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Everything posted by friesman

  1. heres a link to a rack that Rivco sells for Harley. I really like the look as it is different than the tubular stuff, But not sure if it will fit your scoot. It might be worth a look, plus Rivco carries matching side bags chrome also! http://www.rivcoproducts.com/products/home.php?cat=273 Brian
  2. No choices here either i have to deal with SGI my insurance and plates for the bike is 695 yrly with 500 deductible and a million liability, but last year i only licensed it for 6 months after it broke. I put storage insurance with value of 5000 bucks on it as an add on to my home policy for 50 bucks a year. My drivers licence is 25 bucks a year, clean abstract, 51 year old. Brian
  3. usually when something wont start in cold weather its because your cold battery only has a small percentage of its available change compared towhen its 70f. So why not go to wally world and buy a battery blanket you just wrap it around your battery or your engine and keep it warm. they have a low current draw and theyre faily cheap http://www.jeepworld.com/accessories/wrangler/battery.htm Brian
  4. This is the one i got last year from New Enough its a great nelson-riggs bag with a waterproof cover. it was about 97 bucks and its expandable upward to almost double the height. http://www.newenoughhp.com/browse/view_product_images/1120 Brian
  5. Winter has been so long around here that everyone wants it to end!!!!! Brian
  6. Well then, ya better get your butt up here and partake in the good times!!!!!! Brian
  7. During the rebuild of my 85, Rocket has purchased most of the parts from flatout motorcycles. It looks like your part number is about 19 bucks from them here is the link http://www.flatoutmotorcycles.com/fiche_select.asp?mfg=Yamaha&partnumber=26H-12578-00-00+ Brian
  8. I dont follow recommendations on the can after reading recommendations in here i usually use about half a can or more in a tank of fuel. If your bike is running as badly as you say I would prolly say a full can in a tank would work well. But your bike will run crappy for a while until you burn that tank out thru the bike. Also ive found i got best results if i ran the bike hard with the seafoam in it. Brian
  9. I doubt if the RSV will fit in that trailer. so dont rely on it to get the bike home. I think its still an ok deal as long as you dont need the trailer to get the bike hime. Brian
  10. when you get your new computer set up, try a nice easy way to backup your important files. All you do is download the free client to your computer (PC or MAc) and it will backup your files to their server on whatever schedule you like. You pick all the settings and it will backup up to 2 gigs, so you can now get your important pictures and documents away from your home or business in case of emergency. Its at www.mozy.com and just look for the free one. Brian
  11. It depends what you want a computer to do . If all you do is web browsing and email, you are probably better off budget wise buying a 400 to 600 buck machine from any reputable manufacturer like HP any running Vista or XP home. The big thing is I would try and buy whatever you get locally so you can get support and warranty when you need it, rather than try to send something across the continent for repairs or having to talk to an offshore support desk. Personally, I try to stay away from Dell and Gateway as I find their stuff too proprietary and you need specific drivers from them that arent always available on their website,and if you cant find what you need they are gonna charge you lots for support. I cant really recommend Macs either as quite a few games and programs wont run on them and I am finding their hardware is NOT as reliable as every thinks it is. Our school system is about 50/50 split macs and pcs and our MAc hardware reliabliity rate is actually about 20% lower than our HP desktop and laptop rate is, and the price is substantially less on a pc. (We have over 6000 machines in our system so its not a small sample). Macs do, however a better job at dealing with graphics manipulation and image sampling but for the average user the mac isnt necessarily a better machine. I do realize that you can run XP when you use bootcamp on a MAC but then youll have to buy an XP license separately adding to an already higher price. This is just a few personal observations, and everyone will have their own take on it I am sure. Brian
  12. Ive never pulled a trailer behind my bike, but behind a cage you need a minimum of 10% of total trailer weight on hitch. But on a bike I would imagine you have to be mindful of maximum as well as minimum weights on hitch. Maybe something shifted during the trip causing to much or too little weight on the hitch? Brian
  13. ....and it ends up all over the front of Lone Eagle's RSTD and that gorgeous engraved windshield when it blows out of my engine at hiway speeds........:whistling: Brian
  14. NOT POLITICAL!! Its about the news reporting agencies!! I agree!!! All the news hounds find an issue and make it seem worse than it really is. Yes there are lots of people in a rough spot right now and I feel bad for them, but it seems every story seems to be a profoundly sad or negative one. There are success stories everywhere but when the economy is in the tank like it is right now, no one wants to publish those, so we get feeling all depressed and thinking that things are worse than they really are. A lot of the issues are caused by people hearing some bad news and then thinking they may not want to spend cash on something, so the whole thing escalates and becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Brian
  15. I just rented from uhaul for about 25 bucks a day when I bought my 1st gen, you bike wont fit in the smallest low deck bur works fine on the next size up thats a little bit higher but not bad with the ramp. Brian
  16. I found a couple of vids on youtube taken in and around Nelson BC where the Kruisn the Kootenays Rally is going on in July 2009. I thought it might be good to give everyone a look at the scenery and roads we will be riding on. Youre all invited to come on out and enjoy!! more info at [ame= ] [/ame] [ame= ] [/ame] [ame= ] [/ame]
  17. YOu missed your chance to get back at him, big tom, Once you saw the return address you should have blacked out your address and then let it go back to his return address and then watch the squirming!!!! Brian
  18. Well, thats because if you couldnt drivr in the rain in Seattle, you would never be able to drive or ride!!!!:rotfl: Brian
  19. I am thinking that the Guard rail didnt look nearly high enuff in that kinda weather... Great video! But diappointed you didnt want to take your scoot for a spin in that kinda weather! lol! Brian
  20. I think i remember reading in the manual of my 85 1st gen that if you move the throttle 10miles an hour higher or lower than the set point it will automatically disengage the cruise. (BUt I dont have my manual right now to confirm this). I DO know that this is how my 85 works though. Brian Oops sorry bout the hijack JJF, i got focused on EFudds issue.
  21. Het Scotty can you give us a rough idea of where you were and what highways you were on in your vid? Excellent vid by the way, makes me wish for spring even more so we can get to Nelson BC for the rally in July!!!! Brian
  22. If youre looking at saving ideas, DONT save the Going to the sun highway for Sept as it wont be open when you do Cody WY. Do that one if you can for your early run up to Billings, its really worth the trip but the only time you can be sure it will be open is july and August. Brian
  23. Geez its too bad that they couldnt not locate geraldo rivera instead....... :rotfl: Brian
  24. Wow! that sucks, i wont be recommending them again, then...i hate that when you recommend a place you had good luck with, and then it goes bad when someone else tries them out. Sorry that i sent you to get insulted, I just dont understand that attitude from a businessperson.... Brian
  25. Actually here when it gets cold the antifreeze gels in the thin tubes in your radiator when youre at hiway speeds and stops all antifreeze flow from happening, thats why you see quite a few trucks and cars with a covering over the front of the grill. Once your rad is gelled youre stuck ,it wont thaw for a while. Brian
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