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Everything posted by tazmocycle

  1. haven't put anything for sure yet but the ama superbike races is from 17th -19th, so if anybody gets here earier enough and wants to go to any day, we can work that out. you can get tickets at the gate most times. get there eariy enough you can get a good shady spot around the track, but most of the good spots are taken up early.hope we can do the ride up to little river canyon in the middle of the week so most of us can go. have a couple of other short rides kinda thought out and wind up at a good place to eat. will problly do a couple of cookouts so we can do a little shooting of the bull and maybe doing a little work on anybody's bike or oil changes, etc. i also have a extra set of 28mm carbs already rejetted and a airbox opened up if anybody want to do a swapout. i have a carbtune , so we can do syncs on any bike that wants that. my company has a large grill out of two bathtubs and a 10x10 popup awning i'm got to borrow to put in the parking lot of the motel. motel also has a nice large pool if any day gets too hot to ride during the day that we can hang around. they really seem to want to do their best to make it a great place to have our meet, he even said it would be nice to have a bike show. they have a nice bar and bbq restaurant(i hope to eat there soon and see hows the food). they also said they would honor the price for the following week if anybody wants to come then, and i'll try and set things up for those to do some rides and other things during that week. if anybody has any other ideas, speak up and we'll try to work it in.
  2. i've made links for my wife's 2 differant v-star 1100s and haven't had any problems with them. you can get some stock flat steel and make your own and reverse the side so you can put the beefier side back like stock. i used 1 1/4" x 1/4" flat steel to make them out of it. some of the aftermarket links thats made are adjustable and they are maDE WITH MUCH LESS SIDES THICKNESS than oem links, so i think you shouldn't have any problems with yours. to raise it up you make the link shorter than oem, the differances from stock measurament will double the amount of rise. if you make it 1/4" shorter it'll be 1/2 higher, 3/8" will be 3/4" and etc. i first made her's 1" shorter and it lo0oked like a dirt bike when i got it on there. the triangle setup does the reverse as you would nornally think.
  3. have you tried to adjust it with the spanner wrench in your tool pouch? if you look at the middle of the shock you'll see a stepped piece of metal around the middle and there is a elongaged pin in one of the stepped areas. i think if it's in the bottom step it's on the softest setting jack the bike up some but leave the back wheel on the ground. you hook the tip of the spanner wrench into the holes at the bottom of the stepped ring and turn it till it moves into the next slot. you may have to adjust it a coupje of spots and then try it out to see if if it better.when the ring is lifting the bottom of the spring up, it's getting to be a harder or stiffer ride.
  4. http://forums.delphiforums.com/sgmfa/start there's a lot of great guys on this website that can give you some knowledge and help on youe 650. i had a 01 that my wife rode and then sold to move up to a v-star 1100. i maybe able to help also as i do all my own work om all my bikes.
  5. do you have the 4x4 exhaust or 2x4 exhaust? if you have the large slant bags on the 2x4 ehaust the venture hardbags will fit right on them. if you have the 4x4 you'll have to get the mounting hardware off a 99-present or 05-present td to be able to put the hardbags on it.you can find some on e-bay stote of pinwall salvage and a couple others.
  6. do you have the hard bags on yours? the only differances in the mufflers are the hanger, on yours the hanger is vert. and the newer ones hangers are hortz. you maybe able to bend the hanger on those for the newer bikes to fit yours. yours has the muffler and y-pipe are welded together and the newer ones are 2 pieces. you can saw off your mufflers just in front of the weld seam of the muffler and y-pipe, then the after market or harley mufflers will fit, it measures about 1 3/4" on the outside of the y-pipe. if the hardley mufflers fits the newer bikes, they should fit yours. or you can get a whole set of pipes and mufflers for the newer ones or bubs and they'll fit yours, just need to figure out the hangers. i cut my first set of y-pipes and mufflers apart and put sampson fishtails on the pipes but later i got a set of bub pipes and changed to them with the sampson fishtails. the bub pipes are bigger on the inside and sound a little deeper than stock pipes. you can go to youtube and put "tazmocycle" in the search window and it'll be my bike running with the bub pipes and sampson. mine is a 2001 blvd with the newer hardbags and mounts off the newer ventures.
  7. tazmocycle


    if you want to see about a thousand bikes of all kinds, barbers museum in leeds, al is just the place to be. i'm hosting a ralley here on june 18-26th and we'll go there during the week or weekend. they are having the ama super bikes races june 17-19 and some of us are going to attend they if possable. look in other club rides for rally in birmingham, al. all are welcome to come over and join in when ever you can. the motel said thry would honor the price the next week too if it works out better for any. you can go online and see a lot of the bikes thats in the museum on their website but it's not like being there in person.
  8. i can't think of it right now but i have a 97 with that side torn down, will look at it tomorrow and get back to you. the guy that owned it before me sais this motor has a blown head gasket and started to tear it down before i bought it. get back with you asap, don.
  9. the only yellow light is the fuel lowm light, just before it goes into reserve. i'll checkout my owner's manual and see if there's any other yellow light.
  10. wanting to know if anybody has registered at the motel yet? also want to get an idea of who all knows if they are coming. susan and i along with a few friends rode out and around the area and stopped at brierfield iron works park. ladfy said they have most of the parks camping and cabins open for the week of rally. she said they also have a large bar-b-que pit area if we want to cookout there and a nice pool. it's about 6 miles from my house. susan and i are going to take the grankid there one weekend soon and check it out. http://www.brierfieldironworks.com/
  11. barbersmotorsport.org looks like barber's is having the ama races the first weekend on the ride-in. it's always a good time to sit and watch the races around the track or go to top floor and watch from there. best view of the track and the sharpest curve and usually there's a wreck r two there. you can bring in a cooler and snacks or go out to eat and return with wristband. hope some can make it over for that weekend.
  12. the 96-01 was worse about carboning up because of not being ran hot enough. over on the delphi forum we use to do a techron flush, you put 12 oz bottle of techron in gas tank, fill it up with gas, get out on open road and run the piss out of it . keeping the rpm's up high all the time till you are almost out of gas. take it home and change oil and you'll see a lot ofcarbon in it. one guy's 96 with about 31k on it, was b lowing out carbon and sparks out the exhaust after about 45-50 miles, but it was running a lot better after he ran the whole 125 mile trip with us.tew(gene wier on the forum had trouble with he's 98, where a chunk of carbon was holding the valve open. his friend's son looked into the cylinder with a scope camera and seen it. they put some kind of foam in it to desolve it.papa dan's 97 was always blowing out a lot of black smoke when he really got on it. did you spray oil into the cylinder when doing the pressure test? when we use to work on small engines back in high school we always did to get a proper test because of bypass around the ring gaps.
  13. my oldest brother goes there with friends to do some fishing, he said there was some big fish in there. they use copper wire as fishing line to pull them in with. he lives in lincolin, org just off the columbia river and catches some large salmon there. hope to go out soon and do some fishnng with him. want to ride out and go to crater lake while he's camping out there. they stay about a month there when they go.
  14. you can buy differant styles of handles for most guns. they have small and large grips and several differant materials they are made out of. you can problly go to a gun store or gun show to see a good varity of them. i have a s&w 38 with small(wood) grips and a taurus with larger(wood) grips, with a little reworking the taurus grips fits on the s&w nicley. it fits my hand better. some of the rubber grips are bigger too.
  15. the '96-'01 royals has the same cluth as the 2nd gen venture, i'm not sure if 1st gen is the same. most go to the barrnett clutck spring and some put a second spring on top of the first to make it stronger. mine started around 42k and i now have 72k on it and still pulling along good. i don't try to get on it hard without downshiftingto keep it from slipping, so far so good. most of the clutchs i've seen the plates are usually still in good shape, wear wise. i have a spare set of clutches and spring around here somewhere, that a friend changed out of a '96 and put in the barnett set. you may want to look at the hose to see if it's weakened and causing some of it.
  16. my neighbor got a applehead chichuahua to help his kids ashma and he said it works too. had it 12 yrs and 1 day he didn't come back from going outside. few months ago the other dog they had come from under the house with a small skelton head, and he found what was left of him under the house. about a month ago they were having a yard sale and peanut, his longhaired chichuahua, dispeared and her thought his daughter had took him with her, but later figured out a mexican family with a couple of kids that had been playing with him, must had taken him off. i had a black cocker that would jump up on the tank of my goldwing and ride with me on short around town rides. i strapped a huge folded-up beach towel on the tank, and she always sat better still while on it. we now have a mtn terrier and jack russell mix and susan has talked about riding on the bike but i think she's afraid if anything ever happened to her it would tear her up. donnabella(bella) will run and jump in any of our vechiles if the door is open and wants to go for a ride. around the house she dosen't want to have anything to do with me, and i have to back-up to thebed to get in, all the time she's growling at me, with susan holding her back. but anytime i go outside she's right behind me, wanting to go for a ride. some friends of our's took ma back pack and she wears it in the front with their yorkie in it. susan's sister has a yorkie too, which seems to be a good even-tempered dog. good luck with what even ya'll do. here she is with a large beef rib bone we got for her from fire of brazil resturant in atlanta, ga.
  17. you may want to use 10w oil back if you doing it for the first time.mthe heavier oil will make the frontend not dive as bad as 5w oem oil. good to keep a little air on shocks to less the diving when braking hard.
  18. WELL!! SUSAN AND I WENT TO THE SAWMILL RESTURANT TONIGHT, i hope we can go as a group when we have the ride-in. they have a all-u-can-eat seafood buffet, with fried whole catfish, oysters, frog legs, shrimp, fish filets, calimari and boiled crab legs. a nice salad bar and bananna pudding. we rode the bikes there, first time since the 2010 ride-in we rode together, weather was nice and a little cool on the way back. i'm planning out a nice ride and end up at the sawmill rest around 5pm friday of the ride-in.
  19. quality inn 1485 montgomery hwy birmingham, al 35216 205-823-4300 QualityInn_VH@yahoo.com just tell them you are with the royal riders group and you will get the discount. i guess you can call the 1-880 # for quality inns and get to them that way too. let me know if you have any troluble with booking.
  20. you can also get the rack that mounts from the tag to the bolot that holods the back of seat to fender that's from thye older models. i have one and will take $30 plus shipping. the other fits on the sissy bar and comes off with it. a couple of othewr companies make some a little larger than yamaha oem.
  21. WELL! I GOT A GREAT RATE FOR EVERYBODY!! finally got by the motel and talk to them and locked in a block of rooms for $50 a nightsingle or double! 1 king size bed or 2 double beds. i forget to ask about 2 persons in the double room if it would be more. most motels add about $5 for the other person. i'll check on it tomorrow. so now you have the imfo lets get calling in. they said if we need more rooms than the 10 they'll add more to it at the same cost. they have a nice large pool and a large parking lot around back thats open and lit for any that trailers their bikes in. they also said it was fine if we wanted to set up a grill and cookout in that area, that way we can have a few meals there that'll be low cost to help out with monies. they also have a resturant and bar. the guy also said we might want to have a bike show there, or we can do youngest, oldest and longest distance riden(no one who trailers!LOL) i'll try to come up with some gifts to give out if we do. we'll also be close to big #1 yamaha dealer and i'm hoping they will have a lunch one day for us, i'm still working on it. susan also suggested we have a t-shirt swap, where anybody that want to bring any t-shirt you have(extra) and do a swap with each other. t's from rallies, dealers, other rides, etc. ya'll can pitch out any ideas and see if we can work it in.
  22. the smaller royal standards was made from 1996-2001,they had smaller 28mm carbs and single valve springs and no counter balencer in it. there's several mods to do to tjem to add power to the bike. they'll out run any harley except the v-rod and out run most v-twins around. they'll stay close to a venture in running out on the road, i've haven't had any trouble doing it for almost 10 years and 72,000 miles. i've pulled a trailer behind mine for half the time with no problems, i even out-ran a built harley while pulling my trailer with about 300lbs of weight in it, there're about 10 eye witnesses to it. i have 3 of them and a venture, and like the standard royal most of the time when riding. there's a website on delphiforums.com that was started 10yrs ago for us who had the smaller royal star because when they first came out ,most reviewers tried to ride them like harley v-twins, but they get their power in the upper rpms just like the newer ventures and 05 tour deluxes and newer. the second genration ventures were built off these standard royal but has bigger cams, carbs, lower gearing and counter balencers in them. there' many of these bike around and running fine with over 100,000 miles on them, the most is over 150,000 mles on it. i'm hosting a ralley in birmingham,al june 18-26 , if anybody wants to attend and see several of them for about 8 states. http://forums.delphiforums.com/royalstar/messages/?listMode=1
  23. OK! looks like june 18-26 is the week most pick to attend, but i will also leave it open for maybe the following week too if enough wants to come that week too. i'm going to start tomorrow to get some price set at motels and campgrounds in the area for those coming. there's a couple of state parks close to me and is centrally located to most things in the area. http://www.alapark.com/OakMountain/Cabins/ http://www.brierfieldironworks.com/ brierfield is about 6 miles out in the ruals and oak mtn is in pelham about 14 miles. there's a campground near oak mtn that use to be a koa but i think it's changed to good sam's?? i'll post more in the next few days. o'course susan wants to go to eurecka springs again, she's got her own bike, just need someone going west to come thru b'ham and let her ride along.LOL hope she don't read this!! we will be going to vogel this year, yea! maybe some who can't make it to ark, can make this one.
  24. i have been trying tom get some diaphrams for my 86, but couldn't get a reply from them. it says there isn't a web addr by that name. need to get them and get itback together because my friend moved and i need to get the bike from there, was hoping to get most back together before moving it. if anybody can get me a good addr to get them i'd be very thankful.
  25. http://forums.delphiforums.com/royalstar/messages/?listmode=1 look in grassy knoll section for 2011 royal ride-in. i'll keep it update here too. you can keep an eye on it at this website, hope to have a good crowd, do a little riding, eating, bsing about life and do some work on anybody's bike as needed. i have a friend that has a nice shop, has tire changer and electronic balancer if any neds it and don't trust a bunch of jacklegs like us. he's a great mechanic that works at a yamaha dealer, and works on any kind of bike.
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