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Everything posted by Dieseldawg

  1. The last time I changed my oil it cost me 52 dollars and some change.I use semi synthetic Golden Spectro oil and a Yamaha filter.Of course that was stealership price.Next time I,m going to use Yamaha's oil.It is only about a dollar or so cheaper right now, but the guy at the shop said that Golden Spectro was going to go up 1.95$ a bottle.So that would be almost three dollars more a bottle !I,m not sure if there is much difference between them and I,m sure they both are good .At three dollars a bottle more for Golden Spectro,Yamaha's oil seems like it is worth a try.As for using Rotella oil I,m not sure.I use it with no problems in a 475hp Cat diesel engine.Piece of mine justified or not sometimes cost more.So the jury is still out for now.
  2. It took 20 "how many" years to change the VMAX?Thank the people who keep buying the limited number of units.Yamaha figures making the masses wait one more year is not going to hurt the bottom line.You can bet the farm that next year there will be change .Like it or not the 2010 emissions laws will see to it.My bet is come 2010 there will be a all new Venture.I don't think Yamaha is going to get out of the touring market.There's too much money and time invested in the VMAX engine not to use it elsewhere.Rest your nerves though Yamaha only increased the VMAX a"mere 8,000 or so".With that you can count on Yamaha is only going to rise the Venture a "mere 10,000 or so".
  3. Thanks for the great side track.Spent more time there then planned ,but it was time well spent.
  4. This might not sound right ,but is there a chance you can flip the brackets over to the other side? If so it looks like it would give the position you want.It,s hard to tell from the pictures.
  5. Waves are up dude!:rotfl:
  6. Seaking ,I thought I was the only one who spent alot of time on clean up.I'm in the frame of mind that a clean bike is a inspected bike.Nothing like looking for dirt and seeing if things are o.k. on the bike.A small piece of mind and a side benefit is a clean bike also.As for the tire pressure I check mine everytime before riding.Sometimes though all the checking in the world does not help because things happen you can not prevent.We all hope for the best when we are out there, but things can happen.So everyone get your soap and bucket give your "baby" a bath!Ride safe and check your bike!That,s terrible news about the couple lossing their life and leaving behind a teenage child.All of the best to their family and hope things work out in this terrible time.Also all the best to Big Bob and his family too.
  7. Thanks for the info.
  8. A buddy of mine has a BMW lt1200 he said he mixed them.I heard that you shouldn't mix them either.Was just asking because I know wiser people then me would know.
  9. When switching to Avon Venoms should you run the bias tire front and rear?Or is there any benefit in running the radial on the rear? My riding style leans a little to the sportier side and I,m looking for traction and handling in the curves.
  10. We went to a gathering called Detanation day.3 local shops put together.It was a vintage bike show and hang out.I followed another rider in,but I believe it was somewhere around 8th and Metropolitan.You could look down the street and across the river and see the Empire State building.It was surprising to see so many nice vintage bikes that where mostly Ny locals.As for my milage it was form the trip meter,so if you take off a avarage of 15 miles per I got around 38.7 mpg. I hope I,m wrong now.Sounds like I need some adjustments somewhere.Just did the math agian with the 6% and the mpg went to 40.05.I guess it safe to say somewhere in the ballpark?
  11. Was wondering what the avarage mpg for Ventures was?I went from Baltimore to Brooklyn,Ny. yesterday and got 42.6 mpg.It was a spirited ride on the way running up to 75 or so.We got passed like we were standing still!On the way back traffic was terrible.Bumper to bumper 3/4 of the way home.Motor wise bike is all stock execpt for R/K mufflers and pilot srews turned out 1/4 of a turn.Not sure if this is the right forum for this question :think:I,m sure some have input though.
  12. Thanks Ponch just called to order a set.I wanted wider clamps anyway.I'm still wondering if the high temp silicone is the problem?I'm going to check to see if they are all way up also.
  13. Squidley I could not open the link.Is there a web site for V twin manufactoring were you can order the clamps from?I looked them up and it seems you have to be adealer to order direct from them. Also does anyone think that my problem might be the result of useing the high temp silicone?
  14. I don't know if this has been covered before or not, so I'm asking.When you install RK mufflers on a Venture has anyone noticed that at the joint there is a exhaust leak?I put high temp silicone on the joint and used new RK clamps. The left side seems worst then the right side.I took them off several times and moved the clamp to different positions.Right now the bolt on the clamp is at the bottom and is covering the slits of the muffler at the top and bottom.Each time the mufflers were removed new high temp silicone was applied.Is this problem something that has to lived with or does anyone have a solution?
  15. Went for a ride this weekend and noticed that my right shoulder was soar afterwards.Do the use of the Starbars and reccomended risers cure this? I ride a '03 Midnight Venture and plan to do some longer rides this summer.Also if you use this combo besides new brake lines do you have to worry about carburetor cables being too short?
  16. Here's a question for thought.What's the diffrence between Seafoam and Lucas fuel treatment?I use Lucas in everything I own.Just read about Seafoam and was curious.
  17. Thought about it.Just not sure what it would look like.
  18. Here is a picture of my custom made windshield.It is 7 inches tall.I had it made by a local plastic shop in Baltimore for around 100$.
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