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Dandy Randy

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Personal Information

  • Name
    Randall Landfair


  • Location
    San Bernardino


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 RSV XVZ13TL


  • Occupation
    Yard Driver BNSF

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  1. Just acquired the factory service manual thanks
  2. @Du-Rron thank you where can I view a copy?
  3. New to this where can I find the step by step steering head removal?
  4. can I get the fairing out of the way so I can remove the forks?
  5. I don't have a place to lift the handlebars up can I do it any other way if I take my time?
  6. Looks like I am going to let a mechanic do the front forks
  7. Thank you videoarizone do you have any pics of what to remove on the inner fairing I think this is amazing!!! I found your directions !!!
  8. Macarl good mourning I will google that never can be to safe thank you. RDawson I will try to use my front porch thank you! more pics. before I start I'm going to have the shop put new tires on and check it out
  9. I am going to start with finding a good way to jack the front end up I am open for any suggestions on the matter at hand of getting to the servicing of these type of forks
  10. So search 2nd generation library?
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