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Everything posted by friesman

  1. I cant imagine how upset you must be for paying a lot of money for what you thought was a primo ride with all the bells and whistles and the best warranty in the business. BUT that really doesnt give you any reason for going off on a person was just offering some help, there is a lot of people who havnt heard of greasing the splines and doing other maintenance stuff. I am thinking that with the frustration levels you must be feeling (and I would prbabaly be the same as you) it is prbably time to sell the ride, even if Yamaha does fix it, as you prbably will never like it or trust it again. Take care and try to relax, Brian
  2. My 85 VR has never started with the clutch in, the bike in gear and the kickstand up. Its a nitpicking thing for me that I just deal with rather than try to figure it out. Ive tried a few times and now I know that I always have to shift to neutral to start my bike no matter what. BUT, mine has never ever not started on me, so you issue is a bit more urgent than mine. so Ill just watch some of the answers in here and see what I can learn to get mine fixed. Ps thanks for posting, so we can all learn from the expereince. Brian:cool10:
  3. Ditto, very nice machining, it will be installed on Sat am, thanks for all the work, Condor!!! Brian:cool10:
  4. friesman

    Lost It

    check on ebay pinwall cycle store they have left and right sides for a buy it now price of 49 bucks and they look like the right colour for you http://stores.ebay.com/PinWall-Cycle-Parts-Inc_Yamaha-Venture-1983-1993_W0QQcolZ4QQdirZ1QQfsubZ4QQftidZ2QQpZ9QQtZkm Brian
  5. friesman

    Lost It

    That sucks, Sorry that your bike got screwed up in the process, but at least you got a good tire in the process. Have you chatted with the tire dealer to see if they will help out with some repair/paint expense? you would think that they should cover at least a portion of the cost. Thats too bad that it happened on such a gorgeous lovely bike, youve got the best year AND the best colour.(and no you cant have the saddle bags off mine, just cause they match yours! , lol)) MY bike loves the eliteII on the rear,no wobbles or anything at speed. It was scary above 100kphwith the bridgestone that was on the rear previously. Brian:cool10:
  6. Sounds like the same thing here on the prairies. We have had a terribly cold spring here also, we are still having some cherry trees etc. still blooming! waayy too late! forcast highs for the weekend are sposed to be 13 or 14, man thats mid march or april weather not June! Our normals are sposed to be 22 to24 for the daily high, global warming, hmmm, I am not sure about that! Brian:cool10:
  7. THis is something my father did a few years ago to prevent car thefts. He found and old car coil (model T vintage I think)around somewhere and charged it up real good and attached a wire to the ignition switch and the hood latch somehow. He then attached a hidden switch to turn it off and on when he wanted to use the car. When someone would touch the ignition switch without turning off the coil they got one nasty electric charge! Those old coils retained a lot of charge!!! It seemed to fix his issue and didnt cost much at all. Brian:cool10:
  8. I havnt seen this site discussed in here, so I thought I would share it just in case someone hasnt seen it. This site is called MapMyRun and you pick where youre going to run (in our case it is a mc run lol), put it on their maps and save it and its on a web page for everyone to see. You can put in turns and points of interest and even get everyone to run off a copy before you get to the start so everyone is aware of the route. It also can be used to plan a long distance run as well as local runs, and I understand that you could save it into google maps as well. Find it at www.mapmyrun.com Heres the link for the newbie ice cream run in Regina Saskatchewan. http://www.mapmyrun.com/route/canada/sk/regina/566211812621 Have fun!!! Brian :cool10:
  9. I have the saddleman's seat that has a hole in the seat behind the driver that I insert the backrest into. Its a mostly ok seat but if you have an office workers butt like mine, I find that it does seem to push you onto the tank. I love the fact that the backrest is removable as I dont have it getting in my way all the time, i just remove it for short, around town scoots. Brian:cool10:
  10. Geez!!! the bike was brown???? musta missed that LOL!!! Brian:cool10:
  11. Ive never seen a Stinger , but am sure someone else in here must have an answer for you. Perhaps if you posr a pic it will jog someones memory, we are all getting older you know and our memories are getting bad. lol My trailer is an enclosed Continental Cargo 6x10 and I like it a lot, but it does take up a fair bit of space. Brian:cool10:
  12. Our tech services dept has just finished about 400 ibooks using parallels to run XP PRO and by all reports from the tchs it runs well. We have about 1000 ibooks running bootcamp also, and when I askt the techs they like parallels mostly cause you dont have to reboot, but be prepared to add a bunch of ram. I am not a desktop guy just a lowly network admin so I get none of the fun toys anymore, so I am not totally up to speed on what they did , but if you need more info I will go over and ask them. Brian:cool10:
  13. When my 1st gen was running rough I dumped a full can in a tank ful of gas like a lot of guys stated in here, it seemed like a lot to me at the time, but I thought the worst thing that could happen is I have to do work on the carbs. It did wonders, I took it out for a good run for about 200k and it ran like a different bike, also about a week ago I filled at a discount station and bike bike felt like it had a miss almosy immediately after filling, so this time I poured in about half a can and the issue started to clear up. i filled next the bike was like new again. Brian:cool10:
  14. I have a black saddleman on my !st gen and like it a lot especially with the slide in and out backrest. I leave the backrest off for just scooting around town to make it easier for a circumferentially-challenged (fat ) guy like me to get his leg over the seat. LOL! But i do find the new seat has a tendency over a ride to keep pushing you forward onto the tank cover and mine doesnt seem to have as much cushioning as the original seat it gets hard and feels like there is no cushioning quite a lot sooner than the original. Brian:cool10:
  15. the words fail me right now, jt. But you and she will be much more comfortable at home where youve spent so much of your lives together. My thoughts and heart is with both of you right now. please dont let this be the final update, keep us in the loop so we can keep jeannie and you in our hearts, and so we can try to help get you through these trying times. Brian
  16. Thanks for all your work!, we all really do appreciate it, Any specific brand of Canadian beer you want me to bring down for you in August in SLO? Brian:cool10:
  17. sorry double posted, that senility again......
  18. I offered it to a VR rider a couple of days ago, and he hasnt come to pick it up, so let me get in touch with him to see if he still wants it. If he doesnt, its all yours Brian:cool10:
  19. theyre not importing the smart car into the US not all of North America as we have had in in Canada for about 3 yearsalready Brian
  20. geez i thought not havin a speedo wouldnt bother you ,then you dont know how much youre breaking the speed limit by, so you dont have to worry. Either that or if you never drive faster than 20 so it doesnt matter anyway Brian:cool10:
  21. I have a couple of friends that have smart cars up here and they both get around 45 miles per US gallon in town and close to 75 mpg on the highway with their 3 cylinder diesel. One guys has had his for about 3 years and loves it, I was surprised how roomy it is for the driver and passenger, but no luggage room , itskinda like riding my venture in the storage regard. Its gutless but they are selling like crazy up here with our higher gas prices and with the federal govt gving you 2 thousand bucks as an added incentive to buy fuel efficient vehicles they are having trouble keeping them in stock. I think its the only vehicle thats not a hybrid that qualifies for the federal grant money for efficiency. Brian:cool10:
  22. it still works on my laptop running Vista business, but when I access vr from my server workstation the tab for the state flag doesnt show so I assume its a settig for tags or security. I will try to find the time to have a look at this. Brian:cool10:
  23. i went with a wrap around that was big enuff to cover my eye and prevent some of the drying out and tearing, but the thing i like the best is the transitions lenses that get darker and lighter depending on sunshine. Eliminates having to have 2 or 3 pair of glasses with when youre riding. Brian:cool10:
  24. Prices do seem to be quite a lot higher up here than in the States, but this seems high even for Canada. I shopped around a bit before i bought my 85 royale in Mar and mine had 38000kms on it and the P O was asking 4800 and we agreed on 4000. I have since put about 3500kms on mine with a couple nitpicking issues but nothing like a complete carb rebuild. Brian:cool10: I have a friend that tows his covered trailer down to the US empty everytime he goes down on a vacation or weekend and he usually brings a bike back that he sells when he gets back and makes quite a lot of money at. I think he averages over a thousand bucks a bike!!! you states guys should all bring some bikes up whenever you come up for a rally and sell them for some extra cash while youre here. it might pay for your trip!!
  25. Thanks Rick, that does help a fair amount, Ive also reduced the amount of air in the class when I am riding around town to lower the bike a bit. Lowering it also helps this old fat boy get on the bike a bit easier, :rotf: Brian:cool10:
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