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Everything posted by friesman

  1. I have 2 thoughts.... The first one is that I think you better hope your wife doesn't read this... or youll be riding alone and you wont hafta worry about the speakers moving... Ive never seen anyone move them to the top of the tour pak, but have seen a couple of guys move them to the top of the saddlebags, my concern would be them filling with water when it rains... Brian
  2. some scratch coming your way on payday, ..Wishing Angel and Lori all the best on their new start!!! Brian
  3. Kevin ,,,where you are is wetter'n . not western..... Brian
  4. thinking of you guys and sending you all of my best wishes for all the best things in life for both of you. Brian
  5. That's not entirely true. Each Province has their own insurance rules and companies, much like your states. Here in SK we have a govt run vehicle insurance plan that is expensive and we are trying to lobby them to give us options so we can choose our coverage. Now I have 200 ded , 2 mil liability, unlimited income protection and full personal injury protection for 120 a month that I only pay for when I am riding my RSV. When my bike is stored I have a storage policy that costs me 120 bucks a year for full replacement cost. Brian And as far as being crooks, it happens here too,...our govt company (SGI) was going to increase rates on some sport bikes by more than double last year but a concerted push on the legislature got them to roll most of that back to a 5% increase.
  6. Hey Owl I plan on being down there again this Labour Day weekend, but think I may take a couple of days to get home, not the straight thru push to get ready for work on the Tuesday after the weekend:). Work was just too ruff on me on Tuesday morning after last years..... Brian
  7. I would be up for it, but not during the 3rd weekend of June as I am busy with Ride for Sight in Elbow SK, and fundraising in that. Last year we raised about 10k for Retina related illnesses research. Brian
  8. I used the Scala Bluetooth setups on my G1 bike and wasn't sure that I would like the corded system when I got the RSV. I promised myself I would try the bikes corded system for a while and now actually I like it better than messing around with the Bluetooth controls and fidgeting. The Cord hookup is easy on the bike and all my controls are upfront and in sight, not on the side of my helmet. My gps uses FM so it broadcasts to the radio and into my headset, so about the only thing I cannot do is talk on the phone, and getting away from the phone is one of the reasons to ride, so for me the RSV OEM system is a win all around. Brian
  9. Dontcha hate it when that happens? Brian
  10. my suggestion is to take lots of pics as you go, esp of all the different sizes of screws and bolts you take out... it may make things a lot easier at reassembly time. Brian
  11. Super Ride! I love the colour! Congrats on your new ride, enjoy! Brian
  12. maybe someone that's headed to Venture west can stop by and have a look for ya. Brian
  13. taken today, May9th 2014 at Echo Lake Saskatchewan. Brian
  14. There were no bugs there, except the ones Big Bob brought in on the front of his trike,..... you must have imagined that..... Brian
  15. Great looking ride!!!! Congrats!!! Brian
  16. Nice machine! Congrats Carl! Brian
  17. Congrats you guys!!!! wishes for many more! Brian
  18. you might be a bit low, but not a lot. Prices in the US are less than up here in Canada and I paid 7500 for my 2003 raspberry last May, with about 44000 kms but our prices are higher up here, (probably close to a thousand bucks in my checking around last year) Brian
  19. I believe the foot pegs and controls are only adjustable on the 83-85 models, after that I think the pegs were not adjustable. Brian
  20. Happy Birthday Lowell!!!
  21. Now that's a great friend!!!
  22. Its ok, we northerners say that about you southern boys in the heat and humidity of the southern summers ... Brian
  23. KInd of,.....they're Ontarioans,....so you're close..... Brian
  24. I have heard of a couple of guys getting a hydrolocked engine when leaving the petcock open when parked. All it takes is a small speck of dirt to hold a needle valve open in your carb to flood a cylinder and cause some damage. I don't shut mine off every time, I park but I do try to remember to do it. Brian
  25. OOOWWW ! sorry to hear about your drop,...glad to hear that you will be ok, and that your silver is fine too. Brian
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