty rough sticky leather on the backrest and on the back portion of my seat. I tried a little to clean and fix it but didnt want to mess it up worse so I took it to a Fibrerenew dealer and for 50 bucks he cleaned up the leather, got rid of the rough spots and even filled a couple of small cracks. I wanted a black seat so i had him dye it for me, and it looks like new, all for 50 bucks. I think it was a good deal as i think it would have taken me several hours to get it even half as good as this guy did. So if you have a fibrerenew dealer in your area check it out I was real happy with the job.
  14. After looking at it again today and taking some straight edges and bubble levels outside I have come to the conclusion that its just the plastic fender that has warped over the years. It appears the fender has developed a slight twist to make the back of the fender almost touch the tire. that is a bit of a relief i can deal with that issue a lot easier that trying to figure out why a wheel isnt running true. Thanks for the suggestions though!
  15. Ive just noticed today for the first time that my front wheel looks like it is in the forks crooked. I have room for a finger and a bit under front of the fender on the left side of the bike but on the right side of the tire it barely clears the fender toward the back of the tire. Is there an adjustment for this. or is there something wrong with the bike. Ive only had the bike just over a month but havnt notices any strange tire wear and it doesnt feel spooky on the road. (but I am not sure what this bike sposed to feel like on the road either, as this is my first VR) Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks Brian PS actually what started this was looking at the bike to see what brace I had before I placed the order with Condor so this is all his fault, lol!
  16. I ran into the guy I bought my bike from and he happened to mention that he used synthetic oil and fluid in everything the last time he changed oil and flushed system. (which was when I bought it) Could it be possible that the synthetic fluid is causing my clutch to slip a bit?
  17. My 85 VR has about 40k kms (approx 25k miles) and I have a real problem getting her into neutral when engine is running, but it just seems to be a 1st gen VR issue. It just seems to skip over neutral alternating between 1 to 2nd while stopped at intersection, so Ive pretty much given up on the neutral thing at the traffic lights. I have another issue though when I open it hard in 2nd gear the engine revs and it feels like my clutch is slipping as it gets up to 5 or 6 thousand rpm very quickly but I dont get a fast accelleration feeling, then as the bike catches up in speed the revs will hold. I can lug the engine down in any gear and the clutch doesnt slip when i start hard in from a stop or if I lug it down in 3rd and accellerate. The trans never slips out of gear like the 2nd gear issue that Ive heard about and it almost feels like those newer CVT transmissions that some vehicles are using now. Any ideas or suggestions? PS ive only had this bike for a month so its still kinda new to it, but luvvin it so far.
  18. HI again With all our discussions of gas mileage with litres and 2 types of gallons ive done most of my estimates (roughly) as 4.0 litres to 1 US gallon as most (but I know defintely not all) posters in here are North American and a significant portion of those are from the US. (Plus the math is much easier for those of us math challenged people) Brian
  19. Sure 2 celsius is roughly 35 0r 35 farenheit 8 celsius is about 47 farenheit 21 celsius is about 70 farenheit. In the last few days our temp has warmed up quite a lot and my mileage has gotten significantly better and my choke is only on for a block or so after I get going. Mileage is about 38 last tankful so its looking better. I think I gotta take a ride out to Swift Current a couple of hours west of here, to get their warm weather and better mileage and cheaper gas, lol We are now 1.23 a liter for fuel (just under 5 bucks a gallon) this week.
  20. Ive an 85 VR with 38000 kms on it that Ive had on the road for about 3 weeks now. So far I am averaging about 28-30 kms after putting on about 800kms. I am thinking the biggest reason for my poor mileage is the weather Ive been riding in is usually 2 celisius to 8 celsius so ive needed some choke on quite a lot of the time. Today I was out and about for about 150 kms with the temp about 16 celsius and i was able to back the choke way off for the first time since owning the bike. Brian
  21. I was out and around town today it hit about 55f. Ive been riding this year since Mar16 my earliest year ever, hooray for global warming! atleast in this case....My first ride was about 32f and darn cold but it was just something that had to be done..(at least in my mind it had to be done, I am sure lots of ppl would differ at those temps, lol)
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