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Everything posted by friesman

  1. We dont change time here in Saskatchewan and I wish we did. By mid August my evenings are getting shorter and its hard to get in enuff time after work to enjoy some of our nicest evenings. Also i have a lot of dealings with out of province companies and everyone finds it confusing when 6 months there is an hours time difference and the other 6 months I have 2 hours difference. Brian
  2. I love the sound of the jardines on my G1, nice and deep rumble at low rpm. but higher rpm has that small block chevy tone about that sounds great . I took Rockets G1 with OE mufflers for a spin last summer and couldnt beleive the difference, it felt like the engine wasnt running it was so quiet compared to my jardines. Brian
  3. If nothing pans out maybe see if you can rent an enclosed trailer with the flip down ramp to drive the bikes into. thats what I use at home, I park my bike in a 6 by 12 continental cargo trailer every night. Brian Ps if you do that, make sure you get 4 jack stands to prevent the dreaded tipup,,,,,,,dont ask.....LOL
  4. There was a lot of the ebikes sold around here last year. I guess with the gas getting so high everyone decided electric was the way to go. http://www.e-bikes.ca/ Brian
  5. Dont worry Don, youll never get lost. I am sure with this group there will always be someone around to tell you where to go. Brian
  6. Thanks to everyone for helping put this together. I know it was a lot of frustrating and tedious work by quite a few people trying to track them down and then put this together and I really do appreciate the good deal thats finally come to be. I will be ordering my set of 4 shortly! Brian
  7. I put a Kenwood cd player in my 85 G1 and I never use it as it skips quite a bit, BUT i do use the Ipod or USB inputs all the time as you can cram a lot of mp3's on a 2 gb USB flashdrive theyre cheap to buy, theyre real small, and they NEVER skip!!! Brian
  8. You will love every moment of it! When are you planning on going? Banff gets pretty crazy in July and August So I would plan end of june or late August. Also keep in mind if youre going to be close to banff area the first week of July ,the Kruisn the kootenays rally is during the first weekend of July and its about an hour north of the US border of Idaho reasonably close to Glacier. Or if youre going to be in the area in mid Sept meet everyone in Cody Wy for the rally in Yellowstone. Hoping to see you around sometime!!!! Brian
  9. If you would have some of those brackets made up, i beleive you might have a market for them! I know I would take one! I am a bit worried about heat on the rubber however. Brian
  10. I dunno about saddlebum, but around here most guys put the bikes away mid nov and last year i was riding on Mar 15. BUT, theres no way Mar15th is gonna happen this year for biking as its been the coldest snowiest winter for 20 years up here( about an hours drive north of the ND and MT borders). Brian
  11. Youll love having the cataract surgery done,it will clear up your day vision instantly, BUT for me it took about 6 months to get all my night vision back after having both eyes done. Good luck Randy! Brian
  12. 85 G1 Glorious Maxie Brown!!! Brian
  13. DO ya think we should have a saskatchewan meet and greet when the snow finally disappears? Brian
  14. Lowell (Wildhair)is kinda like our own version of Where's Waldo? as we never seem to know where or when he is going to turn up next. Brian
  15. Yeah, commuting might be tuff, but the housing is still fairly reasonable, but the winters that might sneak up on you. Brian
  16. I saw an interesting article on Saskatchewan today in CNN, basically backing up that we have the best economy in North America right now for creating jobs. If anyone is looking for work and wants more info just msg me and ill try to help you. http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/americas/03/04/saskatchewan.economy/index.html#cnnSTCText Brian
  17. Ya gotta excuse TX2 sturgis, He is kinda busy paying attention to the ladies. :rotf:Like the ones he showed us the pics from from Sturgis I think... He doesnt have time to know who the guys around here are...... Brian
  18. Dont feel too badly about melting your saddlebag with the brakefluid, I have it on good authority that a certain fellow riding an 83 G1 living in Wainwright AB did the same thing. I was looking at the Pinwall site last night and they had a few for sale there, i seem to remember from 49 to 89 for pricing depending on condition. What side did you need? Brian
  19. I hope you get back to work soon, and that you find a boss who lets you ride whenever you like.....Come on up here, we still have more jobs than people living here. (of course you would hafta live thru a winter.....) i hope you get feeling better soon, and that everything turns out to be minor issues. Brian
  20. It does suck towing a bike all over, I spent over 1000 bucks on gas last years trip, thats one reason why I dont plan on doing it this year!!! PLUS its just a lot more fun to RIDE!!!!!!! Brian
  21. I am planning to get to Kruisn the Kootenays in BC in July and then in Sept i am headed to Cody WY for the Venturerider Roundup. It looks like I am staying a lot closer to home this year than I did last year. But I forgot, i am slated for some sinus surgery in april or may I am hoping it wont interfere with any riding. Brian
  22. I dont do this very often, but on a long ride in the wet or a pouring down day, Ill go find some plastic supermarket bags put my stocking feet into those and then put my boots on. It aint pretty but my feet stay dry.! It works in the winter in snow, too. Brian
  23. BLack Owl (Russ ) chaged his anme to Cerberus Brian
  24. I use a dlink router with my cable connection. You hook it up immediatly after your cable company;s box and then plug your computers into it or set up your wireless connection so your computers will connect to the wireless part of the router. Most Cable or phone companies helpdesks will walk you through their settings and help with the setup Brian
  25. If you dont have a router, go get one for about 50 bucks, read the instructions to set it up properly and then let your computers plug into it. That should stop most people from probing the ports on your machine. most people get pinged if they arent using a router, and because the new router will be the first thing the guy sees and your computers will have an IPnumber handed out by the router, its gets a lot tougher for someone to fiund your machine. Software firewalls are ok but a hardware router acting as a firewall handing out your IP addresses works much better. Brian
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