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Everything posted by friesman

  1. ya need some Canadian Provincial flags too!!!! The flag of Saskatchewan features the armorial bearings (coat of arms) in the upper quarter nearest the staff, with the floral emblem, the western red lily, in the fly. The upper green half of the flag represents the northern Saskatchewan forest lands, while the gold lower half symbolizes the southern, prairie wheat-fields. The flag is constructed in the proportions 1:2.
  2. Keep us posted, depending on timing /routeI can meet you somewhere depending on your route, I am about 90 minutes north of the border at the ND/MT state line. Brian
  3. Thanks for the link, Dave a few friends and I are tentatively planning a 2015 ride into the area. I might have to use your area knowledge if we get on to the setting up and organizing stage. Brian
  4. Free college, gee, last I checked tuition north of the border was about the same as south.(unless youre in a name brand school) . there are a few friends sending their kids to Minot State as its cheaper than U of S .... Brian
  5. Is that Owl in that pic? Brian
  6. I think HI-YO!!! would be a good name for her as she is Silver after all . and she will be running away when ever Dan gets her on the road.. Brian
  7. Well, all you Leafs fans need something to do when the rest of Canada is watching hockey playoffs... Brian
  8. Brian, ignore my PM if you've seen it already... , I just read your last post a second ago.... but it really worth the time and money to see it. Brian
  9. If youre selling the bypasses for the RSV I would take one. I would prefer the keyless operation but either is fine. Brian
  10. pm sent Brian
  11. I was just going to use the connectors and lines from a set of air shocks, it looks to me like the should work. It looks like most auto suppliers carry the kits for about 20 bucks or so and you just trim the lines to fit. ( I havnt tried this out yet, but it looks to me like it should fit) Brian http://www.ebay.com/itm/Monroe-Air-shock-hose-kit-with-the-single-fill-valve-option-/380404784582
  12. So saddened to learn of her passing, my heart goes out to you and your family. Brian
  13. Looks like you all had a good time! :banana: Brian
  14. Here is a thread that explains it .. and Snaggletooths posts, give a good description of how the valve works. http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=47202&highlight=temperature+sensor Brian
  15. yeah, what randy said,....your water is probably bypassing, that valve has always looked like it was setup backward to me..... Brian
  16. Better check the Clearview site, I think you are supposed to measure from your gas tank straight up to get height. Clearview says its something about their windshield angle and the recurve that you cant measure the regular way. Brian
  17. Or you do what I do, pack your oldest underwear and socks for the trip and just throw them away as you travel and buy new at Walmart as you need. Also only take along a shirt or 2 as you will need to buy souveneir shirts as you travel.... And if all else fails and you do get to much stuff accumulated just mail your dirty laundry home.... Brian
  18. I have had the Diamond Gusset Defender biking jeans and love them, They are comfortable and fit right and I like the velcro closure at the ankle so the pantleg isnt open to flap and allow insects up into.... In fact I like Diamond gusset jeans so well, that I only buy their jeans now in the regular styles. Great product. Brian
  19. Maybe check with Barend , he still has his leaning sidecar for sale. Brian
  20. my 2 cents, I find that my RSV is quite a bit hotter on my upper legs than my 85 G1 Venture was, especially when stopped in traffic. I always ran the 85 with the plastic fairings on and found it gave me goos weather protection. The RSV gives me good weather protection but I have had a passenger or 2 say that they got some wind buffetting until I put the xxl clearview windshield on. But I am taking that windshield off as its too tall and I cant see over it in the rain. I think I am going to order the large Baggershield so I have the best of both worlds for wind/protection. Brian
  21. I bought the RSV on may 1st in Calgary, made somewhere between 18-20k kms on it. I wandered through Manitoba, Saskatchewan Alberta, British Columbia, North Dakota, Minnesota and a quick beer trip into Idaho. I put the bike into storage in the 3rd week of October and it was my shortest ride season ever, but my highest mileage year ever as i could really put the miles on the more comfortable RSV. Brian
  22. Wow, so sorry to hear of Jean's medical issues,..my thoughts are with you and your family at this time and wishing for a speedy, and complete recovery for Jean. Brian
  23. It may look like a Harley knock off, but its a dam fine looking one, it was designed to look better than the Harley........this has some originality. Brian
  24. I have a anti theft device that has a remote, ive never installed it, its new, but think it will chirp the horn by clicking the handheld device. I would think you should be able to wire an led to the horn to flash when the horn sounds. I can send it down to you, no charge. i dont know what the range of the handhelds is but if you think it would work for you, its yours. (it may need batteries in the handheld units, as ive had in my storage area for about 4 years) Brian
  25. As an Atheist, I would love to take my day in lieu of Christmas day in the warm weather when I could be riding, not in the middle of the shortest daylight part of the year when its too cold to ride!!!!! I would like to say Merry Christmas to eveyone here @ vro. Wishing you all the best in the New Year. Brian
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