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Everything posted by tazmocycle

  1. my wife susan had afib, where her heart would beat around 200 times per minute, most times she would blackout from it. she worked at a hospital and finally had an event there and they rushed her to surgery. after about 6 hrs and dr testing 7 places on her heart he found the nerve that was misfiring. they just deaden the nerve that is causing the problem. she hasn't had any problems for about 14 yrs. in fact she has an appointment this Monday to do a checkup on her. she is out of town right now, but when she gets back, i'll see if she can post to you about it, she is very smart when it comes to a lot of medical problems. she worked 12 yrs in intermediate care unit and 12 yrs doing sleep studies. sleep apnea causes a lot of problems with your heart, when you hear of someone dying in their sleep, most times it's caused by apnea . I have to wear a bi-pap machine, now about 14 yrs.
  2. at several star rallies, the Yamaha reps has always said that the new touring bike would probably be a v-twin using the stratalinor motor which is not a bad motor but not a v-4. it'll be just like the harlies everbody else is making, hot on the legs and noisy as hell. even the victory motors has a loud knock to them as I have heard. Yamaha is just cloning like everybody else, instead of going the old way of designing a great looking "new style" touring bike. I hope it'll be water cooled like the 1300 tour bike, at least they was thinking of all the hours of riding and sometimes heavy traffic we are stuck in from time to time. my "ROYAL STARS" will last my lifetime.
  3. back a few years, my daughter let her best friend use my computer, she opened up an e-mail and gave out my password, to AOL but it wasn't them, i found out when Freebird sent me an e-mail of members getting spam from my account. it took me awhile to convince Aol that i didn't send the spam out. had to change everything, and nobody get my paswords anymore, not even my daughter. that's one reason i went to bellsouth.
  4. it happens on some from time to time. I had an extra, but sold it to a friend that broke his and tried to weld it and made a mess. i'll look to see if I might have one still around in all my parts. I have 3 royals, 96 that's wrecked, 97 belonged to a close friend that passed away and a 01 I bought brand new in 01. I'm not sure if the venture kick stand it the same or different. if you get a venture heel-toe shifter, it'll work and the back heel will be back about to the end of the floorboard, giving you more room to put you whole foot down on it.
  5. glad several of the guys got to come over and visit barber's. I think all had a great time! barber's has really worked on getting this thing to be one of the best events around. they have added a lot of parking area for cars on the backside near the camping area and more shuttles to get you around the track to any places you want. they also have added a motocross area in the woods behind the new parking lot, and there was a lot of dirt bike over there using it. getting more hyway lanes from the interstate into the park, now off ramp from I20 east is all the way to the 4 lane that goes to the park entrance(use to have to merge left into strait lane and then get back right into turning lane to park. the indy car races are getting bigger and most of the BIG NAME DRIVERS are coming and talking about how good the track is. The Ride for Kids Sept 13, 2015 I will post up after May-2015 to remind everybody of it. you don't have to donate to ride in the event and after about a 60 miles ride thru curvy & hilly back roads, when we get back to the park we get to ride around the race track a couple of times, this year we got to GO AROUND THREE TIMES!!! you don't even have to do the 60 mile ride, you just jump in line and run right out onto the track.
  6. I go away for a few weeks and everythings changed. I have enough trouble with computers without all this new stuff!! LOL!! LOOKS GREAT! EASIER TO READ! FOND MOST THINGS SO FAR! like any new or inproved thing it takes a little while to figure it out. thanks don for the great work and upgrade.
  7. well, just heard from Mohair(a friend from ga) and they're in bowling green, Ky tonight and are going to be here around 2 pm Friday evening. i'm meeting him and a couple of guys with him and going to visit the museum friday and go for the races on sat. hope more will show up, should be several local guys going too. the weather right now should be ok, problly afternoon showers sat and sun. on another note about barber's, is that we have been having the ride for kids charity for the last several years and when we come back from about a 60 mile ride thru the countryside, they let us ride around the track for 2 laps. this year they let us go around 3 times. so next year, september 13th, you need to be here so you can get a big thrill, riding around with us. i'll start posting about it around june 2015 so you won't miss it!! LOL!!
  8. checkout the Birmingham, Al job market, there some jobs coming open at Honda mfg in Lincoln, Al. Mercedes plant in vance, Al is opening up another line next yr for about 200 folks. down around Mobil, Al there's a new steel mill going up and an Airbus mfg plant. you can go to google a search for these and problly find out more about it. good luck, I was out of work for 6 months about a year and half ago, finally got a good job at ice cream plant. you can checkout www.deanfoods.com and see for jobs are available. there's around 62 plants all over usa, I work at Mayfield Farms in Birmingham, AL.
  9. does your have the air valves in the top of the front forks? they will help out on the ride and stop the diving down when you put on the brakes. the earlier models didn't have them but you can drill and tap the fittings into the caps and then put them back on. you can get the air valve at most auto part stores. the smallest ones are 1/4-28 bolt thread and the next size up is the 1/8" pipes thread. most hardware store carry the drill bits and taps. I have done a few for others and sent them to them to install, but you need to really know how to do it to keep from cross-threading them.
  10. well, I got a rate of $60 plus tx for basic room from guy there, but I haven't got to talk with mr chander, who normally deal with me on this. may try to go by tomorrow and meet face to face. but if you want go ahead and call and talk with him and tell him you are with the "royal riders", maybe he'll come down a little more. all the other motels that I would stay at are around $75 to $104 a night. they know there's an event going on and hard to get much discount. I may stay 1 night myself so as to hangout and have a few drinks with the guys. I may have about 1 1/2 gal of apple pie too. they have a large parking area if you want to trailer the bike and leave cage and trailer there while riding in the area. Saby Chandler Days Inn 1485 Montgomery Hwy Birmingham, Al 35216 daysinn_vh@yahoo.com http://www.daysinn.com/hotels/alabama/1485-montgomery-hwy/search-results?partner_id=&Available_property=false&campaign_code=&checkout_date=10%2F12%2F2014&children=0&corporate_id=&useWRPoints=false&ratePlan=BAR&teens=0&affiliate_id=&searchWithinMiles=&PriceFilter=0-2147483647&perpage=15&brand_code=BH%2CDI%2CRA%2CBU%2CHJ%2CKG%2CMT%2CSE%2CTL%2CWG%2CWY%2CPX%2CWT%2CWP%2CPN&content=false&iata=&childAgeParam=0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&rate_code=&adults=1&checkin_date=10%2F10%2F2014&radius=25&rooms=1
  11. hope things go well with your fix, just wanted to let you know I have the matching rear fender, new in the box still. had another friend that bent up the front fender too. always seems to be the front end. there's a lot of red and white 96s around, got a guy at work that has the dark blue and white "96, I have the same color bike, I bought wrecked several years ago.
  12. i have a set of '03 venture cables with about 17k miles on them if they will work, $40 and i'll pay shipping. let me know. it's the 2 that goes from the throttle to the splitter for the cruise control juntion.
  13. for the last few years i have posted to see if anybody would be interested in coming to barber's vintage days races and swap meet, which will be on Oct.10-12. i have a motel that i have used for several other rallies and they usually let us have a room for $50 plus taxes. it's in a good part of town and close to several great places to eat and some regular fast food places too. there's also some nice camping and cabins at http://alapark.com/OakMountain/ both of these are about 8 miles from barber's. http://www.barbermotorsports.com/vintage-home.php so if anybody is interested, i'll get with the manger of the motel and see what i can get for us there, then i'll sent up a password for you to use when booking to get the rate. so look at your calanders and see if you can make it, and i know you will have a lot of fun here, just ask the folks thaty was lucky enought to make it to the international ralley this year. take a look in full screen!! they race all 3 days even 100 year old bikes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci8lhE9A6J0 the swap meet, about 10,000 bike over the weekend.
  14. when are you going to be here and what nights will you be staying at the motel? once i get a list of days and how many rooms you need, i'll got talk with the mangere and see what he can do. i'll then list the motel imfo and a password to use to get the discount. you'll have to call the motel and make resevervations and payment for it. i'm going to start a new thread under "barber's".
  15. it was good to see you and your wife at the rally. hope she gets back up and going quicky. alway miss my wife at the house when she's away for anything. our thoughts and prayers are out to you both for a quick recovery. let us know if you need anything at all, don and susan.
  16. if enough folks are coming to the vinatage days event, i'll check with a motel that i have used for a couple of other rallies i host here and see if he'll give us a special rate this time too. it's nice and in a good part of town thats only 8 miles from barber's and good places to eat. last time he gave us a $50 a night rate. there is camping at the barber's park, but it's usually filled up in a couple month of setting the rally date. there is camp[ng sites around the area if any needs it.
  17. i live about 35 miles from it. just took a group of 30 bikes there during the international rally last week. everybody seems to have enjoyed it greatly! read over on the thread for it and y'all probably see some pics of it. i got the guy there to let us go down to the bottom floor where they do all the work and have a big storage room of bikes too. normally it's only open during special events. if you wait and come during the vintage days race and swap meet, y'all see thousands of bike and 3 days of races. let me know when you are coming for sure and i'll try to meet up with y'all and show y'all around and eat some good food too!
  18. well, i got up to head up and meet y'all for the ride but the guys that was coming with me couldn'tgo. i called a few other guys to go and wound up waiting over a hour for them. got there about 12 noon and met my son and had a good time with the folks there. rick and i headed back thru russelville and jasper to home josh and brian headed to natchaz trace and headed toward huntsville thru pulski on 64. guess i'll see y'all in gunterville.
  19. them folks spend some serious money on burying their dogs!! my dad raised black and tan coon hounds and had a male and female(jack & jill) and when jack got ran over, it was the only time i'd seen my dad cry!
  20. it's according to what you have and what you want. if you just want them rebuilt back to stock standards or want to go to a rejet to get more power out of it and also what parts are bad on yours that needs replacing. right now I'm waiting on a set and half to get back to me and see what they need to be fixed, I hope to get them this week. i'll let you know as soon as I can.
  21. HEY! y'all got to visit the coon dog grave yard which is world famous.
  22. my son lives about 5 miles from rattlesnake salon, went by after don's fish fry. if you go to Shiloh battle field, go to the next rd north called hagy's and eat at hagy's fish hotel, they have the best catfish around. don't know if we can make it because of the international rally the next week, but we'll see.
  23. WELL!! I rebuilt a #3 set of carbs and sent to bob and he got them on and said the bike is running like it never has since he's had it. he'll be sending back his 2 carbs and I'm going thru them and see if I can figure out what's wrong with them. i'll post what I find or not find with them. bob also tried to get a set of carbs from Rick's Motorcycle Enterprise out of NH and they sent him a set of 32mm and not 28mms. he's had a bad time trying to get his money back for their mistake. I checked them out on yelp and found a couple of bad reviews and a 3 on BBB website. http://www.bbb.org/concord/business-reviews/motorcycles-dealers/ricks-motorcycle-enterprises-in-plaistow-nh-3001440/complaints so if you are looking to do business with them, be aware!! ANYWAY! he's back up and running and pretty happy now.
  24. well if somebody did a rejet on the carbs, evident by the bod filters on it, you're not getting enough air to it. http://www.international-star-riders.com/starcruiser/vol2-7/AirRoyal/AirRoyal.html read this write up, you may not want to tear down your carbs to see but you can put the pods back on and see if it runs right and then decide if you want to open up your oem box( you just need to cut out the extra 2 1/8" hole and not cut out between them, that's the way mine is). or I have an extra airbox bottom and oem filter already cut out, I can sent you and you can try it out and if it runs good then cut your out or keep mine and send your back to me.
  25. sometimes it's maybe a problem with the ductwork causing the problem.it could be to big or small or too many run outs for the air flow. look and feel around the air handler and ductwork to see if you feel air leaking or on lower side look for dust or dirt around the tubing and wires openings. you can get duct seal from lowes to brush on any gaps or bad spots in the ductwork. you can use a good silicone chualk to seal around the tubing and such. the only air handler I've seen with 3450 rpms was the dunin-bush space pack with the 4" duct runs to the vents, it would blow the hat off our head unless you have a commercial type blower that maybe running that fast.
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