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Everything posted by tazmocycle

  1. just want to let everybody know that gene weir and i are hosting 2 meet and eats during the 2 biker's balls in mobile, al jan 25th and feb 2nd. look in the meet and eat section for all the info, thanks, don.
  2. gene and i are also wanting to see if any of you would like to have a meet and eat on the sats of the 2 biker's balls. gene will post the location of the boiling pot rest. right near the intersection of I65 & I10. hope to meet you there, don. we have chosen to meet at the boiling pot restaurant in mobile, al. here is a link to the yellow page ad with map. we'll meet between 11:30 - 12 noon and well eat as soon as we can. this will give everybody a 30 minute window to get there, in case of getting lost or delays. it'll also give us time to talk and look over bikes. after we eat, we can visit more or go for a ride. http://www.yellowpages.com/info-LMS64761627/Boiling-Pot-The/maps
  3. weekend before last a local police officer was on his way to work on his bike, when he hit a small deer and went down. that he probly would have survived, but he was ran over by 2 cars following behind him (3 lane interstate @ 6:30am). i can't imagine that happening, they must have been right on his rearend!!i'm pretty sure they will be regretting it for most of their lives. i see these things every day and want to slapsome senses into them.
  4. i visit all the differant venture site to meet like-mind rider and to gleam info about our bikes and new things and ideas that others have come up with to improve it. i also enjoy EATING, and this we do a lot of. some sites i visit more than others, but i don't try to tear down the site or members on there. in life you meet people of all kinds, some you really get close to as family and other you don't. sometimes we tend to take a negative stance towards the ones we don't get a long with in efforts to get closer to the ones we like, as is just human nature. i try not to down anybody or any sites, as i have been on other sites that has let it get to where it starts getting away from the orginal purpose ex: harleys or poltics or race or religion for someone will go the wrong way with what is said. don try an off-subject section, which was fine, but several members got upset with what was being said, so don stoped it. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, STAY AWAY FROM IT. WE ALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO AS WE PLEASE, UNTILL IT STARTS GETTING INTO THE NEXT PERSON'S RIGHT TO DO AS HE PLEASES. can't we all just get along, we all have a lot on us these days to attend to without adding on more. thanks for your concern, but i really hadn't payed much attention to what you was doing here or there.
  5. sorry to hear of your wreck, reminds me of mine with my daughter on with me. y'all came out better the me. hope you both recover soon. from what i have found out from my wreck and another rider near me, i think we hit one of the white reflector in the road that was broken. my friend had a new tire on his bike and had a flat, and when they broke the tire down, they found a piece of the white reflector had cut thru the tire in one of the groves. i never got to look at my tire closely after the wreck, but after talking to my daughter and thinking back, i had just moved back over from passing a bus. she said she heard a sshhhing noise right before we went down. i had an avon tire with about 5,000 or so miles on it, and i had checked it out the week before when i went for a ride. now i try to avoid hitting any of them if possible. we will keep y'all in our thoughts and prayers for a good recovery from this, susan and don.
  6. they are the same. as far as changing them out, get a manual or as you take them off write it down or video tape it. you can also try doing a garage day and see if some can come and help you do it.
  7. there 3 types of bikers! #3 those who lie about it. LOL! lol!
  8. i went to star days in chatternooga, tn in july and seen several metric customs there including that one. i'll try to post some pics.
  9. http://ak.imgag.com/imgag/product/full/ap/3023160/graphic1.swf
  10. yea!! I WRITE ALL KIND OF SONGS AND PEOM, i've made millions$ from it!!LOL just kidding, a friend e-mail it to me, don't know where it came from. if i had wrote it it would have yamaha, royal star, venture and tour deluxe in it!!LOL
  11. thought i would share this with y'all!! 'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS 'Twas the night before Christmas, And not until Spring Would a motor be running, not even a Wing. The bikes are all sleeping, they're covered and warm, Batteries are tended, nylon covers their form. My Bros were all nestled down snug in their beds, While visions of new chrome danced in their heads. And I in my do-rag, bike jacket and boots Out shoveling snow, and dreaming of scoots. Then from the horizon there came such a clatter My shovel I dropped, what could be the matter? Away up the hill, I slogged through the snow Looked up at the sky; where'd all that noise go? Then a throb from the heavens, like straight pipes so hearty Gave Summers' good thoughts, a loud bikers' party. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear But a Hog Ultra Classic, Red trailer in rear! With a little old rider, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick. More rapid than a V-Rod his Ultra came on, And he whistled, and shouted, and sang out this song; "Now, Springer! Now, Dyna! On Ultra and Softail! Now Vulcan! Now Injun! On Vict'ry and Triumph! To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall! Now RIDE away! RIDE away! RIDE away all!" As small bikes that from the semis do fly, When they meet with the air blast, mount to the sky, So up to the house-top that Ultra it flew With a trailer of goodies, and ole' St. Nick too And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof The rumble and thunder of pipes that gave proof. I ran in the house, boots thumping around, And in came St. Nick all bearded and round Dressed all in black leather, from do-rag to boot His chaps were all tarnished with road grime and soot; A T-bag of goodies he'd flung on his back And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack His shades -- how they twinkled! his do-rag how scary! With chains intertwined, through skulls that were cherry! His droll little mouth had done many a row, So the beard of his chin was as white as the snow. The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, The smoke had a strange smell; it gave him relief. He had a broad face and a large fat beer belly That shook when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly He was tattooed and plump, a right jolly old rider, So I offered a cold brew, thought what could be righter? A wink of his eye as he downed that cold beer, Gave me to know I had nothing to fear He spoke not a word, but went straight to my ride And fixed it with Chrome, Horsepower and Pride And giving the peace sign with bikers' good cheer Strode off to his Ultra rumbling near He sprang on the saddle, his gloves on the bars A wheelie he threw; then off towards the stars I heard him exclaim, as my chest swelled with pride "Merry CHRISTMAS TO ALL, AND TO ALL A GOOD RIDE!" Share life as it happens with the new Windows Live. Share
  12. Can You Be A Little More Describtive On What Part You Need? What Bike It's For.
  13. i'm guessing they came in the right order, congrats on all three. hope mother and child is doing great, seeing the birth of my 2 kids was the greatest 2 moments of my life. try to keep the head and chest swelling in check.LOL
  14. most contacts are silver, brass or nickel plated for longer life. i have notice in recent yrs they are making the plating thinner to cut cost. on my nissian truck i have installed 4 starters(rebilt in mexico) as a result of burning thru the plating and carbon preventing it to make contact. most times filing or cleaning the contact is mostly a short term fix. the 96-99 standard royal stars had some of the same problems with the switchs. lots of the pitting of contacts is caused by high amps draw (as you may want to turn running lite off and headlite on low before turning on switch). or it maybe a bad batch of switches during the first yrs of production. also be easier to replace now and not on the road far from home or dealer( not a stock item every where).
  15. a lot of dealers are having trikes at their dealerships, i've seen several at differant dealers. in dothan, al there's a dealer there that trikes out all kind of bikes, about $5k for the trike kit addon.
  16. i agree with kit, get a lot of differant clubs involved. do a coast to coast like new york to la. try to stop in large city and town to get media involved to help get the message across. maybe have flags with names of fallen ones for mounting on bikes in honor or memory of them. do it over a 2 week period with some begginning in ny and others joining in as it moves across america. this way a lot of folks can ride what ever they can to be involved. contact all of the cycle mags too so they can support and advertise it. i visit about 10 differant cycle web sites, as most of us, i think in that way we could get the word around and see if can get started.
  17. www.alsmotorcycleaccessories.com has cooler racks
  18. rich, sorry to hear of your accident. hope you recover ok quickly. i took several accessories off my bike before they came got it too. ins co dosen't pay for accessories so they belong to you. hope we can meet and ride together again, no matter what you get. let me know if you come up this way, don.
  19. i've had mine for 5 yrs, and it helps out a lot. i use to have bad migraine headaches, when i would stop breathing. it took about a month to get use to it, and i still have times it bothers me, like if my sinius are stopped up. keep using it and y'all get use to it.
  20. i had mine for 5 yrs, still have a few times it bothers me but it helps out a lot. i stopped breathing a lot before i got my c-pap, and also had bad migraine head aches. as long as i use c-pap i'm ok but if i fall asleep without it, i usually ahve a migraine. it took me a month or so to get use to it in the beginning. i take it with me everywhere i go now. so keep trying to use it, it'll help you out a lot.
  21. http://www.mobiloil.com/USA-English/MotorOil/Oils/Motorcycle_Oil_FAQs.aspx#FAQs3 starrider05, glen fritzgarld, has use mobil 1 oil in his 96 royal and has over 155,000 miles on it and it'll run right beside any on the road today(his sonn has it now). he has'nt had any problems wiyh the bike. i've use it in mine, for 57,700 miles with no problems either. it's like seats and tires, everybody has their idea of whats best according to themselves and it's just natutal to try and help others out by telling them. to each his own!!
  22. susan and i left the sc meet & eat and went south on I26 to orangeburg to visit edisto gardens. it's a real nice place to visit if you like nature. they have a walk along the edisto river thru a massive grove of cypress trees and also a huge garden with many varieties of roses with other flowers and shrubs. there are picnic areas and several resturants close by.
  23. are you going over to the peanut festival in dothan, al? hope to be there on fri- sun.
  24. ALL THOSE IN Ga, Fl, Ms, and Al should be close to do this ride. i was just KIDDING about buying birthday presents for me!lol we can make it a spur-of-the-minute LA Meet and Eat. be great to meet some of the members there for lunch. anybody live close to dothan that can locate a resturant to meet at???
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