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Everything posted by tazmocycle

  1. http://forums.delphiforums.com/MCTourer/messages checkout this forum, there's lots of these guys that do out-of country rides/vacations. great folks to chat with and ask for advice. they also have meets and eats all over the country if you like to just get out and do some ridings. i've been a members for several years and have attended several of their meets.
  2. do you work for diebolt? my best friend/riding buddy, who passed away 2 yrs ago, worked 31 yrs for them. he did most of their electronics and alarm systems, and new upgrades to atms. do you haul your tools around in a trailer? i do a/c and heating work and i use my trailer to do some of my simple calls. saves a lot of gas and can get around town faster. i have a company work van drive it back and forth to work, wish i could ride bike to work.
  3. shooter(ian morgan) did a european tour in 04 and had a great crowd show up. they had a great time, i was trying to go but vacation time wasn't open, so i went to sturgus, sd instead. ian has traveled all over the world riding and he is well versed on renting bike and where to stay. he is a member on here, i think and maybe able to give you a few pointer on it. they had bmws to ride but some took their bike over.
  4. they've had the bike and selling it in europe, and it pissed off a lot of harley riders, who thought harley should have priemered it in USA. i read a while back on some forum about it and the uproar about. i guess all the loyal riders finally got them to bring it over here. i guess they are trying to get the younger kids riding harlies.
  5. seen this on another forum and thought it was pretty close to home!! http://creativity-online.com/work/view?seed=5e32d548
  6. one of the guys on another royal star forum did a couple of calanders and they look great. he also does them for all the star bikes. here's a link, look down in "vendors for royals" & 2009 ta design star calanders. he has a link there to view them and order them. http://forums.delphiforums.com/royalstar/messages #1 has my bike in it, in april.
  7. i posted this on another thread of a rstd not running good, after you get it running you may want to try this!! on another royal star forum, we do what we call a "techron flush" to our bikes to keep the carbon from building up and causing running problems. go to walmart and get a bottle of techron additive and add it to a full tank of gas or close to it. take your bike on a good hard run on the interstate if possible and run out the whole tank of gas or most of it. try to keep the revs up and not run in 5th gear(it won't hurt these engines!) if it the first time you do it and you have a lot of miles, your bike may spit and sput and blow out black soot and sparks. when you get home you will need to change the oil because there will be a lot of carbon in it. i usually do this near a oil chance time and about ever 3rd oil change. the guy who can up with this has a 96 royal with near 200,000 miles on his bike. he's glen fritzgearld, starrider96-starrider05 from ga. hope this helps ya'll out with keeping your bike running it's best, don. because these bikes are detuned from what they are capable of doing they tend to build up carbon worst than any bike i have ever owned. a friend of mine that works at a yamaha dealership told me that some of the roadies have the same troubles.
  8. on another royal star forum, we do what we call a "techron flush" to our bikes to keep the carbon from building up and causing running problems. go to walmart and get a bottle of techron additive and add it to a full tank of gas or close to it. take your bike on a good hard run on the interstate if possible and run out the whole tank of gas or most of it. try to keep the revs up and not run in 5th gear(it won't hurt these engines!) if it the first time you do it and you have a lot of miles, your bike may spit and sput and blow out black soot and sparks. when you get home you will need to change the oil because there will be a lot of carbon in it. i usually do this near a oil chance time and about ever 3rd oil change. the guy who can up with this has a 96 royal with near 200,000 miles on his bike. he's glen fritzgearld, starrider96-starrider05 from ga. hope this helps ya'll out with keeping your bike running it's best, don.
  9. well, we use nitrogen to charge up a/c system to test for leaks because it doesn't contain any moisture, it's a dry gas. it does expand and contract with temperture but not a lot. i would guess it's the moisture that would cause tires to rot that would be the best reason to use it. i have a funny story about air in tires. my ex-sister-in-law had a 74 bettle bug and over a month's time had 3 flat on it. the 3rd time it happen, a friend of our went to help her out, and he was always pulling pranks on everybody he could. when her picked her up, he asked her if she had been keeping the air in her tires changed regularly, because if she didn't it would make the tires rot and start going flat. she told him she hadn't been doing it and didn't know she was suppose to do it, he kept it going with her for sometime about it, till we told her it was a joke!! she was sooo gullivle!!!
  10. you're ALL wrong!! it's muffinman out riding a stripped down 2nd gen!! didn't think he wouldn't get caught at it.LOL!!
  11. i didn't get to go to st judes because of family, but i'm hope there will be one next year to attend. can we have maybe a st judes/ mean dog memorial t-shirt for members and put the monies from them to the funds. a tee shirt is always a good reminder of fun times we have with and for others. i'm in the southern cruiser too and they also support st judes and have their national meet in memphis and do a ride to the hospital to donate the monies. it's a great place that helps out thousands of kids that would otherwise be lose in our medical communites because of the mighty dollars. ANYTHING TO HELP THE KIDS and i'm into it.
  12. ivan, you need to be instructed on how to use THIS FORUM. first of all it's not a bike forum, it's a EATING CLUB with a riding disorder!! we have meet and EATS all over the country! are you getting my drift??? post a messaging about cooking a few dogs, maybe some burgers and having a few bevages too one weekend and hint you MAYBE playing with your bike and i'm sure you will have a few guys ride long distances to help you play with you toy. freebird had about 70 bikes show up at his house for such a thing!! they'll have it strip and re-assembled over the weekend. they may even bring a few parts along or swap a few off theirs to check things out too. enjoy the site and hang in there, you will be riding it soon, don. ps, they are call garage or maintenance days!! but the meet and EAT may get more attention!!LOL:thumbsup:
  13. my '01 standard royal star was damaged by a girl backing into it and knocking it over, minor scratches and bent back fender. yamaha dealer quoted $4700 to repair, my ins co gave that minus 250 deducable. taking it down to do paint job and a few engine updates and v-max rearend, should be around $2000 unless i go wild with paint job!! some times people that haven't really done any repairs will look at it and think there's not that much wrong with it. but when you get it torn down, you see ALL the damage.
  14. do any of ya'll remember the cone shaped qt containers for take-out, every time i went thru rockmart, ga in the 70s and 80s, i always stop to eat and get a qt to go. after it got hot it didn't taste too good. it's best in the frosted mugs, the dine-in here closed last year. they wouldn't serve it in the mugs for dive-thru, only inside orders, they said too many was being taken home!
  15. the 97-01 td had differant hardbags from the venture, they had double-latched lids that was removable( many was lost because of not being latched right- a poor design that was corrected on venture). http://www.wisiwiw.com/StarGallery/index.php there's a few pics on here, don't know if you can use one of them. i'll try to get a pic if possible. you are doing a fine job on the pages, was just tryinging to help out.
  16. steve! in the venture section you wrote that the td was introduced in '05, but the td was introduced in '97. i would like to think that us '96-'01 royals had a hand in this come-back! since 01 when i bought my new '01 royal star, the last year they made them in the small version, i raised h#!! with every yamaha rep and dealer i came in touch with, that they needed to bring it back! was very happy to see it in july'04 re-appear in it's BIGGER SIZE. hope i don't look like i'm bragging, but it was an outrage that yamaha almost lost out on the best bike on the road, don. I KNOW THERE ARE A LOT OF VERY HAPPY '05-PRESENT RSTD owner'S OUT THERE! checkout this link; http://www.wisiwiw.com/RoyalMuseum/RoyaltyRedone/RoyaltyRedone01.htm http://www.wisiwiw.com/RoyalMuseum/museum.htm
  17. you can go to youtube and type in venture and royal star and hear several sets of mufflers on there. also type in tazmocycle and hear mine, bubs header pipes with sampson fishtails mufflers.
  18. hey! i just noticed you live in MB. i lived there in the 70's, and my sis lives in florence. maybe we can meet up next time we go there, don.
  19. go to member's list and pm shooter(ian morgan) who lives in england and ask him about this. he has shipped his bike a few times and riden all over the world. he also hosted an european ride in 04 but they had rental bike for those going over. he is very nice and helpful, have met and rode with him in the usa. i was trying to go to the ride in 04 but vacation time didn't work out. if you go to his pic gallery you can see some of his travels. good luck on your travels, don. you maybe able to go to www.delphiforums.com and find "the motorcycle tours forum" and post there too, there's several members that have done the cross contin. riding and maybe helpful to you(shooter is a member there too).
  20. i got mine and thought there maybe a venture on it, butttt nothing but custom built choppers. they should go back to a 50/50 mix.
  21. we all have chances to do like things in our lives if we make time. i have done a/c work for over 40 years and have sometimes realizes an older person is a little talkative because they don't get a chance to spend time with their family. i had a little old lady that i worked on her boiler for 17 years and she would always have a little meal waiting for me and usally some kind of dessert. her son live only 2 hrs away but only visited thanksgiving or christmas. she always asked about my family and several times, i took my kids with me and they visited while i worked. i lost touch with her after moving to b'ham and her large house has been torn down for a parking lot. when i go by i always have to smile about the hours i spent with my adoptive grandmother. i've had this happen with several like person thru the years. i hope when i get a little older, someone will return the favor to me!!
  22. don, while you are at it you can knock off (a1ammoniaman) from my name if you don't mind. i think it has been long enough for everybody to know i changed by now. thanks for all you are doing for the forum. i have sent several people to the link lately, seems like i see more and more royals on the road. i think this site has really drawn a lot of folks that are looking for more info and help with their bike or wanting advice before they buy one. i just hope yamaha is looking at us too, for some good advice!!
  23. got mine today, it ok as an extra to look at a few new roads. have already ridden some of them, but will use it when i go to a state for the first time and can't find any members to show me around. this website is the greatest touring link, if you're going to a new area, just post and you'll have somebody wanting to show off their area or just be at the meet and eats. thanks for the link and THANKS to all the great members that made this site what it is, don.
  24. i have a 01 1100 and i bought it couple of years ago, wrecked for $1000.00. put about $2000.00 in it and when i last looked on e-bay they were going from$3-5000.00 acording to what they had on them and milage. if it runs out good and it in fair shape, i would go for it for that price. the 1100 is a great bike for it's size and run great at interstate speeds. it's a little bit small for any good size persons, unless riding solo. always make sure they have a good title in hand before putting out the money, i have several friends that has bought bike latley and peple tell them they had a clear title and they wind up getting it and can't get a clean title. if the bike's not in the name of the seller, i wouldn't touch it.
  25. a friend and me ran our bike at a harley drag meet, and we were running 8.7 sec@ 78mph in the 1/8 mile. i had a '01 venture with a dyna 3000 ign box and dan had a '05 rstd with kromewerks mufflers and opened air box and dyna 3000 ign box. i wish i knew what it did in the 1/4 mile. we both had pretty good reaction times and was within a few thousandth of a sec to each other in about 7 runs. i won a hundred dollar gift cert. from the harley shop bt 1 thousandth of a sec.
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