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Everything posted by tazmocycle

  1. sorry i haven't gotten on here sooner to reply, but got slammed at work and having problems with co-worker. but not to intrude on this post as i have seen the great care and comfort that this forum has always put out for members having great struggles in life. TOM, glad to see you are doing better and getting out of the hospital. i know from experance that the hard times are coming when you are dealing with your pains and aftermath of the wreck, but stay strong and please let us know if you need any help or just someone to talk with during this time. most people don't know how imporant riding is to us, so it's good to have a great family like this to help us out in times of need. our thoughts and prayers are still with you and all that's helping in this matter. susan and don.
  2. susan and i will be heading that way but don't know for sure what day yet. have to see how work goes first of the week. had to split up over 2 weeks to get time off. i'll let you know as soon as possible to see if we can meet up.
  3. well as of now susan and i will be there. i put down for my 2 vacation times and my boss told me i couldn't have 2 weeks during our busey season, so i had to drop vogal week as i already had my rally in b'ham going. i went and told to the gm and he said the same, so i asked if i could take part of 2 weeks instead of 1 whole week. he said he'd see. i turned in it to my sup and he signed it. if we don't get overloaded before i leave, i'm coming, i may even quit to come, i could check back with them to see if they want to hire me back or go somewhere else. i've never had any trouble finding a job in my a/c field.
  4. 9079.1 [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-YQAveqpug&NR=1]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-YQAveqpug&NR=1[/ame] WAS LOOKING AT ROYAL STAR ON YOUTUBE AND THERE'S HUNDREDS OF LISTING ON THERE NOW. uses to go and only find a few on it. this video shows about 15-20 royals riding around germany and the poster has a few more of the same trip. looks like a royal ride-in european style!! got mine in 2001 and you couldn't find anything much about them anywhere, now the whole world knows about them. it's great to see so many other enjoying these great bikes, wish yamaha would step up and get their head out of their azzes and do the right thing and upgrade them to what they should be!!!
  5. http://www5.snapfish.com/bellsouth/thumbnailshare/AlbumID=3883846028/a=4903673028_4903673028/otsc=SHR/otsi=SALBlink/COBRAND_NAME=bellsouth/ here's some pics from our ride-in, enjoy!
  6. WELL, 2011 ROYAL RIDE-IN IS OVER! all have left on the way home, hope they make it ok. please let me know when you do, thanks, don. i put over a thousand miles on my 2 bikes doing all the rides in my area. went to barber's a few times as i got a year's pass. had a great time meeet old friends and new ones(even if they rode harlies). LOL!! glad to hear they did get to see barber's museum before they left, it would have been a shame they rode all this way just to visit the local hd shop!LOL! i'm a little beat, but really happy to have hosted the ride-in again. i hope someone else will step up and do it next year in a new area, maybe in the ne area of us. thanjks again for all that braved the weather and came, hope you all had a good time. i'll post a link to the pics i have.
  7. well chuck(slowroll) and his wife got here friday afternoon, we went out to eat and talked for a few hours. saturday had to fix a friend's a/c and finally got up to motel and we rode back roads over to barber's to see what was going on. we then ran on down to where 29 dreams uses to be and then rode on out the curvy road and ate at bar-b-que place. we then rode on down to clanton to the peach park for some great home made ice cream. then we headed back to motel. nice long day of riding and fun. tomorrow we are going to barber's to see some races and go to the musuem.
  8. sorry but i have been busy at work but i'm o=posting this road report to help you out as you come into b'ham area. I65 has a lot of bad spots in it and they are BAD in places.if you are coming from the north you will see a few spot in the concrete that has been tarred, WATCHOUT! if you are coming from the south up I65 get off at exit 246, go left to hwy 31 and turn right, motel is about 3 miles on right. if you are coming fromeast or west get on I459 loop and get off on the hwy 31 galleria exit and go north on 31 for about 2 miles and hotel is on right. BE SAFE AND WE'LL SEE YOU HERE, DON AND SUSAN.
  9. the bars on the newer tds are wider than your stock ones.yamaha also jas some small plastic risers which fits the risers and triple tree, they are about 1/2" thick. i haven't seen any lately, down know if they still offer them. you can go to lowes or home depot and they have several differant size plastic washer which may work, and they will take up the extra lenght of the venture risers. i have a set of venture risers which i will sell if anybody wants them. i think i gave $20 plus about $5 shipping. i'll take my money back for them.
  10. you can put a set of venture bars on it and get about 1" of rise and 1 1/2" of pull back. the venture bars are also about 2" close together than oem bars. i have venture b ars on my 01 royal star and got what i wanted in it. i also put them on my wife's 1100 and she likes them too. you can add the weight bars on the end of the venture bars. the 1100s has a shorter end weight that screws on the same way.
  11. i went by the motel and check on those who had registered, but one one person(slowroll) has called in. i hope everybody calling in tells them their with royal riders for their $50 price. let me know if you are having trouble. ONE MORE WEEK AND IT ALL BEGINS!!!!
  12. there's a bracket that bolts to the top of the fender just behind the driver seatm that holds the front of the back seat in place. if you can find one i have one on a wrecked bike and may be able to sell it to you. let me lo0k in my shop and see if i can find it. i'll get back to you in a couple o0f days. ther's also a dealer on e-bay that took down a royal like yours and may have that piece in stock. you have to look at the 96-2001 royal stars for parts for yours. there are a few things thats the same but most are differant from the ventures and '05-up tour deluxes.
  13. 1 http://www.mckibbonhouse.com/ this is a nice bed & breakfast across the street from me. i have a gift cert. for 1 night stay that i'm putting up for bids with the money to be donated to the birmingham ride for kids http://www.pbtfus.org/rideforkids/events/2011/birmingham.html the room rate is $120 for the full treatment. you will love staying here and lyle cunningham is a great hostess and makes you feel like family. she has also offered her other rooms during the ride-in at a 10% discount of $108 plus tx for full treatment and for just coffee in the morning at $80 plus tx a night. as of now she has all 4 rooms open for the week of ride-in. the money will be donated in the name of who wins. i'm leaving the bidding open for 10 days and notify the winner asap. thank you for your support.
  14. you problly need to tighten up the steering head bearings. i tightened up mine a little tighter than my 2 wheel as the trike seems to wobble more than it. i also put a little more air in the front tire and it helps out a lot.
  15. there has been a couple of guys i know that has had pieces of carbon on the valve and not had go compression on them. you can add a whole bottle of techron to a tank of gas and run it hard keeping it in thr upper rpms for the tank full and it''ll most times clear it out. we have done it to a lot of bikes and one that had over 31k on it after 60 miles or so, it was blowing out soot and sparks of the muffler and started to missing, he thought we had ruined his bike but we got him to get back on it and keep running thr heck out of it. after another 70 or so miles it was running smooth and faster than ever. with the bad gas we are getting and the de-tuned motors for passing epa requirement, it's just the nature of motors today. thats why opening up the airboxs and re-jetting the carbs and adding a dyna tech ign box gets these engines running awhole lots better is done to them. how many of the new ars do you see a cream colored exhaust pipe anymore, just a few ponitac sst a few yrs ago. nowadays they are all soot black, a sign of poor burning of fuel. REMEMBER WHEN!! YOU KNEW YOUR CAR WAS RUNNING AT PEAK PERFORMANCE- THE WHITE TAIL-PIPE!! or cream(i know some will say it's running too leanLOL!!@
  16. i have a friend who owns and running his gas station for about 20 yrs, said they mix the ethanol into the gas as they load it into the truck and they strive for 10% mixture, but the ethanol starts to break down after they put it in and gets worse as it goes down from there. if you were a big gas company and you can make your product be used faster thus making more and more money, plus help out your best friends the car companies sell more of their cars, etc. thats all i'm going to say.do you remember when you went from leaded gas to unleaded gas around '74 the gas mpg went way down hill. i use to race and use sonoco260(113 octane) and it ran like blazes and gas mileage went from 18 to 24 mpg. also around that time the self-serve gas station became the norm and you get awhole lot lees of service now-a-days at the convenince mart.
  17. i had some trouble with it when my set up for almost 6 month during my surgeries, and had to tear down my carbs to clean them out. there was a lot of white sugary power and clear-like jelly in them and i even put some stabel in it.. i also foung out that under the needle valve there's a small brass filter that needs to be blown out too. i always run sea foam or techron in mine to help keep the crap out of the tank and carbs. we've had it here in Al for several years now and you can't find anything else. very few stations sells 100 octane racing fuel and it don't have ethnol in it. i've ran it a couple of times and it'll bust your power up and increase the mpg up over 50.
  18. man, i hate hearing this!! i meet him at '02 star days i think and i bought a few items from him. plan a few times to go visit him but never got to. he was 1 of a few that real made me feel welcome at the rally. we talked about all that good cajan food and eating in general. you could tell right off he was a layed-back type of guy you could be around and enjoy the time with them. all our thoughts and prayers are going out to all effected by this.
  19. 8834.21 in reply to 8834.20 just want to post an update on the ride-in. alabama had a lot of damage from the storm but not in the areas i planned for the ride-in. i not being callist about what has happened, but alabama still needs the money from tourist visiting the state to help get us back on our feet. so we are still on for the 18th - 26th of june, which is a little of a month away. they have started working on i-65 around where the motel is, but i think we can work around it. as it gets closer to the date, i'll post some imfo and a map to help all coming to get to where you need to be and give road updates if any chganges is needed. hope we still have a good turnout even tho we had some bad weather and gas prices as gone up, but in the last week, it's gone down around 10 cents a gallion here.
  20. if you do a lot ofsportbike racing, these pics are common ones to see"ON A CLOSED RACE TRACK LIKE BARBER'S!! thats why i don't go to the dragon and ride it much. much of the guys there are just trying to learn how to be a cafe racer on public roads. in my younger days and a few times now i'll rip a few curves like this to get a great rush of adrenaline to get my blood back up into my head!!LOL straighten my thinking back out and try to remember why you don't do these things!!LOL there's just toooo many unknowns around that next turn. sand, gravel, oil, other bikes doing the same thing, granpa driving a motorhome pulling a 30 ft boat behind or last but not lest a 18 wheeler overlaoded and CUTTING THE CURVES TOOO!!!. IT'S PROBLLY THE HARLEY MUFFLERS ON IT THAT MAKES HIM THINK HE CAN DO IT(the venture)!!!LMBOROTF!! :rotf:
  21. JUST WANT TO LET EVERYBODY KNOW WE ARE FINE AFTER THE HUGE STORM DAY HERE IN ALABAMA, BUT THERE'S A LOT OF FOLKS, OUT IN THE COLD!! it was a little hairey yesterday, as we woke up to a lot of damage from straight line winds of around 90-100mph. then after 3 pm MANY tornados hit well into the night. today the death toll is up to 204 and problly may still go up. whole towns are gone and many townfolks are injured or dead. susan left yesterday for panama city, fl for a sleep confr. with co-works and is safe. i sat and watch as all of it happened with 2 twister going within 5 miles of my house and real close to my daughter's. these didn't do much but the ones north of here did a lot of damage. please keep everyone that has been thru this in your prayers and thoughts. the national news services has done a lot of reports from here and pres obama is coming tomorrow and hopefully declare a state of emer. for the state so they can get some much needed help.
  22. JUST WANT TO LET EVERYBODY KNOW WE ARE FINE AFTER THE HUGE STORM DAY HERE IN ALABAMA, BUT THERE'S A LOT OF FOLKS, OUT IN THE COLD!! it was a little hairey yesterday, as we woke up to a lot of damage from straight line winds of around 90-100mph. then after 3 pm MANY tornados hit well into the night. today the death toll is up to 204 and problly may still go up. whole towns are gone and many townfolks are injured or dead. susan left yesterday for panama city, fl for a sleep confr. with co-works and is safe. i sat and watch as all of it happened with 2 twister going within 5 miles of my house and real close to my daughter's. these didn't do much but the ones north of here did a lot of damage. please keep everyone that has been thru this in your prayers and thoughts. the national news services has done a lot of reports from here and pres obama is coming tomorrow and hopefully declare a state of emer. for the state so they can get some much needed help.
  23. i talk with my oldest brother a couple of times today, he works for a company that does storm damage estimates for fema and he said there was a lot of damage across several states. he lives in Or and said these storms are coming over them and racing across with a lot of power in them. looks like there's going to be a lot of them this year, usually it's may before we get this many big outbreaks. this's early. so everybody need to keep a heads up for the weather reports and pay heed to them!!
  24. yes, it the same setup. you don't have to worry about scraping because there is a little steel bar underneath the footpegs that is a wear strip. when you wear it down scraping just get some new ones and replace. have you got the air valves in the top of your front folks? these help firm up the front shocks and make it better handling. have you replaced the oil in your front schocks? it has 5w oil in it from yamaha and you can go to 10w and make the frontend a little firmer that way too. it's not hard to do either and can be done at same time.
  25. JUST WANT TO LET EVERYBODY KNOW WE ARE FINE AFTER THE HUGE STORM DAY HERE IN ALABAMA, BUT THERE'S A LOT OF FOLKS, OUT IN THE COLD!! it was a little hairey yesterday, as we woke up to a lot of damage from straight line winds of around 90-100mph. then after 3 pm MANY tornados hit well into the night. today the death toll is up to 204 and problly may still go up. whole towns are gone and many townfolks are injured or dead. susan left yesterday for panama city, fl for a sleep confr. with co-works and is safe. i sat and watch as all of it happened with 2 twister going within 5 miles of my house and real close to my daughter's. these didn't do much but the ones north of here did a lot of damage. please keep everyone that has been thru this in your prayers and thoughts. the national news services has done a lot of reports from here and pres obama is coming tomorrow and hopefully declare a state of emer. for the state so they can get some much needed help.
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