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Everything posted by tazmocycle

  1. WELL WE WENT TO BARBER'S TODAY TO SEE THE RACES AND SWAP MEET. seen this venture for $125. notice handle bars!! carbs and outer skin gone, probily locked up! does anybody need parts bike? guy lives in ripley, tn. got his contact #. thought about buying it but no place to hide it from susan!! LOL!
  2. well we went and spent several hrs watching the races, walked around some of the swap meet and tried to sign up for a test ride on a KLM. they said they book the whole day's rides in 50 minutes, so I hope to get there early in the morning and try again. several of the guys in scrc has gotten them, and have done several rides of 2 or 3 thousand miles. I don't know if I want to do that kind of riding, but I want to see and feel how they handle. wasn't too crowded today, but probly be worse tomorrow.
  3. give him my number and tell him to call me and i'll help him get around the area and some good places to eat at, don.
  4. my son and me are going to all 3 days of the races and swap meet. if anybody is going to be there, just give me a call or text at 205-593-6440 and we'll try to met ya'll.
  5. Sorry to hear of this! Hope he keeps getting better. tell them we are thinking about and praying for a great outcome! i'm sure he will be fine, he needs to take it easy, till they do all the tests. let us know if there is anything we can do to help out, Don & Susan.
  6. we're going in the cage, so no worries about roughing it. grandson went to Washington with other granma, so we are taking his sister with us to get her out to see some of world she probably never get to see. trying to get to most states and attraction we can in 10 days. hope to get to san Antonio, TX first and see whats there worth seeing, maybe some of the less seen by tourist. then head on to Tuscan by las cruces. I remember going up to hatch and then back down to I10 and back to deming, but may go to pietown(heard about it on foodtv) and taste them! we want to go to Sedona to see horseshoe and other sites. thanks for the imfo and advice, hope to keep y'all advise on this thread as we go along. hope we can meet some, and maybe meet some new ones, Don.
  7. susan, my granddauther (14 yrs) and I are hoping to head out west from AL soon and hope to see a good bit for several days. have a sister in aburq. NM and hope to get to the grand canyon too. hoping I can remember the roads I took from Las CRUCES to Tuscon thru the area they grow all the chile peppers. going to grand canyon from there, maybe hit edge of CA, so susan can put that state on her list. try to follow rt 66 back up to OK on way back home. if you know of some great places we need to stop at, let me know and i'll try to put it on our list!
  8. when you fill it back up make sure you put right amount back in, may need to allow time for it to drain down into forks. there will be an air space in top to allow the forks to compress. the air in top will compress to absorb the bumps. 10w oil will make it better in absorbing the bumps and diving of the frontend when braking. to help get cap back on without cross-threading, I try screwing the cap on without the spring first, when the threads engage I back it up till it comes loose and then put a mark on the cap and fork so when you are starting to screw the cap on and pushing down on cap and spring, you have a starting place and if it starts to bind up within a half turn you know it's cross-threading. don't force it till you have a round or two by hand, then you can use a wrench to tighten. frontend needs to be off the ground while doing all this. hope this helps out, Don.
  9. Tankerhank has put a venture motor into a '99 royal star. he's on this forum and runs one on delphiforums http://forums.delphiforums.com/royalstar/messages/?listMode=1 I think he did a write-up about it too.
  10. we have seen a few miatas and like the looks of them, and a friend had one for several years, till he totaled it. susan had a 280 z and really liked it, so I have looked at a few, but folks want too much for them. I've had 2 "68 firebirds, one I did a complete restore, brand new convertible top, but was offered too much money and a "69 chevelle for it, that was a good while back. have been looking at some lite wrecked cars, maybe fix 1 up for us,o'course susan don't want me to do that because of the time involved, but may get a friend in the business to help out. thanks for the good wishes and maybe see y'all on the road!!
  11. 10245.1 WELL!! HERE I SIT ANOTHER YEAR OLDER AND STILL HAVE A LOT TO DO!! 62 yrs old and trying to get my stuff in order to see when I maybe able to retire. would like to in about 4 yrs so I can do a little traveling around to the states I haven't been to yet. done about 38 states, and want to do at less 49 and some of Canada before I give it up! been busy getting house finished. doing upgrades to save money on hvac, upkeep of outside and yard work. have several projects I have been wanting to do over the last few yrs but may have to get rid of some. maybe selling a few things in the near future to lighten the load I put on myself. susan has been wanting to get some kind of small sports car to take some trips in so we can relax while doing it, but I'm more comfortable riding the bike than driving a car over a long distance, but have to take her comfort into mind as we do these. I'd also like to host another royal ride-in here so maybe we can see a lot of old friends and newbe's like in the old days before most didn't know much about these great bikes of ours. this has been one of the best things I have done in life, that has giving me much joy and happiness. ok enough of the sappy, looking forward to the coming yrs ahead and doing some great things, Don.
  12. seafoam in a small pan to soak and brush off debris does good too.
  13. You may want to look at the choke cable adjustment and see if it is closing the butterflies all the way shut. The adjustment is on the broad arm that goes across from side to side of the carburetor. I have found that sometimes if the cable is not adjusted right, it can not close the butterflies all the way. Also the pull cable maybe broke and not pulling enough, usually it breaks where the cable and threaded piece joins. I made a video of setting the flow height, which is about 9 mm. Also look at the floats and make sure they are level with each other, I have seen them more than a millimeter different. You get running and enjoy the ride! http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?75252-checking-float-level-on-96-01-royal-star-28mm-carbs
  14. I don't know if the same gov is still in office but when we went there, the govr was openly welcoming bikers to WV for the riding, they were redoing a lot of the roads to make them more open to bikers. they have a good web site, http://www.wvcommerce.org/travel/thingstodo/outdoorrecreation/motorcycles/default.aspx I always like for someone from the area to helps out, they can show you more places that you may miss and places to avoid. SLOW ROLL, it's your turn to show us around your area!! LOL!!
  15. several of us met up in marlinton, wv several yrs ago, and rode to Cass and rode the train up to the top and looked at all the area they use to cut lumber, very big operation, went to new river gorge bride and rode down the old Hwy 19, which has a lot of switch backs and a iron bride that goes over the river at the bottom. also went and sean the largest radio telescope in the world. lot of great riding in the area.the guys that lead us around was originally from there and their 80 yr old dad was riding with us too, he hung right in there with them during all our fast riding. I hope we can make it up there.
  16. the orginal royals with the 28mm carbs and single cam springs puts out about 76 hp vs venture's 98 hp. I assumed that was the reason for the dog bones? on the '59 &'60 impalas they started putting a piece of chain around the motor mounts of the 348 ci motor because of the torque, then they bored it out and made the 409 ci motor.
  17. the heads will bolt up and the only differance will be the fronthead off the venture has the extra bolt holes for the dogbones that goes to the frame to help with the extra torque of the newer ventures. you can just swap out the cams and get the adapter plates a guy on delphi forms make for them. i've got a set of venture heads but never really look at it closely to see the differant in them.
  18. let me get them down and see if i can get some pics of them and get together on them, don.
  19. I have a 86 that I took down to redo and just about decided I don't have the time to finish it. was thinking about selling it all or part it out.most of the bike is in pretty good shape but the previous owner tried to repaint it with rattle cans. I also have and extra radio and tank cover too. I got new diaphrams for the carbs but never put them back together. the other guy used jbweld to patch the holes in the diaphrams and the bike was running real ruff. I can look at the collection box, but seems like it was in pretty good shape.
  20. if you have the 4x2s on yours you need to get the ones for that year, because the mount is different. the older royals has a vertical hanger and the newer ones has a hortz. bracket. your can use the Harley mufflers and use a regular muffler clamp or cut the bracket and reweld it back vertical.you'll have to cut the y-pipe off the muffler just in front of the weld to put the slip-on up on the pipes. they are around 1 3/4" od pipes where you cut them, so most mufflers for the Harleys will fit. I think I have a set of Harley muffler up in my attic, but may have some fine scratches on them. if you want them just pay shipping to you. I also have a set if used Sampson fishtail, but they propley need rechromining.
  21. i have several sets of 28mm carbs and maybe able to help you. you can call me on my cell phone, i set it to you in a private message. they aren't too bad to clean up and get them running fine again.
  22. well, we got them off and they had a lot of corrusion in them, cleaned them up and started rebuilding. on #4 the pms screw wouldn't come out so i had to use 1 i had brought with me. got them back on and running, but #4 still not firing good, may need new plugs. had to leave and get back to work, got back, and took a hour nap in parking lot at work before going in. was dragging by the end of shift, old age catching up with me! LOL! after he gets a battery and check the plugs, walt going to sync them, if he can't get it smoothed out, we'll get back together to finish up. IT WAS ALSO WALTER'S BIRTHDAY AND I GOT TO PARTY WITH HIS FAMILY! WES, GAVE ME A HAND ON THE REBUILD!
  23. bring mom on along, we always have a fun time doing these maintenance days! LOL! yea, Susan had to go to Pensacola for a sleep tech conf. and that's the only reason, I'm going over there. I was going down there to meet her, but I need to help Walter out. we're going to Willington, Nc next month for her son's 20 yr retirement from the coast guard, so we'll get in so site seeing in while we're there.
  24. I am hoping to run over to Jackson, Ms tomorrow to help Walter out on his 22mm carbs on his royal star standard. he'll be home from gun class around 6pm and I guess we 'll start on them or if I get there earlier, I may go ahead and start on them. I'm going to spend the night there and head back home Sunday evening about 2pm. if anybody wants to come over and check us out or show us how to do it. LOL I wish there was more time to post this up but I have been working double shifts, 5 days a week and 5 hrs or so on sats. you can call me (205-593-6440) or walter stitt(wes0778). his phone # is in member list for Ms.
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