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Everything posted by tazmocycle

  1. i would send an e-mail to the bbb about your trouble with yamaha dealers and them not fixing it. i would still hound yamaha about having this problem before the warrenty ran out. if it winds up being some parts thats causing the problem, you maybe able to get re-imbursed for them from yamaha. on the other hand you can also use a bottle of techron found at any walmart stores to clean up the carbs. about half a bottle in and let sit overnight and then try to open it up and keep the revs up while riding to burnout the carbon buildup. good luck on you fix, don.
  2. It's a lot easier to teach infants to swim, than when they get older. I taught my kids from youngsters to swim and to float on their backs. Dogpaddling is the easiest swimming they can do and get to safty. My dad could float on his back with 2 of us hanging on to him, i never could do it. Any family that has a pool or large area of water, should teach their kids, grankids to swim and respect the water.
  3. too much weight behind axle. i almost got killed by this very thing. was hauling a load of lumber behind my van and it started to sway back and forth, slowed down and went away. got back up to speed and it started again, then a 18 wheeler pass going the other way, and the trailer went wild, was going from side to side of 2-lane road, and another 18 wheeler was heading toward us. fought it back into my side of road and got it stopped on side of road. moved weight to front and solved problem. this has happened to me with my motorcycle, and i adjust weight toward front and it stops. you can set the tongue of trailer on a set of bath scales and load the trailer till it reads about 30-40#s. pick upthe tongue and get a feel of what it weighs and try to load it the same, i would load it heavy to the front than go the other way.
  4. you can do a "pin-the-tail-on-the-jacka$$ with him too. LOL!! that'll be a great thing to see! it maybe a good idea to divide the kids into a couple of differant age groups and maybe offer a visa gift card for the older ones incase they want to go buy something differant from toys(say a few new motorcycle related items).
  5. when i wrecked my 01 venture in 05, i had state farm(been with them since 1970). when the hospital went to file the bills to state farm they said i didn't have medical coverage( told my agent i wanted full coverage when i applied for it and thought i had it). in the state of Al they don't offer medical coverage on motorcycles!! cost me a few thousands of $s to learn this lesson!! i now have formost ins thru aarp. may 08, girl backed over my 01 royal star std, 2 estimates-$2345.00- friends shop and $4700.00 from yam dealer, she refused to give me her ins info to file so i called formost and told them what happened and they paid me the 4700. minus the 250 deductable. just wrote up a report of what happened and names of several witnesses to accident, since i owened the bike out-right i got check in less than a week to do what i wanted to do with the bike. they offer differant amounts of medical and covers $3500 of accessories, but i think you can add more to it? formost is a lot cheaper than state farm too. like most has said, you need to make sure of the coverage you want and get. don't take the word of anybody, only whats in writing because thats what the lawers and court will go by.
  6. http://www.mobiloil.com/USA-English/MotorOil/Oils/Motorcycle_Oil_FAQs.aspx#FAQs3 here is a write-up on mobil 1 oil for motorcycles by mobil but not compared to anybody's oil. i have been using it since about 4,000 miles, about 18,000 i tried shell rotella syn but the bike didn't do as good as the mobil 1, so i went back to mobil and now have 65,000 miles on it now without any problem. star rider96 has about 155,000 miles on his 96 with no problems at all. i guess i'll stick with a proven thing!! some of my friends have starting the 4t racing oil in their bike and says it better than the mobil 1 syn. i might try it the next time and see how it does. auto zone has it but it's off to the side of the car oil, need to ask for it.
  7. the kerosene will burn cleaner and also produce more heat per unit used than diesel and fuel oil. you will smell it right after you start it up and you get use to it and then don't smell it anymore, just like cat pee and poop. i wouldn't run it much at night because of the carbon monoxide it produces. you may want to get a co detecter and keep it near the bedrooms just incase.
  8. i lived at mb for several years and back in the early days the rally was held out side of mb at the race track between mb and conway. it later moved to murrel's inlet and that area. in the last 20 or so years did mb join in and had a lot of events for the rally. so most of the rally is held in horry county and about 10 cities. atlantic beach is a town just north of mb, where it has been for blacks to stay and enjoy the beach. it has always been a rough city to go into, as i use to clean several bussinesses in the area back in the 70's. i moved to conway in 1970, just after they had a riot in mb, when the blacks from atlantic beach, came up into mb to protest being kept out of the white people's beach. the biggest complaint is with the crotch-rocket crowd, not the black riders. in that group there is mostly the younger people that rides them and they creat a bad name for bikes anywhere they gather, and here they are in a extra large crowd and just seems to get of of control too easly. mb needs to do like other big rally town and put in a lot more leo's to deal with the crowds and enforce the laws for all persons, not just bikers. i really never liked going to large bike rally because there's too much craziness going on at them. i went to sturgis, sd in 04, but i didn't spend about 5 hrs total in town, but did a lot of senic riding, which there's lots of to do.
  9. checkout www.alsmotorcycleaccessories.com they build very good trailers. i have had mine for about 6 yrs and not had any problems. they ship it to you.
  10. if you look in the member's list for Al and look up crawdaddy, he has the milky brown and black color scheme. i have seen many of the differant color schemes for 96, i have a wrecked 96 with the blueish white and dark blue cocktail. yamaha also had some custom painted bike thru the years that you run across thru time.
  11. MPK yamaha has test irdes at most major rallies and a few smaller one. the venture and royal star is the best bike i have ever owned, won't buy any other touring bike. had an older model wing and liked it a lot, but just didn't like the newer models. my boss had a bmw k1200 touring and he loved it and did a lot of long rides on it. a couple of months ago he traded it in on a bmw dual sport, he wants to make a trip to alaska this year. i have been around bike for more than 40 years and never want a harley, they do make a better bike these days, but too much $s. but like most has said, try all of them and see which FITS you and your riding style, don.
  12. in 1996 yamaha introduced the royal star cruiser with an updated look of the earlier venture's motor. in 1999 they came out with a full dresser touring bike called the royal star venture to go with the boulvard, tour classic I, tour classic II and tour deluxe models(i guess trying to be like harley building several models off the same base bike). the venture had several motor improvements made to it from the 96-2001 royal stars. in 2002 yamaha dropped all models except the venture but in 2005 they re-introduced the tour deluxe based off the venture's improved motor. so it's a royal star venture and a royal star tour deluxe, but some folks just call them a venture when the royal star was introduced in 1996 a lot of bike mag gave it bad reviews because they said it was low-powered and a dog to ride. they were trying to ride it like a harley v-twin, but a few did give it a good review. in late 2000 and early 2001 i was looking for a new bike and i looked over 3 states to find any, and most yamaha dealers i talked to said they won't order anymore and they was overpriced. when i rode it, i knew it was the bike i had dreamed of. now after almost 8 yrs and 65,000 miles it has proved itself to me and others. and thats the rest of the story, don.
  13. sorry to hear of your spill, had one in 05. had my daughter on with me and thats what hurt the most, her getting hurt but not too bad. hope both of you come out ok from you and your wife injuries ok, follow what the docs says. checkout your ins co to see if they cover towing back to your home. if not contact tankerhank from tuscon in the members list, he's a great guy and i think he has a trailer. if not he may know someone in your area that can help out. good luck!!
  14. i'm going to eat fried catfish on the river in lavaca, Al. the gwrra has a large group show up there, so there should be 300-400 bikes there. rode to stockton, Al this past sat to eat lunch with about 400 or so biker from all over. anybody close to central Al & MS IS WELCOME TO JOIN THIS WEEKEND. http://www.800alabama.com/yof/restaurant/details.cfm?ID=90 http://magnum1b.smugmug.com/gallery/6939683_xnK7C#444100650_TxoRR HERE'S SOME PIC FROM THE STAGECOACH RIDE THIS PAST WEEKEND.
  15. ron, watch the back brake! it'll stop fast and sometime put you into a slide! also they tend to wear uneven from inside and out. you may need to check them when you change tires and just swap them to keep the wear even. maybe one of the upgrade to the venture/rstd in '10 will be abs or linked brakes.
  16. walking with dad has 1775 to upended 815, LOOKS LIKE THEY WON IT!!!! i don't hate alabama, but they can be veryyy arrogant at times, when they are winning. and they always have some excuse when they lose.
  17. you can also give teddy bears to toys for tots, or to any local hospital for the kids there. here in birmingham, Al, the hog group does a teddy bear ride for the childern hospital here. susan and i had the gift of taking the bears up to the burn unit because they couldn't come down to lobby. got to deliver a bear to a young boy that was burnt and far from home that i had heard about on a radio talk show. had a very good feeling when i left that day. you can also contact the marines for their toy collection for kids.
  18. ron, glad you are here! sometimes in our lives we get a time to sit back and review our lives and get a new start. i was at a time once, and got back into biking more as my life had been hecketic raising 2 kids alone and working to support them. i meet my wife thru biking and she loves to ride her own bike. we have been to several meet and eats and rallies. have made many new friends and family along the way. there will be a huge rally in AR this year, look under international rally section, there's a lot of great riding in the area too!! hope to meet you on the road soon, don.
  19. NASCAR NEWS...Jeff Gordon fires his entire pit crew This announcement followed Gordon's decision to take advantage of the government's scheme to employ Harlem youngsters. The decision to hire them was brought about by a recent documentary on how unemployed youths from Harlem were able to remove a set of wheels in less than 6 seconds without proper equipment, whereas Gordon's existing crew could only do it in 8 seconds with millions of dollars worth of high tech equipment. It was thought to be an excellent and bold move by Gordon's management team as most races are won or lost in the pits. However-Gordon got more than he bargained for! At the crew's first practice session, not only was the inexperienced crew able to change all 4 wheels in under 6 seconds, but within 12 seconds they had changed the paint scheme, altered the Vin number, and sold the car to Dale Jr. for 10 cases of Bud, a bag of weed, and some photos of Jeff Gordon's wife in the shower. :stickinouttounge:GOT YOU!!
  20. you may want to take it easy on us scians while you are still looking for help!! lol we've seen some snow before in the state, back in the 70"s we had 18" at one time. shut most of the state down for a few days tho, but we made it! they don't have any cameros in iowa??? hope you got it at a great price. hope things works out for you, don.
  21. that is a 96 tour classic I, looks to be all stock setup. i had a friend that pssed 2 years ago, and had bought one about 6 months earlier. he had the blue and white 96. i haven't talk to his wife in awhile, but she was trying to sell it then. i have a brand new fender in that color that came with his bike when he bought it.
  22. You can probly right click on the pic and see if it brings up a resizer from your computer files. Most operating systems has one in it. If not you can go to their website and download one. I have windows and they have one on their wbsite to download free.
  23. http://forums.delphiforums.com/royalstar/messages checkout this forum, it's mostly for the 96-01 royal star, and there are mufflers on there from time to time. there was a dealer in canada that had several set of pipes from those years, i'll see if i can find it for you. welcome to royality and enjoy the ride, don.
  24. it's probly hard frozen i think!! so people will do anuthing if you get enough in them.
  25. i have tried to make the moonshine but not yet, HOPE TO one day soon. last i heard they had the record for the most eaten by a group. here's a link to the moonshine burger joint, if you read it tells of the 2006 rally. the total is much higher now!! http://www.clarkcountyil.org/Communities/moonshine.htm be a great place to have a meet and eat and see if we can break the record!!! is anybody up to it. we can have it in a better month of the year!!
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