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Everything posted by friesman

  1. My enclosed trailer has Yamaha tuning forks on the sides....., but last year i put on about 9000kms in 2/3rds of a season and have about 2500 kms on my scoot this year. Brian
  2. I have an 86 rack on my 85 and it fits fine but I had to drill my own holes. If you have existing holes I am not sure if the bolt pattern wouldbe the same. Brian
  3. Rocket and I decided not to use the spacers on mine because of bike height and ease of install. Mine rides great and the ride height is still about an inch higher than before. Brian PS I got your cutaway a few days ago and havnt had the chance to get it back to you yet. I will turn that around asap! thx for sending it.
  4. PETA is a PITA! Save a fly? is this how rediculous are they getting? Dumb:bang head: Brian
  5. Hey Lowell I hope you get that leg fixed up soon! We would love to see you up in Nelson BC at the Kruisn the Kootenays rally in 2 weeks!! Brian
  6. HI I think the size limit on pics is around 40kb (but I am not sure) so that would explain your failure to upload. There are several image resizers around the net to download for free if you need one. Brian
  7. I had to ride in to work today whether it was ride to work day or not! Not a cloud in the sky and a high or around 30c (around 87-88F) not much wind, a great day to ride!!! Brian
  8. The output shaft on my 85 broke last summer down in Calif and it took out the output gears when that happened. It is a big job to do. Youre going to be glad that yours is under warranty. I was very lucky to have a very good friend like Rocket from this forum that did the rebuild for me and a bunch of upgrades too or mine would have been parted out. Brian
  9. I think I remember reading somewhere that loctite has something in it that might disslove the PVC plastic parts or make them mushy? So please be careful Brian
  10. I would send Rocket a PM, he bought some new OEM mirrors for his 83 a while back from a company in Holland for less than the used stuff was selling for on Ebay. Brian
  11. Well if youre going that far ya might as well ride along with us back up into Canada so you can say youve been here and we can show you a few sites along the way.....If youre going to the "going to the sun hiway" youre only about an hour or so south of the border. Brian
  12. I was looking up a couple things at work today and stumbled across this world economic map. It shows all the countries and what state the economic indicators are pointing to in that country. I am thinking we might all feel a bit better when we get a chance to look at the map and see that everyone seems to be in a similar boat to us, all over the world ,except parts of Asia and Central America. http://www.economy.com/dismal/map/default.asp Brian
  13. IMHO I wouldnt suggest a cd player, just get something that will allow you to hook up flash drives or mp3 players to it. I have the Kenwood unit in 85 and have only used a cd once or twice as I find it skips plus you gotta store the cd's somewhere. I have a flashdrive input on the back of the Kenwood and load my 8 gig flash drive full of music and ride. 8 gigs hold a ton of music and it doesnt skip and you dont have to carry it around. I am actually going back to my OEM unit this week as I really miss the speed sensitive volume and the mute button up on the handlebars. I was going to add an mp3 player into the cassette wiring. Also, I found that buying something with real good quality was kinda pointless as the wind and engine noise really diluted the quality of the sound that you can hear. Brian
  14. If you want more braking power I would suggest going to the SS brake lines when looking to stop quicker. Rocket changed mine out over the winter and I couldnt beleive the difference with the stock calipers and rotors! It is like a new bike , i can lock up front or back brake when doing a panic stop, and that is with my antidive and linked brakes hooked up properly on my 85. You bike is about 25 years old and those rubber lines are probably ready to go anyway, why take the chance of a line blowing and go to stainless? Brian
  15. Looks like everyone was was having a good time and enjoying the company of good friends. Great pics Brian
  16. I would doubt that would happen. But I suppose anything is possible, but Ive never had an issue with spam emails here. Brian
  17. I think you guys should just get an 85 since the trunk is already moved back. Its the only year that uses the large trunk that is removable. It is also the only year that has the leather pouch on the lower trunk under the seat backrest. There is about 3 inches or more between the back of the seat and my trunk where the pouch sits in. Brian
  18. I watched Rocket flush my rear brakes and he cut the top off a turkey baster and the end fit into the top of the resevoir and the plastic was soft enough to give a good seal with no leaks, plus it was see thru so you could see how much fluid was in the baster. It seemed to work real slick plus it was a cheap no fuss solution. Brian
  19. My 85 had the bottom crack from side to side all along the front edge of the bottom, So a previous owner used fiberglass matting and generous amounts of resin and hardner to firm things up. When I had the trunk repainted this past winter the guy doing the work drilled small holes and reinjected the resin and hardner in the places where it looked like the 10 year old fix was coming apart a bit (small area only) and then he sanded everything down and refinished again to look like new. To prevent the lid from going over too far, I usually just put my helmet in the pillion seat, but I do know of some ppl that have gone to home depot and found some funrniture cabint hardware to hold a desk lid open and made it work. Brian
  20. friesman


    Ive been riding quite a while but its just finally turned to normal temps up here, usually I start riding about mar 15th or so but this year the winter was so long. I was loving the nice warm weather and a chance to wear the mesh jacket for a change. The long range forecast is for above normal temos for the summer, so I am keeping my fingers crossed for that, I love it when it gets into the mid 90's f and higher. Brian
  21. Thanks for being such a stand up guy and sharing your misadventure with the rest of us to help the rest of us remember that we have to pay attention at all times and dont take anything on the road for granted!!! I am VERY happy that it turned out well for you, except your underwear that is...... Brian
  22. friesman


    Finally some warm weather has made it our way, after the coldest winter and spring in over 30 years. Yesterday we hit 31C almost 88f finally, today it was a bit windy but 25C almost 78F so Deb and I decided to go for a ride around a few of the lakes in about an hours drive of Regina. Heres a few pics of the day
  23. Yeah, I am thinking you had better be careful with George's idea.....:rotfl: Brian
  24. My 85 used to do that too, even when i would fill the tubes full of air. Over the winter I was talked into having progressive springs installed and what a difference!!!! THe bike never bottoms and handles far better at highway speeds also, and I havnt had any air in the tubs yet. When Rocket installed my progressives he left the preload spacer out as he and I thought it would make the bike too high in the fron, and I like it. If I remeber the springs were somewhere between 60 -80 bucks depending on where you get them. Brian
  25. Hi Checkout Here http://www.flatoutmotorcycles.com/fiche_section_detail.aspat Flatout Motorcycles. go into the Fiche Parts side cover section for your xvz1200d I think they are item 5 and 16. At about 10 bucks each they arent cheap, but what the heck.... Brian
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