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Everything posted by friesman

  1. Does Pete have easy access to a computer where he's at? If not I have a spare laptop that he could use until he gets his mobility back. If he needs it you could pick it up on your way thru next weekend, Rick Brian
  2. if you need a hand with something let me know and I can make a quick drive out to Cupar to lend a hand. I think its a good idea to move the plastic if possible, it would be a lot easier. Your 85 trunk is different but I think it will fit if you use the trunk mounting rack from the 85 Brian
  3. Heres an opener that lets you use your headlights to open your garage door. no trying to find the opener its installed easily in your bike all you do is flash your headlights. http://www.webbikeworld.com/t2/motofx Brian
  4. Well then,,,,,You must be the oldest kid I know!!!! I kinda remember something about that very incident being discussed last August in WV IV with you beating a Harley, missing a shift,.... with Nina on the back,....... Brian
  5. Sorry I didnt mean to scare you, except for the output shaft drive breaking and screwing up the back gear, the rest of the work is being done because the bike is apart and there isnt a better time to update a bike than when it is already apart. The 2nd gear in mine was fine and had no issues, and It was in the list of supposedly bad ones. I do only get about 35 mpg on highway and 27-30 in city but I suffer from twistee-wristee syndrome. I love my bike! its fast, fun to ride and comfortable.......(hmm I have a remark about that,, but I cant say it in here...) Brian
  6. My 85 G1 VR has about 42000 kms on the clock, and is in the middle of a major rebuild this winter thanks to Rocket. the list is transmission rebuild, rear output shaft and ujoint replacement, progressive springs, new water pump, stainless brake lines and clutch lines, adding drving lights, adding grease fitting to swingarm and grease it., new tires, and getting new paint on the trunk and side bags where the clear coat was peeling. Brian
  7. Just follow the instructions and youll be fine. Just kidding you may see a bear, but the conservation officers keep a pretty close eye on the animals in the campsites and town. Youre more likely to see an elk than a bear I think. Brian
  8. And at least our G1 technolgy was current or maybe even ahead of its time as cassettes were still being used then..........it wasnt 25 year old technology on a new bike. Brian
  9. friesman

    big bob

    I am looking forward to meeting you in Nelson at Kruisn the kootenays!!! it will be a great time! and some great riding. Brian
  10. thanks Don and Vic and Peg, I was thinking it had to be something like that but just had that need to know for some strange reason. Brian
  11. Hi Don, Ive noticed from time to time you welcome a member that already has been here for quite some time. I was just wondering what was causing that to happen. Brian
  12. Hey Brad we are 2 hours apart now, i deal with ppl all the time in Ont and it drives me crazy too, and messes up my tv viewing schedule too, lol Brian
  13. Youre a cruel, cruel man..........:rotf:Taunting us northerners like that..... Brian
  14. Have you considered the garage door opener that ties into your bike headlights and you just flash your highbeams? it may be an easier install and maintenance for you. Ill look for the link and Ill post it here if I can find it. Found it, try this link http://mchitch.com/flash2pass_system.htm Brian
  15. Youll love the ride from Halifax to Lunenburg, I caged it via peggys cove last year, a long way around but worth it. But if youre going to be in Lunenburg very long, practice your hill parking and driving before you get there, some of the streets are pretty steep getting close to the waterfront. Enjoy!! Brian
  16. I am thinking mid to late may but no location yet, I was just kinda on a fact finding mission. I think location is gonna depend on everyone interested locations. Maybe ill do up a new thread to catch everyones attention. Brian
  17. I use the garmin Quest in my car and have used it when riding my scoot and find it very good to use for basic navigating, and i have the ram motorcycle mount and the holder to tie it into my bikes stereo, but havnt hooked it up yet. It doesnt have a lot of extra features like bluetooth etc that I probably wont use, but i like the fact that its waterproof. If you shop around I have seen garmin quest2 on sale for around 150 bucks at Tigerdirect.com from time to time. Here is the link to a review, http://reviews.cnet.com/car-gps-navigation/garmin-quest-2/4505-3430_7-31468208.html?tag=also Brian
  18. The 4 cyl is a good reliable engine but its a bit underpowered. You wouldnt be able to tow your bike any distance without issues. I have Ford`s 3.0 duratec V6 in my 07 Escape and there was times last summer going into the wind when towing my 6x12 enclosed trailer with my 85 G1 inside was all my escape could handle. Goin thru some of those mountain passes I was losing speed and the computer had shut down my air conditioner on those long climbs to conserve horsepower. My hiway mileage ranged from 13mpg to as high as 20mpg while towing down to Venture west last summer depending on wind and terrain. Not towing anything i get 25-28 mpg mostly. Brian
  19. Here in saskatchewan, the e bike dealer has found a loophole in the helmet and registration laws as the electric vehicles really dont have any displacement so dont require any licensing ,registration or operator testing. There is talk about changing the law to a combo Horespower or displacement regulation. Brian
  20. has anyone heard how Pete (tessa2c) is doing? I havnt heard anything in the way of updates for a couple of weeks. Brian
  21. I have a couple of Elite II's that I havnt installed yet on my G1 and the date stamp on both is 0208 so by my reckoning they should be about a year old. Brian
  22. Thanks for putting on the auction! I will transfer the money into my paypal account and make the payment asap. Let me know what I owe ya for the shipping to Canada, and PLease ship US postal service NOT UPS or Fedex!! Brian
  23. I think every manufacturer has different recommendations so I would check the tire sidewall or check Dunlops website and look up the Elite III specs. The Elite III isnt stock on the bike so you cant follow yamaha'a recommendations totally. Brian
  24. friesman

    big bob

    Big Bob is recovering well, he called me a couple of nights ago and he was saying he was looking at buying a 1300 Vstar as he thought it might be a little easier to handle until the rest of his strength comes back in his throttle arm. He did tell me he was planning on riding out to Kruisn in the Kootenays in July with Rocket and I, so we're all getting excited about spring arriving. Brian
  25. Congrats!!! Great looking bike!!! But watch out for those gravel roads, Ventures dont seem to like them much and they sometimes rebel. Brian
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