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Everything posted by tazmocycle

  1. they have several events each year and getting more to come. mr barber owned a large milk co and sold it several years ago, but he uses to sponser indy cars and has the largest lotus race car collection in the world, about half of 1 floor is just lotus's. he has been working on indy car racing for several years and got it started last year and having another this year. they are testing out the new design of cars here now and the raceway is on the circuit now. lot of the guys said this is one of the best track to race on. if you come on a day of an event, you get to go down to the bottom floor where the restoring is done which is not open on regular days. let me know if ya'll are coming and i'll get you some good rooms cheap and in a good part of town. i'll problly do another meet and eat during the vinitage days race and swap meet again this year too, keep an eye out fo it.
  2. that furnace can be downflow or horizonal right or left. if you look at the 2 whit rollout limits on each side of the burners lets you know if you lay it on either side, if for some reason the vent don't work right the heat will rise to it, overheating it and melt the solder in them and shut off the furnace. you don't really need to put duct on it, just make sure you put a filter on the inlet or fan side. with propane or lp gas they are heaveir than air and will settle down in low spaces, so up high is best to install. i had a preacher that tried to do his own startup on the churches lp furnaces in a dug-out basement, after bleeding the lines he tried to lite them and blewup the furnace and ductwork. it blew the grills out the floor and blew the attic acess door about 10 feet back into the attic space. he also burned the hair and skin off his face. he also burn the tips of his ears too, his glasses saved his eyes. so be careful when you are doing any work on the lp gas. if the a/c is freon 22 you maybe in for a suprise! it has tripled in price since the first of the year, so you maybe looking at a bit of money to recharge it.
  3. i rode a friend's of mine several years ago, he had done a lot f mods to it, scary fast and i've rode a lot of fast bikes. i street raced for about 9 yrs and it's 1 of the fsastest out there when setup right. my friend bought a 200hp motor for his but couldn't get it to run and handle right, there wasn't much that would outrun his old motor, don't know why he changed it?? if you look on youtube you can see several running out.
  4. here's a funny video filmed at barber's for their 2012 races. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GG8fgmz3LQ&feature=####]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GG8fgmz3LQ&feature=####[/ame] hope you enjoy it, i'm hoping to be at the vintage races again this year, hope some of you can make it over.
  5. looks great, as soon as you get yours done start on mine! LOL! i sold mine to wes and haven't had much time to make me another. a couple weeks before xmas some dumb butt came by and stole all my drop cords going to my xmas decorations in the yard. they also cut the cords off all my drills, saws, batterry chargers, bench gringer and all the cables off my welder. also took 2-30ft extra welding calbe i had got to extend it out of the shop so i could weld on trailer and other large jobs. 1 good think was my wire welder was covered up and they didn't see it or they would have ruined it too. i have a $1000 deduct on my ins. so it'll come out of my pocket. slowly getting them fix.
  6. a women who works with me, her husband bought one and thinks mthe world of it. he said he had rode about 50 miles that day before stopping at the shop and after setting about 30 minutes and he started it up it had a lot of knocking coming from about midway of right side. it sounded a little clunk when he started off and rode away. it sounded a lt more clunkier than any hardley i've heard, sounded a lot like the old 70s bmws that has the opposing cylinders, if you have ever heard one. i guess i'm too much of a yamaha man.
  7. i had a friend who had a siimar problem but not as bad. after running for several miles it would foul out the plugs. after changing out a couple set of $15 harley plugs he found a vacuum leak on a little hose thats hard to see, maybe the vacuum avance hose. after replacing it it ran fine. another friend who had a new harley with fuel injectors had one cylinder missing and mifiring, the harley shop put 5 ign mods on it and it still ran the same. they brought a factory tech in and a few weeks later found that the wiring going to the injector had been strechedout real thin and was not getting enough voltage to make it work properly. sometime it take a little head scracthing to figure it out!LOL!!
  8. hey, if possible i might come over and hang out with ya'll if work don't get in the way. sooner or later i'm swapping motor around in a couple of bike.one motor has 73k on it and i'm putting venture intake cams from a venture to a 01 royal star. have done lots of valve jobs on cars and a few bikes but not this type of setup. susan's been wanting to eat at the meriatta grill but i want to go to fire of brazil and eat "some meat"!!LOL!!
  9. they have an auction at barber's when they have their vinitage day races and swap meet. some of their bikes go pretty reasonable and others go pretty high. they also sell some cars and trucks too.
  10. i had a pair of harhley boots that zips up the inside, makes putting themon easy. i have tall arches and slip on boots are too big if i can get them on. i wore carolina or wolverine boot when i worked at a meat packing plank, always put 3 coats of mink oil on them before i wore them the first time and every month after they were broke in. you can find hardley boots at acadamy sports a lot cheaper than at the hardley store. all the one i have looked at is made in china, as all their clothes and other items they sell. while at barber's mortorsport's vintage days races and swap meet, they had gasolina boots that zips up the back and are lined but are made in mexico. i tried several sizes on and couldn't find a pair to fit right. i have high arches and a wide foot usually eee size fits me best. they make them but didn't have any with them. he said you can go on line and fill out the sizing chart and they can fit the boots to your foot. their web site is www.gasolinaboots.com . they looked to be made pretty good as they were sewed all over and has wear spot on them. they'll problly be at most big bike meets.
  11. http://www.motosport.com/cruiser/product/AVON-VENOM-TIRE-COMBO/?id=122163&sMMY=YAMAHA;XVZ1300LT;2000 they list nww and www tires here.
  12. you might find some help from ian morgan(shooter) who lives there and has planned a couple of rides over there and which included bike rentals. he has been over here several times over the years. he's a member of several forums and sometimes visits here. i met him thru the international star riders assocation in 2001 and have rode with him a couple of times he visited here. very nice guy to deal with. he has a forum in england and you can post a message on there for help while you are there. let me know if i can help in any way, don. he knows me as taz from the isra. http://forums.delphiforums.com/gbstar_riders/messages
  13. well, i went ot barber's today and walked around the swap meet for a couple of hrs and saw a lot of things i would like to have but really don't need to start another project till i get a few of this i already got done. i did pick up some good tools that i can use working on my projects. watched a couple of races and seen a few ventures but didn't talk to any of them. just as i cranked up to leave a guy came running up from a mini cooper sitting next to me and said he had a v-max and older royal star. talk a little to him and gave the websites to him. he's from Nj and said he'd come on as soon as he got home. he had already put the dyna on his and said it was the best mod, maked it run a lot better. may go back tomorrow with some other friends and see if i see anymore royals there. i'll post some pics soon, don
  14. anybody coming to this? i'm having to work friday and some on sat at my regular work unless i can talk someone to take it for me. it seems to happen this way about everytime i line it up. i talked to my boss and he said i was thru with vacation! i told him hell no!! i have 3 weeks total and only took 9m of them so far. just because he works all the time don't mean i have to. i told him a couple of months ago that i wanted off, if he keeps this crap up i going to corporate about it, i've done worked too long and hard to get my vacation time and i'm taking it when i want. i hope to still meet up with anybody thats coming if possible or i can still help any as long as i have my phone on me.
  15. i have always got better traction and handling with the 180s over the 150s. i've read articles about wider tires not having better traction, but if you inflate any tire with too much air you lesson the traction and wear of tire. i always watch how the tread wears across the tire as i ride on it. i could break the 180 on my royal and do a big burnout, thats why i only got 9,000 miles out of the first one i put on. lol like a lot of brands of bikes you have several models grouped together at times and confuses some folks. the vtx has a 1300, 1800c and 1800s models. the honda shadows has a lot of differant models and sizes, 600s, 750s and 1100s. one good reason for these websites are we can learn from other things we didn't know or things we thought we knew. LOL some have also went to a smaller 130 front tire on the venture and like the better slow handling of it where i rather have better handling with the bigger tire not tracking down groves in the roads. jmho
  16. all of my yamahas has do it, usually after setting for awhile, you can just shift it into neutral and alls ok. you may want to see if the clutck fluid is old and maybe weak and not pulling it all the way in. also sometime the rubber line on the clutch maybe getting weak and streching out and not letting the clutch pull all the way in. if you need help i live in montevallo and can meet you somewhere and look at it for you. i also hjave a friend that works for big #1 and has his own shop in calera and he's the only other person i would let work on any of my bikes. let me know if i can help, don.
  17. i have ran a 180 on my 01 royal satr standard, first one, the outer bead that sticks out scrubbed a little till it wore it down. i added a few extra lbs in it and it ran fine. i have ran 170 most of the time with no problems. i did put a 170 metzler on it that a friend had on his 97 royal star which didn't scrub on his but did on mine, i put a few more lbs in it and it stopped scrubbing. some of the v-max guys puts the flat washer between the wheel and hub to get clearance without any problems but i didn't want to have less contact between the splines in the drive gears. some has cut a little offset out of the driveshaft tube and welded a new piece thats dented in where the widest part of the tire hits. i know the v-star 1100 don't have a tube cover over the drive shaft where it goes up to the engine, which give a lot of room for wider tire on rear. ifeel that i get better traction with the wider tire, and the best yire i've used is the avons venimous.
  18. if you have a major mess with your wiring harness you may want to checkout this e-bay store and see if they have a wiring harness. if you don't see one listed, just send them an e=mail ask if they have one as they have torn down a bunch of bikes. good luck on your repair, don. http://myworld.ebay.com/pinwall_cycle_parts&ssPageName=STRK:MEFSX:SELLERID&_trksid=p3984.m1543.l2533
  19. i lined up the same motel for next weekend at barbers as for the royal ride-in. $50 a night plus taxes. still have to take a differant exit if coming from the south I65 or n & s I459, you need to get off at galleria mall/hwy 31 exit and go north on hwy 31 for about 3 miles, motel is on right across from arby's. it's about 12 miles to barberes and i have several nice scenic routes to get there or you can hit the interstate and fly right over. or WE WON'T TELL ON YOU! LOL!! quality inn 1485 montgomery hwy birmingham, al 35216 205-823-4300 QualityInn_VH@yahoo.com just tell them you are with the royal riders group and you will get the discount. i guess you can call the 1-880 # for quality inns and get to them that way too. let me know if you have any troluble with booking. i'll problly go all 3 days if anybody is coming as i have an annual pass and get in free, one person get in with me for 20% off price.if susan don't go somebody might use her pass to get in on. you can call me at 205-665-5778 hm# or 205-593-6440 my cell#. you can look at the vintage day events listing to see whats going on each day. they have races all day till 8pm and swap meet goes on all the time every day. most are setup by friday and start leaving sunday afternoon. there'll be thousands of bikes of all years and makes and a lot of one of a kind bikes that looks just like factory built. there was a mid 70's kaw 850 6 cylinder 2-stroke that a guy built, when i looked at it i told him i didn't know kaw built a bike like that and he told me he built it out of 2 kaw 750 h2 triples. where he had welded the 2 together, you could see any seam or grinding marks. hope to see ya'll there if the weather turns out good. remember the royal ride-in it was suppose to rain about ever day and we only hit rain a few times all week. http://www.barbermuseum.org/admission.php
  20. walter you may want to look at the tail of the dragon rally threads there's a motel on the square in blairsville, ga called the seasons inn and they let us stay for $50 a night when we was there for the rally. the cabins at vogel state park has a good rate if several of you are renting it together. they have nice clean kitchens if you want to cook a few meals while there. if you want i can get in touch with cowboy who ives over there and knows the area like the back of his hands. he took us on a couple nice backroad rides, he'll even setup his tent and air bed for you to stay in!!LOL!! lots of great folks on this site, lot like #65 in the early days! i'd be over there with you if i hadn't already setup a meet here at barber's for vintage days. we'll have to setup a meet and eat or maintance day in b'ham together soon, there's a lot of members around here. laTER, BE SAFE, DON.
  21. does your 98 td have the 2x4 setup? do they have a y-pipe thats welded to the mufflers before you put on the harleys on? 96-01 with the 4x2s on them is the same as the venture and the newer 05-present td but the mounting bracket on the muffler is vertical on yours and hortizonal on newer tds and ventures. i also this the header pipes are a little smaller id than the newer pipes. i also think the mufflers on your td is a little shorter than the newer ones. i have a set of bub pipes on my 01 standard model that was for a venture and sampson mufflers for the 01, but i had to cut the mount off and weld it hortz. because i have the venture bags anbd mounts on mine. you can look at it in my profile pics and maybe see them or go to youtube and enter tazmocycle in search window and you'll see and hear my bike running. if you do get the venture setup, you may have to do a little adjusting to the passenger floorboards, but i don't think it much. let me know if you need anymore help, don.
  22. i was watching it and susan woke up and said to kill the turkey call just as he got off and seen the turkey call. she must have been dreaming about hunting turkey in the old days. thats what i was thinking as the sound didn't keep in time with the wheels turning, thinking it may have been suspention. thats the type of thing susan would do to me because she knows it bothers me to have something going on that i couldn't find rightaway. she's always hearing some noise in her truck and i never can hear it till it gets pretty bad, but usually is right. she a keeper because it'll never be a dull time with her around.LOL!!
  23. if you lower the front you need to lwer the backend to match to keep the bike more stable.
  24. I posted this up in meet and eats and here to see what happens. 9147.1 http://www.barbermuseum.org/admission.php thought i'd post this up and see if any out there wants to come over to barber's and have a little fun on oct 7th, 8th, or 9th. if so i'll look around for a motel with a good rate and post it up for ya'll. i hope to camp out at lest 1 night with my grandson and watch a few races and wander around and look at all the folk at the swap meet. it's gotten pretty big now with several thousand bikes and all kinds of parts. i found a venture owners manual last yr and got it for $3. let me know soon, i'll try to set up a place to meet and eat some good food too.
  25. glad things are working out good from a fellow gamecock!! out here in bama country! my oldest step son is in his 16th yr with coast guard, now stationed at willington, nc. he's at the new station just opened at willington and hopes to serve out his last 4 yrs there. lots of folks don't know that the coast guard is in the frontline of defense of our homeland since 9-11-01. he has been taking many courses in homeland securty to better himself to do the job. he is a great source of pride of his mom and me, for his devotion to do his job to the best of his ability. even when he get out of cg he hopes to contune in this line of work. i know you have a good job for the future and for this country, he also sometimes can't say too much about the things he's doing. keep up the faith as it'll carry you thru a lot!! don and susan.
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