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Everything posted by friesman

  1. heheh yep i knew you were kidding, but just I cant let a slam on my favourite country go by without payback.... Brian
  2. Prolly the same reasons they would go to Illiinois for the winter as the temps arent that far apart, most of the time. Brian
  3. AAWWW i feel sorry for her, if you were a nice guy you would have gone to the peg instead of her, you shouldnt send a lady into that cold! :snow2: Brian
  4. Hey HeatonMT ! Whereabouts are you up here? its a big country, even bigger than the US, we just live farther apart up here!, lol If it makes you feel any better it was -30 (-22F) when I got up. The news said that this has been the coldest winter in 15 years here. Brian
  5. If any one is looking for the rivco rack its cheaper here http://www.wingstuff.com/pgroup_detail/105_Rivco_Products/2055_Goldwing_Receiver_Cooler_Rack_11x16/?goto=%2Fpgroup_list%2Fgl1800%2F105_Rivco_Products%2Fmfg%2F I like the rivco better as its polished aluminum and has the quick detach part that also hold the rack straight on a flat hitchplate, but i like the shiny stuff!!! Brian
  6. I was eyeing up the Rivco rack they make 2 sizes and the have an adpater that means you can pull 2 pins and pull it off your bike instead of having to unbolt it off your hitch. I beleive Sleeperhawk has a rack, he has told me he likes it. Here is the one I am ordering http://www.rivcoproducts.com/products/home.php?cat=397 Brian
  7. Gigwhiskey , PB &J and i are convinced that the 85s are fastest and best. My 85 is getting stainless brakelines, i understand its a bear to do if the bike is together, but Ill let you know if I think its a good upgrade. What colour is yours? most 85's seem to be the Glorious Maxie Brown. I would do both fork seals while youre already working on it and consider putting progressive springs if you find the front end soft as theyre only about 70 bucks. Brian
  8. here is the link, I think youre going to have to do some soldering. It looks pretty easy. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=493 BriaN
  9. just asking this because ive seen a couple of ppl miss it on a new-to-them bike. Do you know that the key has to be in the ACC position to work? It wont work while the bike is running. Brian
  10. I dont know about AAA but i do know CAA will draw up a complete route for you with recommendations of things to see and will even print off a custom map with flips so you can look at more detail without having to fold up a map. Its kinda like a tank map and gives you 300 miles or so at a page. I would recommend you get AAA (as its good in Canada or the US ) if you dont have it before you leave home incase something goes wrong I think you might need the RV option for the distance towing option. Brian
  11. When I went to California i just posted what my rough plans were and roughly what I wanted to do and the best places I ended up visiting were places that these guys recommended like Crater Lake , and Lake Tahoe just for a couple. I would post a bit more info on what you plan to do and then be prepared to go with the flow when the recommendations come in. I would defintely plan on getting a gps if you dont already have one, it makes the trip ssooooo much easier not having to drag a map out and stop. If youre on the transcanada highway in western Canada, let me know, maybe we can meet up somewhere. Brian
  12. Its really ruff here too, I doubt if ill be able to get running by April this year. We still have snow and ice everywhere, and I dont think we have even had a day above freezing yet this year, IT Sucks bad!! Last year I licensed and rode the scoot from Mar 15th on, but it aint happening this year. I spose I shouldnt get too bent out of shape by the weather as my bike is still apart, but its tuff getting this late in Feb and having this cold and snow. Brian
  13. Yep, thats why my 85 still doesnt have the plugs in the handlebars. Brian
  14. you mean the black plastic plugs on the top on the handlebars where u adjust the ends up and down? if so, last time i checked the dealers could still get them as a special order, or go to flat out motorcycles and check their parts diagrams. http://www.flatoutmotorcycles.com/fiche_section_detail.asp?section=21646&category=Motorcycles&make=Yamaha&year=1993&fveh=551 Brian
  15. I use a free program called Floola with my 8 gig ipod. That way I can load any mp3 to my ipod without being limited to using itunes. With Floola I can also synch my ipod on more than one computer so its easier to swap mp3s from computer to computer as I have different music at work and at home. With itunes i can only synch my ipod to my home machine only. Floola has an app for windows, mac and linux http://www.floola.com/modules/wiwimod Brian
  16. I cant imagine you retiring Rick, youll drive Nina crazy around the house, pacing with all the time on your hands....lol. Maybe you shoulda bought the harley to keep you busy in your retirement so you would have something to work on with all that spare time. Brian
  17. With a group of people this obsessed with food how can it be a bad idea? We should be able to put together one of the best lists anywhere. Brian
  18. Here is a link to the service manual available here in the forum. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3384 Brian
  19. Just kidding you, but would love to see you guys come out for the weekend. If you decide to go, just let us know when you book your hotel. Yeah, the CDN dollar was great last summer when I was on vacation too, it sucks right now for anyone wanting to go south for a vacation. Brian
  20. well, you had better bring out to the rally in Nelson BC in July so we can all see how good it looks with the mods and so you can test how it runs. Brian
  21. They are an interesting bunch that are having fun! I loved some of the cool upgrades some of these guys did to their machines, like the guy who used part of a bigger tire as a fender for his front wheel and furs and antler on his side car. There are a lot of guys there that look like theyre running car tires front and rear when I looked at some of those pics. Brian
  22. I saw this link on another site I visit, and thought you all would like to have a look at a bike rally from somewhere in Eastern Europe. (I think) There are some cool bikes and characters in here. there are quite a few pics,(100 or so I think) and some look like a mad max film. Here is where they start http://picasaweb.google.com/Yaroslav.0265AK/2009#5301147076209598482 Brian
  23. Congrats on getting all those bills done!!!!! after all those years of takin care of everyone else's needs, it must be time to pamper yourself isnt it George? Brian
  24. friesman

    Woot gps

    It looks like a great deal for 59 bucks, if it lasts for a year or 2 youre money ahead, the yearly map charge on my garmin is 59 bucks. Brian
  25. Geez, how can you tell spring is around the corner, everyone has cabin fever. theyre just itching to pick at each other at every opportunity, its G1 against G2 at every turn, or vice versa...LOL! Brian
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