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Everything posted by tazmocycle

  1. HEY !! ALLEN!! i can send you a new battery and some jumper-cables to get you jump-started again!! thought and prayers out to you for better times soon, don and susan!!
  2. Hey Allen, i can send you a new battery and some jumper cables to get you going again, LOL!! thought and prayers are sent for you, hope things improve for you soon, don and susan.
  3. my wife and i stayed at the motel 8 across from the clarton on the lake, it was cheaper and was in good shape. or you may want to go to north of town where the hot springs are and try there. the lookout on top of the mount in town is nice. hwy 7 is a great ride up to eurika springs. checkout the iron horse stable there for a nice place to stay, he has several ride maps for local riding. just tell him you're with the ventureruiders. enjoy the ride or wait till next yr and meet a bunch of us for the international rally!!
  4. susan and i send out our thoughts and prayers to you and your family as you deal with your dad. please take care of yourself so as to help your family, don.
  5. http://forums.delphiforums.com/royalstar/messages checkout this forum, it's mainly for the 96-01 royal star standards like you have. a couple of guys has had the same problem you are haveing with your's. brett is a machinist and has removed mixture screws and retaped the threeds for a couple of them. i run mine at about 3.5 turns out for a good idle. this is a great site too to be a part of, not trying to steal you away from here. i'm a member of 5 differant yamaha site and all are good to help out on differant Qs, don.
  6. first i would wash it with a good car wash soap, if overspray is still there, after drying, then use a lite coat of wd-40 and let sit for about half hour. then with a soft rag rub down the bike with the wd-40. if any is left use others suggestion. i have worked with lacquer thinner and it will tarnish your paint or give your a wrinkle effect on your bike. lac. thinner will dull chrome some if left on long. eat plastic up. also white's bleach-all for cleaning whitewall will dull chrome and plastic.
  7. goose, here's a link to some bags on e-bay. not tooo bad of shape, don http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-XVZ1300-SADDLEBAGS-SET_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ72Q3a1234Q7c39Q3a1Q7c66Q3a1Q7c65Q3a12Q7c240Q3a1318QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem130257913848QQitemZ130257913848
  8. ya'll boys are going to get in trouble over there!! i'm heading north to athens, al to listen to some good music on sat. faunsdale is getting a little wild for me, nowadays, i guess i'm starting to feel my age.LOL!! ya'll be safe and have a fun time.
  9. dennis, the only things i think would be bad is the things listed other than the brake rotor being rusted and brakes dragging. i have looked at several bike that has set up and most times the owner really don't realize that the bike has been there longer than they think. look at the tags and see what the last year it was registered, but that maybe off some. you will have to get the 28mm carbs for that year(96-01 standard) bike. there is an adapter to put the 32mm carbs on but it does requires some work and expense. there's a write-up on that on the v-4 rocks forum start page. after you get a closer look at it and know a little more about what is going on with it, post back and we'll try to advise you accordingly.
  10. you can find bags for it if you kept looking on e-bay. i just sold a new left bag for $250, just didn't have the lock mech. there's also a set of slant leather bags that came on the 98-01 tour deluxe that will fit on the framing on the bike, i just sold a set of them for $75. i'll keep and eye out for you to see what i can find.
  11. as for worth i would need to know whats wrong with it first. make him a low offer of $1000.00. it'll probly cost you a couple thousand to fix up. just a set of new carbs would be about $1200.00
  12. what are the colors of it? if it looks like a road star then it got to be a 96-01 royal star. unless you have found and old royal star ensfield made in UK. probly need to check the gas tank first to see whats in it. then checkout the carbs and see whats inside them. i would drain a little oil out of it and see if water is in it. i also would jack it up and with it in 2nd gear see if you can turn the motor over. checkout this forum it's more for the 96-01 royals. http://forums.delphiforums.com/royalstar/start if the carbs are in bad shape, let me know and i have a set that i may do some trading with you. i also have a few other parts for those years and you can find some on e-bay. does it look lioke mine?
  13. ther's one of the members that has a round chrome filter and cover on his, i think i posted them earlier, i look and see if i can find them, don. Hi Don, how are you? Yes it has been a long time. Ride when ever I get the chance. About those filters. I bought them off ebay. They are EMGO Universal clamp-on 45mm. The part number on the box is 12-55780. I just went to ebay and the guy I bought from has some on their now. The Ebay item number is 200247696163. His ebay store is ClassicCycleParts-Online. I have the 06 RSTD and they fit into the stock intake tube. You can still use the stock clamp to tighten them up. Since I have those pain-in-the-butt lowers. I took some sheet metal and made a plate to cover up the hoses and wires that the stock air boxes hide. Painted them black and used the two stock bolts that you use for the stock air boxes to hold the plates on. I hope this is enough info, if not you can email me at robertlm@bellsouth.net"
  14. i am posting to see if anybody is interested in going to an old time fiddling event in athens, al on oct 4th. http://www.athens.edu/fiddlers i will be driving my truck because i taking my step-son and his girl friend with me. i'm going to try and be there by 10am sat. morning. i'm leaving birmingham area around 7:30am if any in the area wants to go along with me. they have arts and crafts, buck dancing and groups all around the campus jamming all types of music(country, bluegrass, gospel and some jazz in back of dinning hall. there are several types of food to eat, or you can leave and come back in, just get your hand stamped. you can post replies here, call or pm me. it ends around 10:30 or 11 pm. i'm sure eck will put most of you up at his house if you ask him nicely!!LOL!!
  15. well! susan and i are in dc area and will be heading over to wv on wed to meet others around marlinyon to do some riding and eating in the area. hope some can make it over to visit with us there. you can call me at 205-910-5811.
  16. go to youtube.com and search for venture or tour deluxe and you'll see and hear several set of mufflers and their sound. i always liked the kromewerks, sounds like a small-block v-8 with glasspacks. ya'll never get a sound like the v-twin out of this bike, if thats what you want, get her a roadie.
  17. if you are a new rider, you need to be carefull of some of the rides. frist check your insurance and see if they will cover you in an orginized ride, some don;t. i enjoy doing several rides a year, mostly for kids. checkout the group that;s hosting the ride and see what kind of event they have. most have website, so you can see what they do on their rides. be gareful and watchothers.
  18. welcome, dave. i was living in myrtle beach in 77, son was born in oceanview hospital before they moved it to by-pass. i was building a 71 truimph chopper during that time and worked as an electrian all over the strand area. did you race at the old drag strip between mb and conway off hwy 501. i did some electical work on the air base also, and wired the parachute jump at the end of the airstrip next to the ocean. oldist sis still lives in florence and we get out there a couple of times a year to visit. hope to meet you soon at one of the meets. don
  19. congrats to your nephew! my step son is in the coast guard, working on 14 yrs. he works for the adj. gen in commucations. he went in right out of high school, and really liked it. when his dad passed a few yrs ago, he was thinking about coming out, but i told him there was nothing around here that would pay him what he's making and the benefits. he just maked chief in june, which make things a lot better. we are leaving sat to visit him and sitesee around dc with him. tell your nephew that there will be some hard times but it worth it in the long run.
  20. there are 2 group that are trying to control the ride and to rake in the money, this always hurts the main purpose. i have ridden in it 1 year and almost wrecked because of some clown doing wheelies in the ride. there are too many new rider and those that want to ride side-by-side, which on waterloo road can't be done. a few years we went into waterloo early and set up camping and watched the ride come in. if you do this, your'll be there a few hours, because the bridge into waterloo is narrow and there's been several wrecks there. it's a lots of fun spending the nights there, but it dry too, so you need to stop in florence and get some before you head to waterloo. if you buy it from the bootleggers in waterloo, you'll pay about $2.50 for a 12oz cup. the indians hold true to their traditions closely, and don't do it for the money. but in waterloo, you'll get to see a lot of the things they make and they do a lot of dances by several groups that is great to watch. waterloo is where they kept the indian a while till they got them loaded on barges and shipped them down the river. i don't remember the year but they had over 90,000 bikes in the ride and streched over 39 miles. it's a site to see that many riders in 1 ride. so if you go be very careful and watch all the nuts out there. http://www.al-tn-trailoftears.net/index.php & http://www.trailoftears-remembrance.org/ these are the 2 websites that claim to be the orginal group. from what i see you can take either ride and wind up in the same place, waterloo. looks like it may get crowded at the tn/al line if they arrive at the same times.lol
  21. hey! welcome to the best site for venture riders. lot of great folks on here. i'm in montevallo, just below b'ham. where are you located? there's 2 meet and eatsaround al the next 2 weekends. my wife and i are leaving this sat to go to dc and wv for a bike rally. hope we can meet sometime on the road, don.

  22. sorry to hear of a child passing, they are the innocents in this. i have been doing many rides for differant causes for children. have been to the children's hospital here in birmingham, al and for st. jude's. uab hospital in birmingham is doing a lot of good things in this aspect of childern's cancers. they are ranked in the top 25 hospitals in the us. between uab and children's, they are helping many in theses areas. our thoughts and prayers are with them as they face this ordeal!! don and susan harrell.
  23. SORRY TO HEAR THIS!! brings back memories of mine. i had a lot of help from my friends to come thru. SO, NOW I SENT OUT OURS THOUGHTS AND PRAYER FOR A GOOD RECOVERY IN A SHORT TIME. keep us posted on his progress, please and lat us know if anything is needed, don and susan. i think 1 reason that we are hearing of more accidents is that our numbers have grown quickly over a few years. but as we grow we can learn from one another about our bike and equiptment we use. maybe at some of our future events, there should be more talk about safety and problems we have had . like some of the first gens have had trouble with the avons tires, starting to wobble at higher speeds. the metlizers having chunks coming out of them. maybe we can have a section for listing known problems like these. maybe we can start a post on this away from this thread. thanks for all the post here, don.
  24. i had a 73 rx-3 mazda stationwagon, factory 4 barrell, 140mph. in '74 the voltwagen rabbit would out run the corvette from 0-60 mph. my mazda would outrun the rabbit. take a look at this v-max built by a speed shop near me. i'd like to crack the throttle on it!!
  25. CHECKOUT http://www.alsmotorcycleaccessories.com they build a good strong trailer. i've had mine for about 5 yrs and pulled it problly 20,000 miles. pulls great behind my 01 royal star blvd/td with no problems.
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