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About tarheelsone

  • Birthday 11/25/1955

Personal Information

  • Name
    George Denton


  • Location
    Surfside Beach, United States


  • City
    Surfside Beach


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Riding my bike
  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 BMW 1200 LT(sold)
  1. I will get back with you on Saturday, but definitely riding together sometime.
  2. I found a great deal on a 2003 Kawasaki Nomad 1500FI and it came with a Baxley single bike trailer for under $7000 from the original owner. The bike only has 3,300 miles. Let the riding begin!
  3. Hey I am a flatlander from the coast, don't know where anything is up there. I am open to anything. I don't have any plans. Tell me where you guys will be around what time and I'll try to get there.
  4. I am leaving Friday after work and driving as close as I can to Morganton. I don't expect to be there until some time Saturday around noon. Depends on what time I get up, lol. I am staying in the Holiday Inn in Morganton so if you want to ride, look me up.
  5. I will be spending most of Saturday and Sunday riding the Blue Ridge.
  6. I'll probably be coming up 321 to 221. Give me a city and I'll meet you there.
  7. I should be in Morganton around noonish on Saturday. PM me and I'll give you my Cell number.
  8. I'll be in Morganton NC this Saturday. I'll be spending Saturday night and Sunday night. Any one care to ride up with me or meet me there?
  9. Have their name and info added to the VR Assist list?
  10. Last week when Don sent the email out about the new costs that have been incurred. I immediately responded and paid for a full year up front. Now before you think I am tooting my own horn let me explain to you why. I had narrowed my choice of motorcycles down to a either a Venture or a BMW 1200 LT. I ended up with the BMW. But for several years I had been a member of this forum reading how you guys reach out and help each other in very real and personal ways. I am a member of other BMW forums, but I haven't seen the level of camaraderie of this group. And I told Don this. So here I am with no Venture, but I would love to be a part of this group and if anyone in or near Wilmington, NC needs something or just a riding buddy, look me up. Thanks for letting me stay and be a member... George
  11. Women play basketball? LOL:whistling:
  12. GO HEELS ALL THE WAY! ! ! If you are a Duke fan, what time is your game this weekend?
  13. I am seriously considering purchasing a mint 2003 Venture. I know they are wonderful bikes and that every bike no matter what it is has some ticks, issues and problems. I would like to know what this model's are. Thanks so very much in advance... George When I go, I want to go like my grandfather, quietly in his sleep. Not like the screaming passengers in his car.
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