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Royal Star

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  • Location
    Poway, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 RSTD
  1. I also use Lemon Pledge here is San Diego. The Yellow Jackets show up here too. But the stuff works great.
  2. Thanks everyone for the ideas on the cause of the squeal. Even after the shop took the bike out for a high speed ride, they could not duplicate. Sounds like having the wheel bearings changed out would be a good mitigation strategy. John
  3. Commuting to work today about 65 mph with cruise control on and felt a slight hesitation and then a very loud squeal. Pulled over to the shoulder to check things out. Did not see anything abnormal. Got rolling again and when I started passing 40 MPH the sound came back again and the entire bike seemed to be very rough. Called a tow truck and had the bike dropped off at the shop. The shop could not find anything wrong. Anyone else ever experience this? I suspect the front brakes were binding or a bad bearing. Shop said the brakes and bearings were good. John in San Diego
  4. I get 33 MPG on San Diego freeways running at 75 mph.
  5. I would love this trip (from SOCAL) if it was an Autumn event to see the Fall colors. John in San Diego
  6. The thread I was referring to was about "calibrating" the carb sync tool. Basically connect all 4 lines to just one of the vacuum ports using the supplied manifold (a small white multi-connector with 6 male ends and a short connector hose (6-8 inches). Leave the other 3 vacuum ports connected to thier hoses for the calibration part. The manifold will need to have one of the tips closed off leaving 5....I used a small black rubber tip that was included. So basically it is vacuum port to short rubber hose to manifold to 4 long rubber hoses to the sync tool. Start bike and ensure all 4 tubes levels are equal. One of mine was way off. Small screws at the bottom of the liquid tool adjust this. When I sych'd w/o calibrating the sych was ineffective. After calibrating, a tremendous improvement to the bike's power and smoothness.
  7. I synch'd the carbs and saw no improvemet. I went through all of the threads here at Venturerider.org again and one noted how one of the contributors pointed out the importance of calibrating the tool and how to calibrate it. I calibrated my Motionpro Carb Synch tool and found although it was new out of the box, the #3 bar was way lower than 1, 2 and 4. So after adjusting the tool, I re-synch'd the carbs the and now the '05 RSTD runs like new. I suspect my milegae will improve back up to 45 mpg as it fell down to 38 mpg after the carbs fell out of synch. Thanks for all the great posts here. Royal Star John
  8. I vote for Flagstaff, AZ. It's a good central Southwest location, very scenic, and the weather is good. John & Carol:thumbsup2:
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