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About Ohedron42

  • Birthday October 9

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Westminster, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    87 Venture Royale
  1. OH SHOOT! That's probably the one piece I didn't doublecheck was a little top hat piece thank you very much I will doublecheck that!!
  2. So, thank you all for all of your help. The first suggestion, was to grab my front brake and rock back and forth. And guess what I heard, my forks are bottoming out! So a mechanic friend of mine here in Denver, said it could be, Since we messed with them and since they're Original equipment, The fact that we messed with them is why they show their age. So my choice is, to get new progressive's, Or add some spacers. Unless I'm missing other options??????? But again, I definitely want to say thank you for all of your help I do appreciate it!!!!!
  3. At this moment, i am ready to try just about ANYTHING. Thanks. i appreciate it.
  4. First, Its GOOD to be back!!!! Now, I have a problem I HOPE i can get some help with!!! I changed the front fork seals on my 87 VR. I experienced NO PROBLEMS doing this. Got everything back together, and started riding again. THEN is when I noticed my problem. I followed the book on the oil amount, made sure that no air bubbles were in, progressive springs were in correctly. However, when ever i hit the smallest of bumps, I get a VERY LOUD THUNK. Even when I put air in the front shocks through CLASS, low, medium or high, i STILL get the THUNK. At first I thought it MIGHT be something with the fairing, however after taking it off a second time and replacing it, i am NOT seeing anything with the fairing. that doesn't mean its not, it just means I am not seeing it!! :-). Can ANYONE help? anyone have any ideas?? THANK YOU in advance for your help!!!!!
  5. Today was the 5th annual Emily Keyes Memorial Parade. In No one remembers, you can go to www.iloveuguys.org and read the story about "the ride". According to the police, there were OVER 5,000 bikes there today. After walking around, I found 5 other late 80's VR!!! I KNOW there were many more newer models and possibly more of the older models. It was Amazing. It was my Brother-in-laws FIRST ride with more than just 2 or 3 people. He loved it. We met a wonderful member of Venturerider.org, Bob, i think his name was. I had a small problem with my kickstand saftey switch and he tried to help. THANK YOU BOB!!!! I appreciate it!! I also send a THANK YOU for all the riders that were there today. It was a GREAT day for a ride!!! I could only imagine what 5,000 VR's would be like!!! Thanks for letting me ramble on!!!
  6. Thanks Gary. I appreciate the help. I will let ya know if it has enough. I am thinking it will but i just wanted a second opinion. Thanks Merlin:fingers-crossed-emo
  7. Finally got income coming in so I can come back to a home away from home for my 86 Venture Royale!!! YAY!! However, I have a question about swapping heads. Will a head from an 84 fit and work on an 86? Last fall, everything was running great. Then I had a small backfire while starting the bike and I lost HALF my power. After doing a Leakdown test and Compression test, it seems I need a valve job. HOWEVER, I have a good head that was given to me off an 84. All the measurements are within specs. I just need to know if they will swap or do i need to do the valve job on the 86 and put it back on the bike? Any help will be GREATLY appreciated. I NEED to get back on the bike. I feel a part of me is missing. Thanks!!!! Merlin B Westminster, CO PS I forgot to say the 1984 is a 1200 CC and the 1986 is a 1300 CC. Thank MIGHT be important
  8. Ok, this sounds like a " Serious, Voltage Drop " ie. lights go dim, and at same time Low voltage to the TCI, and Ignition Coil Primaries. So, I have to assume, that somplace in the electrical system, a component, is turning into a High Resistance short to ground. ( Some amount of resistance, between a dead short, and an open circuit. )


    In a 12 Volt DC system, an extra 5 to 20 ohms would act like a Heating Element, and severly drag down the voltage.


    OK Quick qestion, can't remember, as I have discussed a lot of problems with different folks lately.

    --- What is the condition of your battery? New, Old, if so how many years old ???

    ---- Why do I ask, you describe this as intermitant, only happens at times, This could be an " Internal High Resistance " INSIDE the battery, between the plates. In an " Old " Battery, sediment builds up in bottom, and can cause an Internal High Resistance between the plates. This would Drag Down the Voltage on the entire system.


    ---- I will read thru all the past posts, between Us, and your postings, I need to update myself on all your information, and details of work you have done so far.

  9. Sorry I haven't updated you lately. Since I cleaned the tank, filter, and carbs, my bike is running good. Still not the best, I know I can do better. However, I do have a curious question. Every once in a while, it will just lug and die. Kind of like it runs out of gas. but then after about 2 minutes, it starts right back up. ALSO, there are times that my lights dim really bad at low rpm but brighten right back up when I rev to about 1500 rpm. any ideas? Thanks Merlin
  10. George, Sorry I haven't updated you lately. Since I cleaned the tank, filter, and carbs, my bike is running good. However, I do have a curious question.

    Every once in a while, it will just lug and die. Kind of like it runs out of gas. but then after about 2 minutes, it starts right back up. ALSO, there are times that my lights dim really bad at low rpm but brighten right back up when I rev to about 1500 rpm.


    any ideas?




  11. Greg in London, I am planning to do my at dusk. When the sun is setting so I can clearly see the spark. However, I will let you know how it comes out. Merlin
  12. Thank You Rocket. I do appreciate it. I will let you know how it goes. Merlin
  13. Ok, got my colortune and test tuned a honda. Easy enough. But reading through the manual, I am having problems finding the Mixture Set Screw. Is it the "Pilot" screw? It is the little hole in the middle under the Diaphram housing on the carbs. Any Ideas? I tried to put in a pic but I amn't dat smarts. I did attach a pic. There is a little white arrow where I think it is. IS THIS IT????????????????? Thanks Merlin
  14. Thank you all for the suggestions. I feel I am getting really close. I will let you know what happens in the next few days!! Thanks again!!:witch_brew:
  15. Yes, we guys know that size DOES MATTER. But what size adapter for the "colortune" should I use for an 86 VR? I am NO good at looking at a bolt or nut and tellng what size it is. All I know is the plugs are small. Next, is it easy to use the colortune kit? Thanks. Merlin
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