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About Ohedron42

  • Birthday October 9

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  • Location
    Westminster, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    87 Venture Royale

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  1. Ok, this sounds like a " Serious, Voltage Drop " ie. lights go dim, and at same time Low voltage to the TCI, and Ignition Coil Primaries. So, I have to assume, that somplace in the electrical system, a component, is turning into a High Resistance short to ground. ( Some amount of resistance, between a dead short, and an open circuit. )


    In a 12 Volt DC system, an extra 5 to 20 ohms would act like a Heating Element, and severly drag down the voltage.


    OK Quick qestion, can't remember, as I have discussed a lot of problems with different folks lately.

    --- What is the condition of your battery? New, Old, if so how many years old ???

    ---- Why do I ask, you describe this as intermitant, only happens at times, This could be an " Internal High Resistance " INSIDE the battery, between the plates. In an " Old " Battery, sediment builds up in bottom, and can cause an Internal High Resistance between the plates. This would Drag Down the Voltage on the entire system.


    ---- I will read thru all the past posts, between Us, and your postings, I need to update myself on all your information, and details of work you have done so far.

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