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Everything posted by friesman

  1. Yeah I wish I had bought it at a store, but no marine units were availble anywhere in the city (i guess it could have something to do with being about as far as you can be away from an ocean or a big body of water...) So I ordered it from Sonystyle.ca and I am not sure what their return policy is going to be. Brian
  2. OK Can I scream now? The Sony DeckIve just installed just wont work, its dead. I guess I got to call Sony about trying to replace it as soon as I can. That is so frustrating!!! When you buy new stuff you expect it to be more reliable than your old stuff...I guess after reading AZ's and Condor's posts in here.... and now with my issues with a Sony deck I am going to recommend that people dont deal with Sony for audio stuff. It used to be a good name but it appears Sony is having quality control issues. Brian:cool10:
  3. It looks like we have similar trailers, mine is a 6x12 continental cargo, and I put my 85 1st gen about 18 or 20 inches back from the front wall. I think my wheels may be mounted a little farther back on the trailer than yours but its so hard to tell, but my thoughts were that you need some tongue weight to avoid whipping the rear of the trailer around. Brian :cool10:
  4. Beleive me I hear you az, but i looked all over town and even on a few websites and it seemed that the only thing available in a marine deck on short notice was this Sony. It looks good and has all the features I wanted and the price wasnt bad so I thought what the heck Ill buy it. I had it in and running tonight (for about an hour, it was working, and sounding great, and then everything went black...... I really got more depressed after reading your email, az. But, it was dark out when I got home and didnt have any light to check out the fuses, so I cant really blame the deck yet,.....can I? I will keep you posted. Darn, and I wanted tunes for tomorrow, as there's about 20 of us making a run to Moose Jaw (yes really there is a place called Moose Jaw) for ice cream, so I am really hoping for a blown fuse on a bunch of levels. I love my tunes on the road... Brian:cool10:
  5. Its a marine unit ordered from Sony, plus most of the time my ride is inside. ....But there has been a couple of wet rides...
  6. Well Ive been fighting with myself the last while as I am not totally liking the OEM cassette am/fm radio in my 85 1st gen . I really do prefer to leave things stock as the manufacturer intended, but i just cant seem to get the sound out of the system that I like. Even after having the casette player/radio rebuilt I still have trouble with sound fading in and out on the right speaker (new Pioneer speakers installed also). So tomorrow night with a friend we are going to install a Sony cdx-m30 cd radio unit and run new wiring for the audio in my ride. This unit will allow me to mount an ipod and a satellite unit in my trunk(with the Sony adapter cabling) and still be able to control the music at the head unit or with the wireless remote I will mount somewhere convenient. I have the blank OEM filler panel where the OEM radio sits so we are going to cut an opening into that to mount the new unit. I am going to try to save the original mounts and connectors if possible so if i want to drop the old unit back in it will be a snap to do. I will try to remember my camera tomorrow night. Brian:cool10:
  7. Ive had a lot of trouble over the years with Canadian tire batteries, I thought it was my alternator in the car until I bought a Sears diehard and never had another battery issue....hmmmm. My own personal experience with Canadian Tire stuff is that its usually cheaper for a reason..... I tend not to buy their stuff that can wear out or break anymore. Brian
  8. friesman

    Air Cars?

    Popular mechanics said probably 2009 or 2010 for it to get to the US. Here is the article http://www.popularmechanics.com/automotive/new_cars/4251491.html?series=19 Brian:cool10:
  9. friesman

    Air Cars?

    Ive been following this company for 7 or 8 years and I think it could really have some potential if they can get approval to bring into the US and Canada. IT has some limitations but for the average commuter type person, or a delivery person it would be a great thing. It has built in air conditioning by redirectling exhaust thru the dashboard vents and its exhaust is just chilled regular air coming out. the byproduct of expanding gas being released is the chilling effect. They have no idea how it will run in cold weather and they dont know how they might heat a car for cold weather use. ( look at the unsucessfull attempts the vw beetle had at keeping the cabin warm in cold climates) But i think this might be the way to go in the future for people who think of their car as transportation first and adventure second........think of the cost savings using air for power.....its a lot of money saved in a big hurry with these things, ........but theyre so ugly..... Just my 2 cents brian:cool10:
  10. yeah what he said!
  11. It depends where youre going in Canada. I know they are legal in Saskatchewan where I live and I think Alberta and B.C. are ok as well, but I know in Manitoba they are illegal to have in your vehicle (but for out of province people they will usually just make you disable it). I am sure someone else in here will have the info on Ontario and the rest of Canada. Brian:cool10:
  12. I think I saw one at pinwall cycles website last night, follow the link off the right side of the forums page. Mine was giving me grief also but Ive decided to swap out all the equipment and go aftermarket marine equipment.. Brian:cool10:
  13. friesman


    I would be inclined to take it to a shoe repair or luggage repair business and let them have a look. The local guy here has fixed tears and rips in my leather and fabrics so you really done notice and its always real reasonable. Brian:cool10:
  14. I have an 85 1st gen VR without an intercom or cb, but I do have the casette and radio. I was thinking about buying an intercom off ebay, but was wondering if these guys have a solution for me that I wouldnt have to buy a used intercom /cb unit from ebay to use with their gen3 headsets. Brian
  15. I have just recieved an order from Newenough.com today. It arrived exactly as described and very quickly, (most stuff coming to Canada seems to take quite a while to arrive from most suppliers, probably our customs agents doing their (ahem!) job). I was surprised to see that they have a section for us hard to fit riders, and, as each product fits differently, they attempt to give you a chart with actual measurements so you tell what size will actually work for you depending on product line. I have to tell you if they wouldnt have had the chart I would have ordered a size or 2 smaller on the Joe Rocket mesh jacket I ordered. It fits well and I am very happy with it and the very good price they had on it. I thought that 85 bucks for the joe rocket jordan jacket with liner and padding in my size was an excellent deal as most places for something comperable were close to double. So thanks NewEnough for a job well done. Brian:cool10:
  16. Cheaper, I hope,,,,,LOL! Brian:cool10:
  17. here are my 2 email addresses perhaps the spam filter on one is kicking you out. the best one to get me at is brian.fries@rbe.sk.ca if that doesnt work try jungle@accesscomm.ca The same e,ail addys will work for the 2 tshirts too, I got confirmation from paypal the the money was sent for both the tshirts and the raffle tix . Thanks for all your help and hard work, Brian:cool10:
  18. Just checking to make sure that you got my order for 2 last night thru pay pal to your email. I also sent an order thru paypal for 3 tix for the trailer raffle last night. I think I included my info..... but at my age not really sure anymore.....lol Brian:cool10:
  19. Yeah what he said, terrible cold spring, got our first rain since mid march the last couple of days. the forecast for the next 2 days is 10 celsius (hmm what is that 40 to 45 farenheit? its terrible). Our average for this time of year should be 22c to 24 c for daytime highs (about 75F or a bit more). I guess it shouldnt be surprising we're both complaing about the same weather when we are only about a 4 hour drive apart on the plains of Western Canada. The wheat crops are barely up, its almost too cold for anything to grow so far..... Brian
  20. Thats great news jt, give her a big hug and kiss from all of us. Dont worry about learning how to do any of the procedures thy're simple as pie... mmmm.....pie......lol All my best wishes and thoughts are headed your way always, Brian
  21. I work in a school system that uses both macs and toshiba laptops with over 1000 of each ibook and Toshiba satellite laptops out in use. Our repair rate on the ibooks is AT LEAST quadruple what we see on the Toshibas. You cant beleive everything you see on the commercials. The MAC osX operating system probabnly is more user friendly but there isnt many games written for it, and I think (purely an opinion, here guys) that xp pro is as good for the average user to use. Tigerdirect.com had some laptops advertized today from 350 bucks on up. My recommendation no matter what you buy is just to load up with as much ram as it will hold and get the biggest harddrive you can get for your budget and youll be fine. Brian :cool10:
  22. I would change a couple of things about my 85 VR - the cassette player would have to be changed out to mp3 player with some good speakers -Floorboards so I can move my feet around to get comfy on a longer run. -an adjustable height windshield , my buddy has this on his kaw concours , sweet! -a little less upright sitting position, i like to slouch a bit more,,,,lol Brian:cool10:
  23. I saw this on the net and thought all the sadists and masochists alike would want to see. Brian:cool10:
  24. Thanks for posting the info, I was starting to wonder if I got a brace that was machined incorrectly or if my forks are messed up as it was a shade from dropping into place. I will give your procedures a try and see. I am looking forward to trying the bike out after I can get it intalled and see if it affects my handling. I had no glaring issues, but low speed cornering seems sluggish and heavy. Brian:cool10:
  25. I have seen some postings in the various forums that some 1st gens didnt like the venom tires, they caused a wobble, but check around on the forums in here for yourself. (or someone else in here with way more knowledge than I will probably have some more info) I ride an 85 1st gen that had bridgstones front and rear when i bought it and it had a bit of a wobble at 100kmh, so, when the rear needed replacing I went to the Elite II and the wobble went away. I still have the bridgestone on the front but the bike feels heavy in front when low speeds and it sometimes feels like its gonna break loose while leaning into a corner. (the front is the next to go to an Elite II as soon as the budget allows) But as far as mixing 2 brands of GOOD quality tires, i dont think you will have any issues as long as you follw the inflation and loading specs on the tires. Some people buy a cheaper tire for these machines and dont realize that they are over the load limit and then wonder why the tire only lasts a short time or they start having issues. Brian:cool10:
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