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Everything posted by friesman

  1. That item has been deleted or the auction has ended. Brian
  2. UMMMMM!!! maybe not! Brian
  3. Actually it looks like this guy makes the entire set of tank bib, trunk cover and side bag lid covers. While its different than Phils its still a nice clean look on a G2 scoot! http://motors.shop.ebay.com/merchant/tsavoie9 Brian
  4. I would love something like that for my 85 G1, does anyone make those for our scoots? Brian
  5. hmm maybe check ujoint and driveshaft for wear ? Brian
  6. I dont wear a modular but I wear the full face HJC FS 10 with the interior flip down sun visor. I love the fact I dont have to pack extra sunglasses and the visor comes down even with my glasses on with lots of room. It does seem to do a great job of not fogging with the venting setup. Here is a review http://blog.danzbb.com/?p=341 Brian
  7. Thats exactly what I was thinking!!!!:innocent::rotfl: Brian
  8. Good luck Gary! and I hope its gonna do wha its sposed to. Are ya doing lapband or bypass? Brian
  9. here is some pics and a write up of how some other guys with long legged gals fixed the issue. http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=261564#post261564 Brian
  10. Its when Rick gets let out of the rubber room and the strait jacket for a whole day!!!!:rotfl: Brian
  11. Any new motorcycle rider here has to take the Motorcycle Safety Course. The certified instructors tell every class to ride with their high beams (and driving lights) in the daytime, at night they recommend the low beam with the driving lights in traffic. According to them the biggest factor in motorcycle accidents is being seen and the fact if you only have one headlight without driving lights, cagers cant judge the bike's distance or speed. BTW, headlight and taillight modulators are illegal here except for emergency vehicles Brian
  12. I dont have cb on my G1 Venture, but in a thread earlier today this was posted to be a good unit. I think both units are pretty much the same but the more expensive one will give you your intercom. You will also need an antenna and helmet headsets. I dont know what else might be needed as I am just looking at this equipment as well. http://www.sierra-mc.com/products.asp?cat=243 Brian
  13. I was kind of thinking of putting a cb in my 85 but it has none of the fittings either. I was thinking that there must be an aftermarket solution for this that bolts on the handlebars . Does anyone know which one might be better than any others? Or would I be better going the OEM route? Brian
  14. Hey if your going to Alaska in about 5 years let me know! i might want in too, if youll have me... 3 friends from Swift Current went a couple of years ago and loved it. they took pics every day and uploaded them to a server, here is the link http://www.scra.ca/alaska Brian PS sorry if i got ya hijacked off topic.
  15. We use Sophos av on all of our machines including their Pure Message software on out email servers. It runs a far smaller footprint than McAfee or Symantec and they specialize in businesses and education. They are set by default to check for new updates every 10 minutes and most of their updates are just a few kbs not mgs like McAfee. Its fully configurable from their console and I have found their helpdesk very accessible and on shore not off shore. I found them very competitvely priced when compared to McAfee, plus in our case they are allowing us a copy for our home users for free for every desktop we license. It has been quite well reviewed when we were doing our research before we made the switch. Brian
  16. Hey Pete, get better soon, I am sure youll be up and around in no time. Best wishes for a speedy,painless and uneventful recovery. Brian
  17. Youre the only sane one because you got one of each!!!.................................. Brian
  18. It looks like sirius xm is possibly looking at bamkruptcy proceedings so maybe hold off on any new subs or renewals. http://www.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idUSTRE51980920090210?feedType=RSS&feedName=businessNews&rpc=23&sp=true Brian
  19. heres an article i read today about Yamaha profitabilty about to be announced in the next day or 2. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601101&sid=apI5Q5vsNCdQ&refer=japan Brian
  20. I went to my locksmith and he found a flat key that fits in my wallet, so I carry it everywhere. Brian
  21. Hi, welcome to the best group of misfits anywhere!! Brian
  22. I have a G1 1985 venture Royale with about 32000 mi;es on it. Brian
  23. Have you guys had some real cold weather? if yes, how strong was your antifreeze mixed? Brian
  24. I am so disappointed in you guys!!! Someone has a hobby other than eating???????? :think: Brian
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