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Everything posted by MiCarl

  1. Very few differences. For some reason they changed the lower fork tubes in 87, moved the anti dives from the front (pre '87) to the side (87+). Even then, I believe you could interchange the tubes. Of course colors changed year to year. Other than that I'm not aware of any differences. Oh, one more thing. In 86 I believe they Venture was still available in a Standard. By 89 they were available Royale only. If the 86 is a standard it won't have the CB, cruise and all that that your 89 has. I believe the standard also used a different wiring harness because it didn't need the connections for all the Royale extras.
  2. They do .pdf files. Should be able to load the manuals that are linked in the tech library.
  3. My in-laws gave my wife a Kindle for Christmas. The display is very impressive. Looks just like paper. What little I messed with it it looks like it probably does a great job as a reader. It's got a qwerty keyboard which gives me trouble because I touch type and don't "know" where the keys should be, just which finger. Unfortunately keyboard way too small for fingers........ I also really wanted to use the touch screen it doesn't have. Apparently the epub is standard for library books. My wife mentioned that the Kindle wouldn't do the epub library books (stateside). She wanted a kindle because of the stuff that's available that is not in print at all. BTW, it does text to speech. I assume the Borders one does also. So Dan can enjoy his even if he can't read.......
  4. I think it depends somewhat on which e reader you have. According to my wife Amazon has a lot of free titles for their Kindle.
  5. If you're talking about running a Mac OS on a Dell laptop I think you're out of luck.
  6. The valve is cooled by heat transfer to the head when it is seated. If the clearances are too tight it does not contact the seat well/long enough to transfer heat and can overheat. If it's standing partly open the hot gasses leaking past it will "burn" a hole in it. Odds are you'll find them in spec, or at least close. If they are you've wasted your effort. If they aren't you've saved yourself a valve job. How lucky do you feel? You do not need the shim tool to check them. You only need the tool to remove/insert them.
  7. This is a good suggestion. I doubt that 600 is too high for an exhaust header, the 250-300 is probably low.
  8. Dan, have been struggling with a friend's daughter's Taurus over the same thing (except hers has progressed to blowing no heat). Neither hose to the heater core was getting hot. We back flushed the heater core and replaced the thermostat. No change. I read some articles on the web about the vanes corroding away on Taurus water pumps. Supposedly they'll move enough coolant to keep from overheating but not enough to heat the heater core. We were planning to replace the water pump but in the meantime the heater core has started leaking. Next week it gets a new heater core and water pump. When Googling around I did come across a video claiming that it showed how to change the heater core in the Taurus in only four hours without moving the instrument panel. I didn't watch it and I'll have to hunt it up again. Will let you know what we find.
  9. The vacuum does that. You need a restriction in the line to damp the fluctuations so you can read the gauge.
  10. If you do that I recommend you hit Traverse City and ride up the Keweenaw Peninsula. The views through the wine country are outstanding. If you need a place to stay I highly recommend the Kingsley Motel which is a few miles South of Traverse City so it's about half the price you'd pay on the lake shore. You won't find a cleaner place. If you do decide to go to the Kingsley Motel beware that the mapping systems do not understand their correct location, including the Google map linked on their site. (we had trouble with this!) Use 4946 Garfield Rd. instead. Their location is immediately North of that address.
  11. I've got a severely bent one you can have to saw up if that'll help. I'm going to be in your neighborhood Jan. 15.
  12. We stayed up there once, about 12 years ago. We had a pop up camper and stayed in a state forest campground which was outstanding. Tahquamenon falls is a must see while you're there. Dray is threatening to put together a ride from Hell to Paradise in 2011. Might want to keep an eye open and see if it overlaps your plans.
  13. The Ventures use a "wasted spark" ignition. That means each coil fires every revolution instead of every other that is required to run the engine. The "wasted spark" happens at the end of the exhaust stroke when there is nothing to fire. Since electronic tachometers watch the trigger signal to an ignition coil the tach needs to be set up to match the ignition type or it'll read 1/2 or 2x the actual RPM.
  14. They're worth more in pieces than as whole bikes. That's how Pinwall pays their bills.
  15. I won't work on a Harley either. Just digging around for the SAE tools takes too darn long. Besides, during the season I have enough metric work to keep me plenty busy. Also, there is a shop 1/2 mile away that only does Harleys. They send me the metrics and I send them the Harleys. I couldn't pay the rent at $30. I suspect your fixed costs are much lower than mine. In the interest of full disclosure I've run at $60 the last two seasons. The Harley shop up the road is $70. The only metric dealer within 20 miles was at $90 last time I checked. The other variable is how much time is billed. I bill flat rate and generally use factory warranty labor +25%. Sometimes I make out on that, but generally I work more than gets billed. One thing I learned really quickly is to charge a diagnostic fee (1 hour labor) which is credited to the job if I do it. I had too many people bring me a bike that wasn't running, I'd diagnose it and then when I quoted it get an answer like: "Oh, if that's all it is I can just do it myself."
  16. Soon I'll be setting my labor rate for the upcoming season and would like some input. If you know what shops in your area are charging/hour I'd appreciate the following feedback: Dealer/Independent Geographical area (eg. West Tennessee). Labor rate. Thanks!
  17. I used to work for a Minnesota company and traveled there a lot. It's a very nice place in August. When I was newly married I went to the Twin Cities for four weeks in July/August and took the bride with me. She loved it and wanted me to try and transfer there. I told her she needed to see February first. One day as we pulled into the hotel she asked me what the electrical outlets by the parking spaces were for. Answer: February. This same company liked to have the annual kickoff every January in Brainerd. There's nothing that will make a Power Point presentation drag on like knowing that when it's over you can put on a hat with ear flaps and ice fish, snow shoe or dog sled!
  18. For those of you down South that don't know what happened up here: Saturday night it rained buckets. Sunday morning it cooled off and changed to snow. That snow on the wet warm ground made about an inch of slush. As temperatures dropped into the single digits that slush turned to a sheet of ice, with snow on top of it. Below about 25 degrees salt is useless. Around the great lakes there is also "lake effect snow". When the wind blows across the warm lakes it picks up moisture. As it moves over land and rises it cools and dumps that moisture as snow. Buffalo is a big winner in lake effect snow because they are just East of a long Lake Erie. I don't know for sure, but I'd be willing to bet that part of Ontario got the same mess we got, plus a good helping of frozen Lake Huron when the wind swung out of the North West.
  19. Since I have the directions laying on the table I looked. It says to lubricate all moving parts annually with light household oil. It then lists the parts. It specifically says *NOT* to lubricate nylon rollers.
  20. Now if they'd just close the darn door so the heat quits getting out........
  21. I've got an old (30 years) steel door and it definitely creaks and groans more when it's real cold. In cold weather it also rains in the garage when it's opened because all the condensation from the heater drips off it. New door was delivered today. It's insulated at R17, which is about what the walls of the house have. Should do away with the rain and lower the gas bill.
  22. Probably ruined by the same clowns that ruined Wendy's after Dave Thomas (Wendy's founder) died. It happens all the time. Somebody starts a great business and it grows like gangbusters. Ends up being a public company. Then the founder(s) die or retire and some clown with a pile of degrees, no real world experience and a spreadsheet runs it into the ground because the spreadsheet says he can make more by squeezing the employees, going to cheaper vendors etc. He doesn't care though because by the time the customers catch on his options will have vested and he'll be long gone. End
  23. Bobby, If they're doing them on the bike at that price they're either 1) Not doing it properly or 2) Gonna go belly up in the middle of the job. I'd want a really credible story why they're working that cheap before I turned my bike over to them.
  24. Are you sure?? I don't think I've ever had an idea to steal. Maybe got the idea from MarCarl. You know, the handsome one.
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