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Lonestar9225 last won the day on January 10 2023

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Personal Information

  • Name
    Bret Taylor


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2018 Eluder


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  1. Any ideas on where to mount the end of the battery tender pigtail on a Yamaha Eluder so that it looks good and is still accessible?
  2. I still have not found anything similar online to know what the value of this is. If anyone knows please send me a message. Thanks.
  3. A friend of mine gave this to me and I have no use for it. Any idea what it is worth?
  4. Wife says every shopping center needs a Harbor Freight store. That way wives know where to park their hubbys while they go shopping. Like a hubby daycare.
  5. Can someone tell me exactly where to find the alarm speaker on the Eluder and how to disconnect it. If I do will affect anything else on the bike? Thanks.
  6. Oh wow that's it. May take a year to save but I know the three things I want for the bike now. That backrest, armrests for the wife and some highway pegs. TY so much for the help.
  7. We had a seat made for our Eluder but the person who did it knew nothing about a driver's backrest. Is there an aftermarket one available? Thanks.
  8. This really happened. My wife has been a nurse a long time and specializes in being a surgical nurse. We decided at one time to take the opportunity for me to get my Master's degree in counseling. One class was in Family Therapy and part of a big assignment was to ask friends some questions about being married. If that was not an option we could use our spouse. At this point my friends were avoiding me because I was asking too many questions. So one evening were sitting down, she was reading a paper. I decided to ask her the questions for the school assignment but do it in a way she would not know, or so I thought. I hid the questions in a book and after a few minutes it went something like this. Me - Can you believe we have made it this many years being married. Her - Sure. (She never looked up from her paper or even pretended to pay attention to what I was saying.) Me - Most never make it this far. Her - Nope. Me - Many marriages don't make it this far. Her - OK. (Now was my opening.) Me - So on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best, how do you think we are doing? Her without looking up - Honey I love you but I will make a deal with you. You stop playing counselor with me and I promise not to do surgery on you while you sleep. I put the questions up then because somehow that sounded as fair a deal as I was going to get.
  9. Is there like a small day pack, trunk, that will fit the stock sissybar and rack of the Eluder? Prefer one I can lock and bolt on.
  10. OMG TY so much. For some reason we are not getting the recall notices. I will contact Yamaha next week and see about how to get the recall done. TY again so very much.
  11. Oh so happy I saw this. I know nothing about the mechanics so could someone explain exactly how to do this. I detest the alarm.
  12. I did find these and asked them if they worked on an Eluder since it shows them on a Venture. They assured me they fit on an Eluder as well but when I asked if there was a picture showing how they basically to trust them. Rivco® YSV094 - Black Passenger Armrests - MOTORCYCLEiD.com
  13. I had looked at those. My two concerns are is it sturdy enough and how does it look?
  14. I have a 2018 Yamaha Eluder. Took me a year to get used to all the electronics but now I love it. Issue is my wife finally told me the other day she is not comfortable on it and won't ride with me, she did on our Kawasaki, because there are no armrests. She just does not feel secure. We could not afford a Yamaha Venture so got what we could and as I said I love the Eluder. I have to do something though to make her feel comfortable. I have a friend who can fabricate metal mounts but need to know where to start. I respect my wife finally telling me why she won't ride it with me and am determined to find a solution. I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you.
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