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Everything posted by tazmocycle

  1. "It will lift the front wheel if pushed hard when taking off." put a couple of 10# weights in the back of your saddlebags and it'll really do a wheelie!!LOL!!
  2. i have several parts for your bike, it maybe next week before i can get a look at them. i had a lot of it posted in classied several months back if you can search back, look for "oem parts for sale, if you don't find it, let me know and i probbly send you a copy of it, don. you can call me on the 205-593-6440 cell #.
  3. glad it helped out, hoping i can do a little better job and show more of the little things you need to look at while they are down. 1 thing, there a stub out between the 2 jet and you need to make sure it open. and i use the 2 smallest tip cleaners on the set for cleaning the oxy-acc torch tip, you can get it at most auto parts and wal-mart stores. i have a cople of extra sets of 28mms, that i rebuilt for anybody needing them.
  4. a set of 32mm can be got from e-bay store from $300 to $400, plus a set of intake mounts and a set of adapters to bolt the larger bases on to the smaller opening on 28mm heads around $60. I have several sets of 28mm and can probilly help you out if you need any parts. I also posted a video on this site of how to check the float levels on the 28mms, stock they are set around 8mm but I set mine around 9mm. let me know if I can help, don.
  5. THE JAP BIKES ARE THERE BECAUSE THEY WERE RODE INTO THE GROUND AND IT WAS CHEAPER TO GO AND BUY A NEW ONE !!! LOL!! HOW'S THAT FOR ORGINAL!! LOL!! I had a 70 Yamaha xs 650 chopper with Harley rear tire, ridged frame, and 16" over springer frontend and I had parts coming off a lot!! rent-a-cop flashing his light at me one night, pulled over and he asked why I didn't have a tag on the bike, looked at back and sure enough, NO TAG!! seat bolts would come out of sissy bar of my king-queen seat and start scrubbing on back tire, had just half fender to help hold up seat. had rectangual fog light for head lights, would slowly go down till they lite up front tire nicely. several times had to tighten up handle bar clamps, calf. W bars looked like drag bar!! LOL!! never had heard of thread-lock!! LOL!! the worst thing that happened was, I changed the front tire and couldn't find cotter pin to put back in castle nut, but went ahead and rode to meet my friends to do some drag raciing, nut come off , axle bolt backed out, rocker arm fell into spokes, cutting all but 9 spokes, bikes tried to fall over to left but I was able to keep it up till I got it stopped on side of road. really lucky that day to survive, but did jam my left knee up when I put it down on road while snatching the bike back up to keep from going down. won't do that again!! LOL!!
  6. only the '96-'01 standard royal stars has the mono-shock and is horizonal versus the 99-present venture and 05- up td is vertical. there is a company that makes a replacement, which most users says it better than oem. did you adjust the shock to it's heavier setting, you use the hooked spanner wrench in the tool pouch? it puts more tension on the shock.
  7. did you get your a/c fixed yet? if you can, get a new ditigal t-stat, they have a 5 minute time delay bilt into them so if power blink, it has to wait 5 minutes before it stats back up. always get at less 2 bids to keep folks honest. most will lower the price if you tell them you are getting a second quote they even drop the first price. also check with BBB to see if there's any compaints against them. I can check on price tomorrow to see what I can get one for. I just put in a 4 ton 14seer hp with coil and 95% variable speed furnace for $5600. that was with new tubing and $200 t-stat to control it properly. if the ins co will pay you, I can problly come over this weekend and put it in. if your system is 8 or more yrs old, it's problly better to replace the unit, most times after a bad hit the Freon system need to be cleaned before putting in new, the acids formed in it can cause trouble on your new system. my cell # is in my profile if you need to call me for any advice.
  8. I have one in my garage, will have to see if it has any damage. will let it go cheap, i'll try to look at it tomorrow and let you know about it, don.
  9. when you hear of green concrete, that's what is meant, the color is dark green looking, when it get to a lite gray or white, it's cured. if you pour in water or cold weather, you can add calcium to it to make it kick off(it gets hot to touch) and cure out faster. you can also do the same thing to fiberglass, add more catalyst to the resin, but it will get hot enough to catch on fire, so you have to be careful !! http://www.concretenetwork.com/curing-concrete/when-to-cure.html you can read on curing, this may help out. on putting alum and copper together you can use a stainless washer between the two, to still get the connection. you can also use some dielectric paste or grease to keep it from corroding. if you can get a split bolt the right size, you can get one that's made for al/cu connection. http://www.elecdirect.com/catalog/a6e77b09-b40a-4072-b284-58d0e60cfa85.aspx?utm_source=bingads&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=split+bolts it has a bar that goes between the 2 different metals to stop corroding. I've seen huge copper split bolt blown apart because of the different harmonics and eddy currents, my brother put a piece of hard wood between the 2 wires to get them up and running till we could go and get the right connectors.
  10. susan and I are hoping to still get up there to the fish fry if possible, if not it'll be on the list for 2014 when I get some vacation time worked in!!
  11. the tag on mine is on the frame where the shift lever is running along the frame, the date on it will tell you what year the bike met the epa regulations. the serial # is what yr it is even if it was made the year before. production can start after july of the previous year, some 96s was made in 95, that's where the confusion comes from. the epa sticker is removable but the vin # is stamped into the neck. if the epa isn't on then they problly removed it to paint the frame.
  12. I knew somebody was going to the gutter with that one! I guess I left my self open wide for it! LOL!! I has used dry ice which you can get from most walmarts, when we use to go camping for a week or so. we use to prepare our evening dinners ahead of time and keep them frozen, setting them out in morning and they be read to heat up that night. WE REALLY EAT GOOD EVEN WHEN WE ARE OUT IN NATURE! LOL!!
  13. :draming:WELL! after me and susan got together, she told me that I was not breathing good and would do a lot of jerking, whick is your natural response of your brain telling you to breath so you don't die! lots of folks that die in their sleep because after awhile your reflex stops working several yrs ago Mr Smith the football player died from it. susan got her current job as a sleep tech after I went to have a study. I was on cpap for about 5 yrs and was still having some trouble, when I went for my yrly fiz my dr said my lips were blue and when they check my blood/oz it was below 87 which is hospital on oz time. had a second study and was put on bypap which helps you breath in and reduces the pressure when you exhaul and it's much better. I had nasal surgery done about 5 yrs before I had my first study and my right nostril was mostly blocked because of broken nose when I was young, it help out for a few yrs but still would have very bad migraines several times a yr, which I don't have now unless I don't use my bypap. susan says that a lot of studies are not done right or your tech may be shopping on line, watching movies, on social media, going out for food, smoke breaks, sleeping themselves(a few was fired because of this) etc and miss key events that happens. they look at you brain , resp. and heart activies while you are sleeping and can tell what level of 3 stages of sleep you are in. apena is bad on your heart because if you don't get into rim sleep it never gets any rest and causes a lot of damage. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE OVER-WEIGHT TO HAVE APENA! some of the little old 90 lb people snore worst that big folks! IF YOU ARE STILL HAVING PROBLEMS, YOU NEED TO LET YOUR DOC KNOW, there are other ways to help out you problems. nasal surgery may helpout a few but don't do anything for most. I know at one meet and eat when we stay overnight susan noticed a member having problems sleeping and metioned it and a few folks didn't like the talk about personal things but she knows about the ill-effects to somebody's health caused by it and wanted to help out and possibly save their life, she has been working at hospital for over 20 yrs and sees what happens because of it. that's all I have to say about it and will leave it up to docs to do the rest!!LOL!!
  14. well! they called today and said i had a postive drug test!! first time i've been call back on a drug test, i had to give them my script imfo and they finally aproved it. hr lady called and siad to come in monday the 6th to start work! she also went ahead and got my sizes to speed up my uniform order, be a couple of weeks. yea, i'll have to get some dry ice to keepm it hard if i get to go to any event.
  15. the fuses are under the left side cover, take out the bolt at the back of cover the other one is fake. right below the tool kit, there's also a main fuse on the starter relay on the left side on the outside of the battery box (you have to pull the battery box out to get to it). one of them is a spare fuse, the one with the metal clips inside the plug is the main fuse. acid came out of my battery and ate the relay and fuse block up, it was getting a little voltage and it still won't start even with a jumper cables.
  16. 9713.1 WELL AFTER 5 MONTHS OF LOOKING I 99% SURE I'VE GOT A JOB!! mayfield dairy was looking for a ammonia refrigeration mechanic and i start to work on may 5th if nothing goes wrong! had another job, driving my own truck but they called on thursday( was told to start work on monday) evening and said because of my driving record they couldn't hire me. i guess somebody would sue me and them if i had an accident driving between the differant office complexs during my work day. mayfield said driving record didn't matter as long as i didn't have any felonies, which i don't. now maybe i can start thinking about doing some traveling after my 6 month to get days off. now you know why my WEB NAME is a1ammoniaman!!
  17. http://forums.delphiforums.com/yamaha1100 you can checkout the 1100 v-star and there are also forums for 1300 v-star and the road star. my wife has a 06 v-star with 21k and before that she had a 01 v-star 1100 with 27k. at his height he may want to look at the v-star1300.
  18. you can hand set them with them off and use a couple of 1/8" drill bits. put the bit between the butterfly and throttle body of #1 carb and see if the other bit will fit in #2. then do 3&4 and then between #1 and #3 or #4. if you have a lot of slop in the adjustment you may need to stretch out the springs or get some new ones. or it could be the screws are worn from being adjusted toooo much. you can tell if it out of sync by the vireration or at a steady speed you can feel the bike surging up and down also.
  19. the corbin seat wil set you down some and you feel like you are more into the bike. you can also shave down the foam on the entire seat and have someone re stitch the cover. you can also get a reshaped seat from several differant dealers. lots of guys puts pegs on the engine guards to strech their legs out.
  20. if you look between the front and rear cylinders at the bottom of the carbs from the right side you will see a phillip head screw, this one balances the 1&2 carbs. if you look from the left side to the right side, you will see 2 phillip head screws, the one toward the rear of motor, adjust 3&4 carbs and the front screw, adjust the 1&2 to 3&4 sets. make small adjustments as when you push on screw it'll change it a little. rev the engine a little after a few adjustments to see how their adjusting on the syncing tool. the idle should be around 1,000 rpms and will also go up or down as you make adjustments, so you may need to adjust the idle while syncing. i'm including a couple of pics of the screws on a extra set i have to let you see the screws i'm talking about. this is for the 1996- 2001 royal stars with the 28mm carbs on them. there is some differances between them and the 32mms on the 99-present ventures and 05 up tds
  21. The guy who posted they use the 20z bottle in a Royal Star tank (5 gallons) and get decarboning benefits seems inline with what I was told about the concentration differences. we use the 10 or 12 oz bottle or half of the 20! differant places sell differant sizes that way they don't have to price match, they say "it's not the same msize!!" i looked on amazon.com and the prices vary greatly between the many places that sells it. auto zone has a buy 2 get 1 free from time to time, but they are always trying to sell me the lucas gas treatment "because it's on sell!". i just tell them i stick to what i know and not what every dufas behind the counter is pushing!LOL! chevron, texaco, gulf and caltex stations has techron in their fuels. you can go to www.chevron.com and search for a station near you.
  22. when something like that happens you ask for a supervisor to come to the scene and get it investaged without moving. i had a cop hit me when i had been signaling for a left turn. he told his sgt. that he had his lites on and was chasing a dui subject with a county dep. just ahead of him, who had just passed me and turned his light about 300ft in front of me. i had been driving for over 5 miles and nobody was ahead of me(i think they was speeding trying to get to donut shop!LOL!) they had to call a hwy. patrol to investage it and the next day the city bought the truck i was test driving and hid it and the cop car. the only thing that saved me was i had 5 witneeses as to what happen and i took pics of wrecked truck and skid marks with a hundred ft tape laying beside it. they tried to blame it on me till i told them i have pics and witnesses to the contrary. i had talked to my lawyer the next morning and he told me to take pics and get all the names of witnesses because goverments was the worst to get any money out of. i got $7800.00 out of them plus they paid all my medical bills(money was a god sent, just got divorced and needed to pay off so debts!! also had to take 2 weeks off to go to calf. to help my mother who was having health problems). the company that i was working for tells you not to asume any blame for a accident. you see on a lot of these cop shows that they are driving down the road talking on phones and typing on their laptops. s**t happens to EVERYBODY!!
  23. http://forums.delphiforums.com/sgmfa/messages CHECKOUT THIS FORUM! lot of great guys on there to answer your questions. i've had 99 and 01 classics. kuryakin makes an off-set on mounts so you can mount and roll them back and down towards the rider. i had to put them on my wife's 01 to helpout her short legs. you might pick up a set of floorboards somebody took off to go with forward controls. kuryakin also has triangle floorboards that mounts in place of oem back pegs. hope this helps out.
  24. you need to look for what use that chart is used for, i've been doing electrical wiring for almost 40 yrs and wouldn't use that chart. most of it won't work for standard wiring in residental or commerical. also depends on how the wireing is installed, open air, wire tray or conduit. cold or hot areas are also considered when sizing wire sizes. to get an idea of whats required look up the national electrical code book and y'all see several differant wiring charts that covers a lot of differant situations. http://ecmweb.com/code-basics/conductors-general-use the outside area of the wire is where most of the electrons travel so that what they base most of their ratings on but differant materials used in the jacketing also makes a differants in the amp rating. uf cable is molded so moisture don't get into the wire and sr is sunlight resistence is made so sunlight won't break down the insulation material. the lenth of wire is figured in because voltage is what pushes the electron along the wire and the longer lengthscauses a drop in voltage, that why they use substation to boost the voltage back up to push it along. hope this helps out. after looking at the chart closer it's based on 12 volts but don't know if it's in freeair, bundled or conduit uses. so of the rating i still won't use some of it for wiring on car or bike.
  25. it has a round electto-magnetic turntable and a floating grinding plate or sanding disc that's spring-loaded and set off-centered. it's for grinding flat meat grinder plates that has various sized holes in them and the cutting knives rotates against to chopup meat for hotdogs, bolonga and sausage. their just like the little clamp-on hand meat grinders your granny used in the old days to make sausage!LOL! as the knives rotate against the plates it wears down the plate hole just like the brake pads does to the rotor. when you grind them down it smooths out and sharpen the edges of the holes just like a knife edge. on larger blanchard grinders they also use large cup shaped stone or diamond wheels acording to surfaces being ground.
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