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Everything posted by friesman

  1. Squeeze, i dont recall a copper washer on mine. what is it for? Brian
  2. Have a Happy Retirement Rick!!!! Even if it is kinda short!!!! Brian
  3. YOU got a whole month off? How? Or are you just doing some time for unpaid speeding tickets and this is your cover story? Brian:rotfl:
  4. Hi Merv If I remember correctly, Didnt you have a similar issue with the old engine? If so, it would look to me like it is more of a fuel pump or line issue. Or something that stayed on the bike. You used the same carbs on the old engine so it may be there also. Keep slugging Merv, youre almost there! Brian Another possibility, is the Fuel Pump itself, it might be partially plugged, or working poorly. These pumps do not make High pressure. Might be a problem there. One other thing to check is the fuel tank Vent Line, ( next to filler cap ) . Pull hose off,make sure that very small hole is not plugged. But if this was plugged would effect all 4 cylinders, -- But??, worth checking
  5. you do great work!!!! I love it.! Brian
  6. I do like the nice neat installation Evan, but I do have a concern and I am not sure if I am being paranoid or not. someone else here will hafta let me know if I am wrong being worried about a switch and the possibility of a spark in the gas filler lid area? Brian
  7. Het Snaggle, that looks fantastic, way to go! Ill let you know how good the gold looks in the rear view mirrors sometime!. Brian
  8. I have been doing computer stuff for the last 15 years or so, teaching staff how to use the terminals when I was working in a retail store as a sales person. When the company (Eatons) went under i went back to school and took a networking course as I enjoyed computers. I have now worked for the public school board here for almost 11 years looking after the 57 buildings we have our 6000 computers in. I dont do much programming, (never had patience to do it) but do a bit of scripting, run the exchange servers, Blackberry Enterprise servers, the EVA (disk storage), keep track of viruses and intrusions and keep all of our other 60 or so servers running in the city. Brian
  9. Hey it works well, it took about 20 secs to load initially but no drops or warble in the music , Clapton sounded good....as usual. Brian
  10. Gee Rick ya gotta get out more if a 5 mile ride is getting you all excited like that....!!!:rotfl: I am glad youve got a nice Blue Venture all ready to go for you and the family to enjoy. Still kinda sad to see the midnight go tho Ill bet. Brian
  11. When Rocket put the new progressives in mine over the winter, he didnt include the preload spacers as we agreed it would make the bike too high for me to ride because of the saddlemens seat on it, and because I needed to get the scoot into my trailer at night and the xxxl clearview windhield might not clear the door at top. The progressives without the spacers still raise me up about an inch with me on it (about 300lbs) and it never bottoms out even with out any air in the forks. the improvement in the ride is amazing!!! its a great improvement!!!!!! Brian
  12. Hey Mike great pics!..Now ya got me all drooling thinking about getting there in September with the Roundup! Brian
  13. Happy to hear that it went well for you. Brian
  14. you will be amazed at how easy and quick the cataract surgery is, I had both eyes done about 3 years ago and it was a very easy procedure. You will have great eyesight almost immediately after the sugery and you wont feel or see anything, in fact I didnt even have to take a tylenol or any pain killer afterward. You may take some time getting your night vision back however, mine took almost a year to get most of the starbursting gone. Enjoy the clear and brighter world tomorrow! Brian
  15. If you need a pattern to build yours from, ask Rocket to send a couple of pics of his hitch. He hasnt installed it yet, and he has the bumper on his 83. Brian
  16. I know its a bit late now that you have it replaced, but, i would suggest putting the rivco spin on filter adapter kit on your bike. I put on on my 85 and it makes changing the oil so much easier when all you have to do is to spin on an oil filter from a pt cruiser. brian
  17. Your name was mentioned a few times when the guys who had attended Pork in the Pines started talking.....evidently youre the famous chicken hunter that liked the early morning chicken hunt? Brian
  18. Nope, didnt get wet Vic. it got a bit cool in the afternoon, but by the time evening rolled around it was a gorgeous 2 3/4 hour ride home (counting time for saskatoon pie and coffee in Moose Jaw again),,lol The trike belongs to CJ Klassen a relative of Pete's (he is the fellow that I couldnt remember his name in my pics) Brian
  19. I just remembered that we have to give special mention to Billm30 and Shirley for attending from Calgary when they had to ride thru snow and sleet and cold temps to get to visit us Saskatchawanians (...ites?) . We are glad you all got warmed up when you got in and I hope we will have more fun in Nelson in July with you guys!. Thanks again everyone who attended! Maybe we should try something like this again in August! Brian
  20. Just got in from the Moose Jaw SK, M and E and had a great day, the weather held out and threatened to rain once or twice, but not much materialized. It was great meeting old friends and new and I would like to thank everyone for coming out and making it a great time. We had Alberta Clipper from Medicine Hat AB, Billm30 and Shirley from Calgary AB, Rocket from Wainwright AB, Big Bob from Gravelbourg SK, BJB from Swift Current SK, and me, friesman from Regina SK. We met at Boston Pizza for a quick lunch and coffee and then headed out to Pete (Tessa2c) and Hazels place at Herbert SK. about an hour and 20 minute ride west from Moose Jaw. (there wasnt many turns, but it was a good ride...lol!) Pete seems to be doing very well, and they treated us to some great hospitality and great eats! mmmmm barbeque sausage and ribs...mmmmm and all the trimmings till we couldnt get back on our bikes. Thanks to Hazel and Pete for all the wonderful hospitality and thanks for letting us take over your home. Its so good to see you guys. Brian oops almost forgot here are a few pics , just follow the link http://picasaweb.google.ca/friesman1/20090516May16_08
  21. well.... they do bounce kinda nicely off cagers that do stoopid stuff in front of ya..... I always keep one in the leather pouches for emergencies like that. Brian
  22. have you looked at the HJC fs10 with the flip down sun visor inside the helment, I love mine. Its great not having to take a pair of sunglasses along , or if you make a corner into bright sunshine you just slide the lever on the top of the helmet to flip the inside sunvisor down. How far did you drop it from? I think if its over 3 feet you should replace it, or if its over 5 years old you need to replace it anyway. Brian
  23. My 85 G1 is as top heavy as your G2 venture and i have seen my kickstand an inch into soft pavement but not over. I took one of those cheap white cutting boards out of the kitchen and cut it into 4 pieces and drilled a hole in one corner so I could attach a string and a clip to it so when I park I clip it to my handlebars so I dont ride away without it. Brian
  24. I would like the kit for my 85, it looks like a great upgrade to do. I would appreciate a sheet of instructions, as i am way past "electrically challenged" , if shoelaces were wires, I would be barefoot. Brian
  25. I took my trunk and side panels to a custom bike builder and they took it to an automotive paint supplier and they matched to my good body panels. The only time I can see any difference is in very bright sunshine and I think that is just because there isnt any swirls in the new paint yet. Brian
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