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Everything posted by friesman

  1. Hey there Rick If you need any plastics for your brownie let me know, it looks like mine will be parted out when i get homefrom Venture West next week as the final drive gear coming out of the back of the gearbox of mine is totally messed up and its gonna cost way too much to get fixed



  2. Wouldnt that be TWO from each state?:rotfl:
  3. But just being in California for a visit, did my 85 in , I cant imagine what buying one from here would do ....... Brian But if you need any parts for an 85 except for the gearbox I will be parting mine out when I get home.
  4. my 85 brown seat did that as well and it seems to be a common issue. Most end up getting the seat reupholstered. I replaced my seat but opted to try a company called fibrerew that has franchisees all over north america that specializes in redoing damaged fabrics and vinyl and leather to do my passenger backrest and it turned out great for 50bucks. (they also dyed it black to match my new seat for that same 50bucks) I think maybe that I should have tried the fibrenew option before spending a bunch of money on a new seat. Brian
  5. It depends what you want to use it for , but if youre a gamer go with a PC , far better choice of games for windows OS. If youre going to buy this MAc to put xp OS on it.....why pay more for the mac hardware ? if youre going to run a pc use the cheaper pc hardware to do just as good a job for less. Brian
  6. they were 359/gal today at about 4pm. whew! what a shock going into a strong wind pulling the trailer.......the Mastercard statement is gonna be healthy this month...lol! Tried calling your cell tonight and left a message. I will be in to Carmichael early Wed. I am in Winnemucca NV Sunday night . Brian
  7. Sorry I cant think of a reset button, where is it? Brian
  8. Travelling across montana today from northeast to southwest Ive seen prices as high as 429 gal in Plentywood down to 409 in Great Falls mt and ive just filled in Butte mt at 389gal. Boy is that cheaper than home at 131 a liter!!! Brian
  9. Clearview seems to have a bit of a backlog going, mine took about 9 weeks or so to get. I installed it 4 nights ago and I love the way it blocks the wind and how wide it is for keeping the rain off me. But, I am a bit bugged because my vent looks like it is slightly tilted down on the left side when looking at it from the riding side. From the front you can see the tilt if you know its there. I will take some pics and send them to clearview to see what they will do, but I am a bit concerned as most companies want you to pay for the shipping if theres any issues and I feel I already paid enough for the shield, but I will see what they have to say before I go diving off into the deepend. Brian
  10. It may be all wet but we can still hear the radio in the rain dont have to listen over the whine.....or chirp! :rotfl: Brian
  11. I put a kenwood deck that has am/fm, mp3 , ipod, and usb support and pioneer speakers in my 85vr All I do is fill a 4 gig thumbdrive full of the tunes I want and plug it into the supplied cable. It also does ipods and will control them from the panel, but I figure why waste the money on an ipod when the thumbdrive is waayy cheaper. I have a snap on watertight bubble cover that I put over it when raining that I found at a marine store to protect it. Brian
  12. I am glad you had a good trip, that would be a great one to do in the late fall, i think. One of these days I will make that one too. Brian
  13. We use NTSC format in North America and most of the rest of the world uses PAL format for DVD and vhs recordings. If youre using NTSC (check on the back of any dvd cover that works in your player) you would be ok,but, if youre PAL (and I think you may be) it wont work in most of your players, there is a small percentage that do play both formats but the numbers of those players used are very small. Brian
  14. It sounds like you and I have the same oil leak issues, I replaced a couple of seals on the lower left and am replacing cam cover gaskets tomorrow as theyre leaking a bit but I cant see that they are my complete leak issue. Going have another good look around again to try and track it down. I really dont like these things that arent so straight ahead and you end up working on 3 or 4 things before you finally get the thing fixed up.... Brian
  15. We can try to get that in while I am around down there if you want and if we have time. I am not a great mechanic, but an extra set of hands helps out. Brian
  16. If youre crossing Canada next summer you almost hafta cross thru my neighbourhood as I am about halfway between Calgary and Winnipeg on the TransCanada highway. Let me know what your plans are and if youre around here next summer I would love to put a face to the name and trade some stories. Btw heres a link to some pics I took in Halifax about a month ago, its a gorgeous place to be , I ran outta time and didnt get to Cape Breton, just to Peggys Cove and around st. Margarets Bay to Mahone Bay and Lunenburg. I had a blast and loved the scenery, I am sure you will too. http://picasaweb.google.ca/friesman1 Brian:cool10:
  17. I have tried Synth (mobil one) no friction mods and my clutch slipped almost immediately and it was worst in 2nd and 3rd under hard accelleration, but almost any gear when tried. I changed the oil back to dino and it got better but now after 2 oil changes still slips sometimes when the engine is cold, and goes away after about 10 minutes of running. I dont know whether the synth caused an issue or just made a situation come to my notice a bit quicker. My ride only has about 33000 miles and as far as I know has never had any clutch work done, so its overdue, I guess. Brian
  18. We are glad youre here in theVenturerider board, but especially glad that youre ok after the crash. I hope you heal quickly and get the pain gone asap. (those pills are too expensive......lol) brian
  19. Geez what dont you know something about? Brian:rotfl:
  20. I am glad youre still around to tell us about your misadventure. We all hope you heal quickly and get thru the pain part fast. Brian
  21. Thanks for posting that. On the way home from VentureWest I think I will take a break and have a ride around the area, it looks great! I am passing right by , it seems its not even out of my way, so your timing is excellent. Brian:cool10:
  22. I am not worried , if worse come to worse , it has a nice big wheel at the front so I can push it into a tight spot after I uncouple it from the SUV, lol
  23. Thanks! I hope we can get to gether, it is always great to put a face to the posts. I am not 100 % sure of my timing but right now I think i should be through your area Monday eve or Tues. I am going to stop along the way to see the sights if something looks interesting so thats why I am not sure of when I will be there. But I.ve been thru yellowstone, Montana and parts of Idaho before a few times so I was kinda thinking of spending more time looking around in your area and CA. Brian:cool10:
  24. I knew that and appreciate the concerns to keep me on the route. I did this one up as I didnt want to post your address to the world. Hmm have you been watching my webcam, and seen how crappy I am at backing the trailer into the spot? I suck big time at backing up, LOL! Brian
  25. Got a gps, and love it , my brain still like maps to plan a route tho, the gps gets used pretty much only while moving. I just used mapquest to be able to post the link for viewing. Brian
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