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Everything posted by tazmocycle

  1. i got 7 yamaha and also suzuki that belongs to sis-in-law, cleaning it up to sell? she keeps changing her mind as to sell or keep. i've owned about 30 bikes over the yrs, if i had the money i'd have a lot full. started out buying them in boxes and building them from ground up, ride a little and sell and buy another. had a 71 triumph tiger chopper i bilt in the middle bedroom of my trailer and had to move it into the livingroom to put the 16" over springer frontend on it. guy came over to look at it and bought it, told him it would be couple weeks before i finished it. wish i had it bad, didn't even take pics of it. wife was 7 months preg. with my son and i needed the money to pay dr & hosp bills!LOL!
  2. pinwall e-bay store has several sets of rear calipers, also master cylinders too. you can read on the post of how many miles or on the unit, i saw an 05 wit a little over 13k on it. carbs looked really clean in photos.
  3. you can look at the sides and problly see a spot that shows more wear in one spot and on the other side there woun't see any or little wear in the same spot. if it's a lots of differants from side to side, you problly won't be able to turn it down enough to clean it up. you need to find some shop with a blanchard grinder to grind it down, lot of shops don't have them. you can checkout an engine machine shop to see ifthey have one. they can problly mic it and see if they can clean it up. you maybe able to lay a good framing square across the warp place and use a feeler gauge and get a reading that way. pinwall on e-bay has some on their e-bay store.
  4. i have always used techron thru the years and use to buy only texaco because of techron keeping my vechiles running smooth. when i got my new 01 royal star and after about a year of riding and sometimes not getting a good grade of gas all the time, i noticed it not running good. on the isra forum i joined in 02 i met and got to know glen fritzgearld from ga and he had owned a new 96 royal and had played around with rejetting his bike and getting it to run a lot better. he found that these motors get a lot of carbon in them because the way they were setup from factory and he came up with what he called a techron flush to fix this problem. he dumped a can of techron in a full tank of gas and run it wide open for a tank full and then change the oil out as it would be loaded with carbon out of the motor. about all of us from the royal riders on delphi forums started doing this and getting great results fron it. one one of our friends bike we did it to after he had around 31,000 miles on it, when we got about 50-60 miles into the run his bike started bolwing out soot and sparks out the exhaust and the bike was missing some, he pulled over and claimed we had ruined his bike but we got him to get back on and keep going and after about another 40 miles it cleared up all the sputting and was running a lot better tahn ever. when we changed his oil it was ull of carbon floating around his oil. after finding this forum i seen where everybody was using seafoam and getting good results so i tried it and it worked pretty good for me. i use sea foam when i can get it on sale but still mostly use techron. i always tell folks about all the differant things i use and if they like it, use what every you think works best for you.
  5. I have several oem parts that fits most of the newer royal stars and ventures posted in classifieds. most are new, still in package, less than new prices. if you need pics or need to know if they will fit your bike, let me know and i'll helpout in anyway. i've been out of a regular job for 4 months now and getting a little low on money, but have been getting some odd and end jobs for friends and family to keep bill paid for now! hoping the building market picks up some so jobs will come back up.
  6. it still amazes me as to want folks come up with to save a little money this days. i've been guilty a few times of doing such things because of time, money or being out in the cold all night. as adventurious bikers, we sometimes put ourselves in some god forsaken situations and do all kinds of crazy things to get back and in looking back, we say: " MAN, I COULD OF GOTTEN KILLED OR BADLY HURT DOING THAT"! we're in the "primeval state when we do it, i guess! LOL!
  7. after several years of looking, i've finally found the right guy to re-paint my bike, after gal backed into it and scratched it all up. most guy quote a few thousand to do the job, claiming high cost of paint, labor and materials for the high prices. but after a few years of waiting and looking allaround i have got the RIGHT GUY to do it, problly for less than $200!! i'm jumping on my bike and get it broke down and get him on it before others see his work and jump ahead of mee! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07z6TCm5j9I&feature=player_embedded]Román autófényező mester - YouTube[/ame]
  8. i have some oem driving lites if your are oem. can you e-mail me a pic of it and i'll see if mine matches. send to a1ammoniaman@bellsouth.net you can probly go by a yamaha dealer and compare it to theirs, all are the same lites except some have differant type bulbs and mounts to bikes.
  9. i went with my dauther the other night with some of her friends that gave her a $40 gift card to a local tactaul gun store and range. she has shot rifles and shotguns but not a handgun, i've been hoping to help her get her own gun because she really needs one. i took my 22 auto pocket pistol and 2- 38s 1- cheap and a s&w nickel 4" barrel( weighs about twice the cheap gun). put a man size target about 30 ft down range and i showed her how to load and hold the guns to fire them, i shot each one about 4 rounds each close pattern on trunk and head. she shot about 40 rounds and hit the trunk and head almost ever time. she only missed the target 1 time and hit on the line of left ear and left lower body 1 time each. she amazed me a bit, i told her to frame IT and put the target on her front door and put a note, "GUN OWNER!! AND KNOW HOW TO USE IT!!" LOL!! she liked the s&w and shot better with it. the s&w belongs to susan, but she want a newer gun so i might get her what she wants and see if laura want her's. i've always liked revolvers over autos, but if i can find her a nice one for a good price i get what she wants, she shot her friends 45 while we were there, so i'm going to take her back with maybe a 9mm auto and see how she likes it.
  10. i have several sets of pipes and mufflers, what are you looking for 4x4 or 4x2 and what bike do you have?
  11. i have a new radiator chrome cover, i'll take $100 plus shipping for it. it's not made anymore but the side covers are. i also have the chrome rearend bolt cover and rear axle cover kits too. you can look here; http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=4386&title=new-oem-acessories&cat=8
  12. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=75252 here's the thread where i posted the video of my 28mm carbs when i was setting the float levels. it'll give you a little look inside of carbs to help you decide if you want ot try and rebuilt yours. i was wanting to do a video of the next set as i'll be getting help from my friend whos bike we are doing it on. i may get a set of 32mms carbs to put on mine when i change out the motor and get it painted. i'm putting the venture cams and double springs on my 96 wrecked motor with 5400 miles on it and then put it in my 01 royal with the v-max's rearend gears. hope you get your straighten out, don.
  13. alabama just passed a law that requires you to show proof of insurance before you get your tags. my exwife had a wreck back in '75 and totaled my 73 mazada wagon and the old man didn't have insurance so my insurance paid for my car less the deductable, and because i had bought it in sc before i moved, it aslo covered my exwife's medical costs, because uninsured in sc covered my car damage and medical costs and in al it only covered your property damage. the law in al was that you had to have uninsured coverage on your car or be able to post a $4,000.oo bond which the old man just claimed bankrupsy and got out of it. but state farm sued him over the wreck and i never heard what happened to him, problly the bankrupy got him out of it. AL has always been at the end of the line when it comes to most things!! i sc if you drop your ins they send you a letter and about 10 days a trooper shows up and takes your tags off. i think all the states needs to get on the same page when it comes to ins coverage, so it's the same everywhere.
  14. did you look at the electrical connection to see if they were corruded. best to put some dielectric grease in the connections to keep water out. also look at the starter relay, which is mounted on the left side of battery case for corrusion too, can cause lost power to several things. it sounds like you have found the problem, but in plugging and replugging the pump it may have helped the problem.
  15. i had a friend that passed a few years ago and he was an avid rider, he rode his 883 sportster all the time and all types of weather. at a bikenight one time several harley RUBS were talking bad about him and his bike( he worked in a limestone quarry and often had the white residue all over his bike), i quickly told them that he was a "TRUE BIKER" BECAUSE HE RODE ALL THE TIME AND WEATHER! thats one thing that gets my goat more than anything, just because you can afford a new bike and have ever pice of aftermarket part added to it, it don't make your a "TRUE BIKER"!!
  16. it's his 98 standard royal star. i have already told him i have several parts he needs and will try to go there if he has a md. just need to find out if it would be ok to work on it while sitting on the beach, drinking a few cold ones and grilling some meat on the grill!!LOL!! always need to have fun when you can. need to get a list of parts and later try to setup a weekend to do it.
  17. yea, the first best advice is don't buy any harley, they are the worst thi------ oops I mean don't be a hardley rider, need to ride a lot. LOL! we have a range of brands of bikes on here and we help anybody out that we can. haven't seen many questions not be answered on here. lot of us have been around, owned and worked on every brand of bikes, some i have never heard of and i've been around them for over 45 yrs. if you ever get a chance to visit birmingham, al area, you need to stop by http://www.barbermuseum.org/admission.php they have around 1200 bikes. the vintage day races and swap meet is the best time i have ever been to, i've had a yearly membership for the last 3 years. HOPE YOU CAN TAKE A JOKE?? we do kid around a lot, but if not just tell us and we'll keep that in mind because we don''t want to offend anybody!!
  18. http://forums.delphiforums.com/star4sale/messages/?listMode=1 goto this forum and ask tim who runs it for a price, he usually has the best prices and great service on any parts. he started out with 1100's forum back in early 2000 and started star parts forum a little later. you can also check out baron's custom parts, hellrisers.com and bikebandit.com. tell him taz from royal riders sent you.
  19. when i got my bub exhaust system i had to grind off about 1/16" around the part that went into the head port because it was a little bit too big to go in. thats the only problem i had with them going on. i have a complete set of 4x4s with a set of slash-cut mufflers, i think they are jardine, which are a little bit louder than stock but a good rumble to them.
  20. thats what you call "pushing the limits". you can see on a couple that they came really close to loosing it, have been there a few time, during it you have a greaT RUSH, but after you stop and think about how close you came to losing it, it scares you to death. ain't no drug like it!!
  21. you can put any 4x2 pipes and mufflers on it from all yrs, just need to have smoething on the back that will support the mufflers. you can get the saddlebags and mounts off a venture or 05-up td and that will fit your bike too. before i put on my venture saddlebags and supports on mine i used 2 chrome chevy alternator brackets from auto zone.
  22. you can look on the oil bottle and see if it says "friction modifiers" thats the one you don't want in there. i have used mobil 15w50 in my bike till about 65k and never had any trouble, last few times i went to 4t mobil oil, still no problem.
  23. i made a short video when i was setting and checking the float levels on a set of 28mm carbs and wrote of how i did it for some of the guys on delphi forum and thought i would post it here too.there's a way i do it and it has worked out good on the last several sets im have fixed for others and redid mine while i had them off, all you have to do is when you have the carbs torn down, put all the float and needle assembly together, turn them upside-down so the float is up, jiggle the carbs so the floatsts bounce around a little so they are seated in place and not binding. while you still holding them upside-down, hold them right in front of you and look to see if both floats are level with each other, several i have done has been uneven, if they are uneven, take two small pairs of needle-nose pliers, hold the arm near the middle where the needle valve is and use the other pair to bend easlily the arm on the far float to equal level, make sure to hold needle valve off the seat so it not down and possillely mess it up or take it out and bend it and put back in. after you are sure they are pretty level across the 2 floats then make sure the needle valve is set down on seat and measure from the edge of bow to the top of the floats and it should be between 8 to 9 mm,(i try to get mine nearer to 9mm). i usually check it on both sides of the set of floats just to be sure i've got them level as i can. checking them out the way the book says to do it is way too hard fro me to do. one of the guys near me wants to take his down and check them out on his 98 so i may try to do a video of it as there will be 2 of us.i'll let y'all know when we do it. try this link, let me know if it works.
  24. my house was built in 1920 and i had a simlar problem, they had just laided pieces of metal over some big gaps. they used ruff-cut lumber, so some was thicker tham others. i just filled the holes in with short boards and put 3/8 plywood over the old roof using an air nailer with shanks on them to hold it down better. i also had to fill in 3 chimmey holes where i took them out as they were falling down. i would go with putting down the osb over the old roof deck as it'll make a better platform for the roof. i did almost all my roof by my self and laced the valleys as i think thats best, except some on the back when i had my wreck and broke my arm and leg. i hired some guys to finished it and they overlaped the valley the wrong way and when the first big rain came it poured thru the roof in the valley. i hired them off the street to do it, as they had worked for a friend of mine, so i could make them come back and fix it. i've been doing rooring since i helped my dad when i was 7 yrs old. i aslo don't like airnailer to put the shingles on unless they are carefull and not turn the air up too high and bust thru them, especility if it's cold. i have seen whole sections of roofing pill off in a high wind.
  25. rndy, you need to get out and RIDE!! you have tooo much time on your hands if thats all you have to do, read and keep an acount of postsLOL!!
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