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Everything posted by friesman

  1. I just used JB weld and epoxied a dime over the crappy sight glass.on my 85 Brian
  2. glad ta see you back!
  3. Leaving Thurs sometime, overnighting somewhere, should arrive late Friday afternoon... Unless plans change.... Brian
  4. +1 on the michellin commander2
  5. Would love to meet up sometime but only going as far east as PIP in MN Labour Day weekend. Brian
  6. EXCEPT ! in BC where they made a law that makes everyone go in to pay or pay at the pump before you get any fuel.. Brian
  7. When Rocket put them on my 85 the difference was huge... Brian
  8. this describes how I handle things too.
  9. Don If youre looking for Nolan gear these guys are Canadian and prices aren't bad with no exchange. http://www.canadasmotorcycle.ca/nolan-n44-helmet.html Brian
  10. I run a 130 MC2 on the front of my RSV with about 4000 miles on it and looks new, I have the OEM size MC2 on the back with about 14000 miles on it and I really don't see any signs of wear yet. I have ridden the tires in cold and heat and they have performed very well, Ive ridden it thru an absolute downpour going to Calgary a couple of months ago and I felt like I was glued to the road at all times. I would definitely buy them again and I do like the narrower tire on the front for the lighter handling, but I have found that when my passenger is on I need to add some air to the shock or the front tire feels a bit light and seems to wander. When I make the shock more full of air the situation goes away and it handles fine for me. Brian
  11. great video, and thanks so much for posting you made me smile and grin. I have a couple of questions though..... What kind of meds are you on,.......and do you share? :rotf::rotf: Love the vids, thanks again for taking the time to do them, Brian
  12. wow, that is a fantastic job! Congrats on getting your VR back up and restored! Brian
  13. Doh! I gotta actually read. Not just skim stuff. Thks Neil Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I would take all of the sparkplugs out before trying to start up the bike, .. and crank the bike over a few times to blow any possible fuel out of the plug hole instead of a possible hydrolock damaging your engine. Brian
  15. Any wider on the back, and you may not clear the driveshaft tube. Brian
  16. have a great trip and be safe! Brian
  17. mraf,...I loved my 85 for all the reasons you listed, but because it was a one only year parts were a pain to track down Brian
  18. Have never had an issue either, crossing either way. SOmetimes a line up to get through but nothing more.. Most of the time I drive up to the window, stop, take off the helmet so they can see who I am , answer 2 or 3 questions, and then continue on, the agent never even sends a guy out of the building most of the time. Brian
  19. I am headed to PIP about that time if youre going to be there we can run up to the border together if the schedules work... Brian
  20. Here is a review on the TMW trike. http://rideapart.com/2014/07/exclusive-review-tilting-motor-works/ Brian
  21. Looks great Dale , congrats on a job well done! now I just gotta tackle mine! Brian
  22. Has anyone here approached this company about whether they can convert an RSV to their version of a trike. The thing I like about it is that you don't lose the ability to lean on the corners. It is a different look, and I am not sure if I like it,.....but I love leaning in corners. I am not in the market for a trike for a while, but it is nice to know there could be other option to a traditional trike. http://www.tiltingmotorworks.com/ Brian
  23. nope, but ill be watching so I know where to go!!! Brian
  24. I was planning on going down as well, trying to get out of Regina Thursday night and maybe as far as Brandon or Virden as I found the non-stop flight last year just a bit on the long side, but it felt way longer coming home.... Once I find out what time I can sneak out of work on THursday ill keep ya posted and see where we are all at and maybe meet up somehwere along the way. Brian
  25. Good guy that Rocket,......but we gotta start getting him back on a bike again.... Brian
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