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Everything posted by talonsx2

  1. I got the diaphragms from the store that was recommended on here. Cant remember the name but at discount. I put them in myself. Peace out. and keep the rubber on the road.
  2. Thanks for the replies, the diaphragms are new so i will replace the fuel filter and let ya know what I find.. Keep the rubber on the road..
  3. yup, never removed the fuel filter. I was wondering if it could have something to do with the fuel bowls? I did have the carb rebuilt and they said nothing needed to be replaced except for a few o rings???
  4. So after putting the bike back together and synching the carbs I am finding that when riding it seems as though it is starving for fuel or air? I haven't really riden the bike except for around the neighborhood. so when I try to get on it it get up to about 4000 or so and it isn't going further any suggestions as to where to start? Carbs? fuel? Any advice is appreciated. Keep the rubber on the road..
  5. So should that T be closer to the air box or closer to the multiport? Also is the left side my left or your left? or left side being clutch handle? or sitting on bike left or looking at bike left? I have this tube coming out the same side the coolant hose comes out..(Right side sitting on bike) Ima guessing that aint good? Thanks for the quick reply..you peeps rule. Keep the rubber on the road..
  6. /Users/talonsx2/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Masters/2012/05/22/20120522-205256/IMG_1654.JPG ARGH So I wanted to post a pic but I don't think that worked...Anywho I have put the bike completely back together (2nd gear) and even synched the carbs. The day I synced the carbs it ran great (2 weeks ago). Took it out today and it isn't the same as before...It just isn't running right today? (cant assume full power?) I will try a re-synch tomorrow but I have a question for you. There is a tube that connects to the bottom of the air box and goes down to the breather but this tube connects to a T joint before it hits the breather, and another hose comes out and connects to something? Does anyone know what that something is? (FYI, its not the coolant hose coming out of the breather). Thanks in advance for deciphering this more than confusing post.. Keep the rubber on the road.
  7. Spark plugs did the trick.. thanks everybody for the responses. Keep the rubber on the road. mike
  8. New spark plugs will work wonders.. Thanks for the help.
  9. Thank you for the response..keep in mind that i am a shade tree mechanic.. @ 7 turns out, the bike was running before the carb removal so this doesnt make sense to me. @Spark. yes we have spark. @Fuel. Yes we have fuel.
  10. so i have had the carb cleaned and gone over by the shop and they only changed out a few O rings and I changed out the diaphragms. The carb is back on the bike but I can not for the life of me get the bike started. I have screwed fuel air mix screws all the way in and then out 2 1/2 times and it will just turn over with no indication of actually wanting or sounding like she wants to start... at one point i turned the screws back in and counted 7 turns and that was the point that it sounded like it almost wanted to start. I also had fuel leaking from one of the screws at that point. Could amperage be a culprit? It has a new beth but the volt meter on the dash is hanging around 8 1/2 "or low"??? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated:bighug:. I'm about to do this to the shop. --> Keep the rubber on the road. Mike
  11. Thank you, i went to the sight and it says its for 86-07, will it work for the 84? Mike
  12. Yeah what mike said...I just took the carbs off my bike today. Sorry it was really easy for me today??? Sorry I am jumping this post with a question. Is there such a thing as a carb rebuild kit (84) or just dive in and replace what is looking bad? I am not confident in rebuilding the carbs only because I feel if I take them apart it will take me another year to get it back together..2nd gear took a year, had more important things to do.. I am dropping the carbs off at the shop to have them tackle this monster. are floats still purchasable? Thanks for any info, Mike.
  13. it is pretty much a guarantee that the bike will not start if the fuel petcock is closed... thanks for the help, now if i can just remember what piece of plastic goes on first:confused24:
  14. thank you that was the ticket.. Now if i can get the fuel pump to prime i may have a winner.. thanks again mike.
  15. I do have the shift lever all the way down and it is stating 5th one up from there it does hit neutral...shift lever is upside down?? is this what i am understanding you to say??? thanks mike
  16. put the bike back together after 2nd gear rebuild and am at the point where I should be able to check operation except something aint right.... So here is the question= put the shifter in what is supposed to be 1st gear and the indicator states 5TH gear???? What the heck is up with that? thanks in advance, mike
  18. so i have been trying to put the bike back together for about 8 months now and I want to make the bike the priority now but i have come to a stand still. I can't seem to figure out where all the radiator hoses go? and if i can put the radiator on first? or so the hoses have to be on place first? pics would be great.. thanks in advance. mike:225:
  19. thank you for the info, I was just making sureI didn't miss something before i continued putting it together. thanks, mike:dancefool:
  20. Have a quick question for you all, I am trying to put the venture back together after the teardown for the 2nd gear and I have come to the point of putting the carbs back on the bike. I have also replaced the throttle cables and I just wanted to be sure I didn't miss something. So here is the question; Will the carb diaphrams slide when you twist the throttle while the bike is not running? Mine do not slide at this time?? thanks in advance. mike
  21. here is the pic along with the cables and holes that I am refering too.. thanks
  22. so I am illiterate when it comes to loading pics so I will try to explain my question. Tore down the bike for 2nd gear and am putting her back together but I have come to a problem that I nees assisstance with, The cables that open and close the flaps in the carbs were replaced by me but I am unsure which cable goes in which hole on the carb cluster? The two short cables that come out of the plastic box (Where the cruise cable goes into) and then go to the top of the carb cluster into two holes that hold the cable which one goes where? I have a great pic of the question but its stuck in my email.. Any help would be appreciated. Mike:225:
  23. Mine too had the milage scribed in but to no avail..argh.
  24. so i went and took a look at the 85 today and they actually got it running pulled it around front for me I got to test drive it and it ran great. Carbs could use some adjusting though..now for the bad news, serial number was 0000305 arghhhh...2nd gear was gone. and the guy wouldnt budge. told me he would let it go for $1000.00 but he would keep the bags and the nose..told him i wanted some of the crack he was on..oh well i guess. if its there in 2 weeks i will put it on layaway. I want those hard to come by parts. if anything i could throw my current engine in this 85. since all my plastic is cracked in some place or another. Stay safe, mike
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