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Everything posted by MiCarl

  1. If it doesn't have an R it'll be a bias tire. I believe the "B" stands for belted. Decided to look it up:
  2. Pic 2. Good job not throwing the washer out with the old filter. I keep a supply of them on hand because they've often been discarded in a previous oil change.
  3. They're worried that they'll get it torn down and need a part that is either is unobtanium or has a long lead time. In the first case they don't get paid and in the 2nd they tie up a valuable lift waiting for parts. They should also be concerned that things will break as they disassemble and they'll have a problem with you over responsibility. So, rather than just say no, they blew you out the door with $$$ signs. If they wanted the job they'd probably have been more in the $2900 + parts range. Would you be willing to bring it over to the sunrise side to get it done? It'd have to be quick or wait until after Thanksgiving. If you can do that I can price it pretty aggressively. In about three weeks I won't be able to afford the risk that it ties up the lift waiting for parts.
  4. Make sure he runs his water from time to time so the pipes don't freeze and bust.
  5. After clearing the driveway I'd have to estimate we only got about 5" in the last 24 hours. Way less than the 13 they were screaming about. It drifted around quite a bit so I had bare spots and some drifts about 8" deep. Nothing unusual around here this time of year. I guess the folks in Chicago wrung it all out for us.
  6. Since I don't know anything about Veterans Benefits I'll jump in. HERE is the whole list titled "Potential Spending Cuts and Estimated Money Saved". Are you sure the VA couldn't be more efficient with their spending? The document doesn't have a time frame, but if they're using the common ten year projection we're talking $450 million/year. The 2010 VA budget was $114 billion. $450 million of that is 0.39 %. (I have my decimal place in the correct location, it's about 1/3 of 1 percent). I'd be willing to bet you folks that deal with the VA could identify that much savings by reducing duplicate or useless paperwork. It also talks about reducing disability benefits by any amount Social Security pays. I suppose collecting both could be considered double dipping. I don't know if this is only people injured serving, or if there are VA disability benefits for people that are injured in their post service life. I'm all for making sure that anyone disabled while serving is very well cared for. When it's all said and done though, a large majority of us seem to be in favor of reducing the expenditures of the Federal Government. For that to happen we're all going to give up programs we personally like or benefit from.
  7. I'm pretty sure they're 8mm. You can check by looking at the stem - the cap is 8mm. If the nut that's against the wheel is the same inside diameter as the cap then you know it's 8mm. 10mm is 25% larger and it'll be quite obvious if it is.
  8. Grand Piano on Sandbar Baffles Miami
  9. All he needs now is a piano to go with it.
  10. Anyone can join the BBB by sending them a check. They in turn send you a sticker for the door. Short of listing a complaint in their database or revoking the sticker they don't have any enforcement power.
  11. Interesting that that's happened to you. As pointed out, If they're getting pulled it's because someone is flagging them. I drive about 1/3 of my business from a free craigslist ad that I re-post every 30 days or so. I've never had a post pulled. I do wonder how they pay their bills. I'd gladly pay for advertising with them (they are by far my most successful advertising) but they don't have such a thing as a paid ad.
  12. When I was in college I broke my leg in three places playing softball. My roommate in the hospital had had a deviated septum fixed. The doctors could not understand why he wasn't healing. Turns out the girls in the sorority house below our window were sunbathing topless on the roof. My roommate was spending all day with his face pressed to the window. Tell your wife to avoid that if she wants a speedy recovery.
  13. I've never run 404s but I've mounted a lot of them so I'll share my thoughts: The D404 has a rather modest load rating. If you're riding two up you're probably going to be near the load limit (unless you're both really good at avoiding ice cream stops). When I mount tubeless tires I always check the wheel balance first and align the light spot on the tire with the heavy spot on the wheel. In most cases I find that the heavy spot of the assembly is still the heavy spot on the wheel. This is not true of the 404s, I often have to use significant weight on to offset the imbalance of the tire. I don't know that this is necessarily a problem, but may indicate they don't put the greatest effort into the details when manufacturing it. I went with the Kenda Kruz. It's got the same load rating as the Venom and can be had for a price similar or less than a D404. I usually ride two up and figure we're close to the load limit of the tire (we never miss an ice cream stop). So far got 4K miles on it and it shows very little wear.
  14. I sell an aftermarket seal Thunder Valley Powersports. I've had a set in my 89 for two seasons without a problem. I also have the Fork Oil. If you buy from me be sure to enter the coupon code "VentureRider" at check out to save 15%. You also need to think about why your seals are leaking. Is it just age or are the fork tubes pitted,or bent or the bushings shot? If either are bad your new seals will fail quickly no matter where they come from. When I replace fork seals for customers I require new bushings. This is because if I take it apart and find out it needs bushings I've either got to tie the lift up waiting for them or temporarily reassemble so it can be rolled off. If you don't need to turn it around quickly you can disassemble it for inspection then order the parts you need. If the dust wipers are bad they should also be replaced. As far as I know the wipers and bushings are only available OEM. I don't have a source that lets me resell OEM at a decent price so I don't offer them in the store. Earl (Skydoc_17) would be your best bet for OEM parts.
  15. There's too much of me to screw in a light bulb.
  16. I had a problem pulling water from the bottom of the heater. Because cooler water settles to the bottom and hot rises I was pulling cooler water out. Meantime the burner kept running so the top kept getting hotter until the relief valve blew. That can create a problem if your water heater is in a finished area (like mine).
  17. Ice dams aren't caused by the gutters. What happens is warm air in the attic melts the show and when the water runs down over the cooler eave or gutter it freezes. Snow is an excellent insulator, when it's deep it'll trap enough heat to melt the layer against the roof. That's why ice is more of a problem when there's a lot of snow on the roof and not so much with only an inch or two. The correct way to deal with the problem is to improve the insulation and/or attic ventilation. Unfortunately those can get expensive. You can put a band-aid on the problem by raking deep snow off the lower portions of the roof (you can make a roof rake or buy them at Home Depot etc.) or by using heat tape. I've got a room that was formerly a back porch. The roof has a very low pitch and the rafters end right at the outside wall. So there are no eave vents, only room for minimal insulation where the roof meets the wall and it's flat enough any water that backs up comes right in. Because of the configuration and how it meets the rest of the house changing it would be a major expense so I use heat tape on it. I had poor luck with heat tape in the gutter so I reconfigured it so the tap hangs over the gutter. The gutter still fills with ice, but after that the water runs over and falls to the ground. Makes great icicles!
  18. I need them to help when I put that heater core in the Tarus.
  19. Are you confused because the [more] button doesn't give more posts, just removes the poll at bottom?
  20. We bleed our brakes and do things like switch to stainless steel lines to REDUCE compressibility in our braking systems. There are discussions on here all the time about DOT3 vs. DOT4 vs. DOT5.1, which are really about preventing compressibility in hot brakes. This device adds that undesirable trait back in. From the FAQ What that thing does is add an air bubble to the brake system. The only difference between this and brakes that aren't bled properly is that the bubble is trapped behind a diaphragm. The effect would be the same as having air in the brake line - a spongy feel and more pedal travel to get the same amount of braking. The float and drag part is pure BS. The implication is that because brake rotors aren't perfectly flat and true they lock up. Anyone who has ever driven a vehicle with a badly warped or bent rotor knows that doesn't cause lock up, it makes the pedal (or lever) pulse. Save your money for safety chrome.
  21. One more time..... 6 and 15 each took two strokes, but it gave me hole in one . For some reason it seems not to count short puts, but honestly it's another 25.
  22. Ok, so I dooded it again. Had some trouble on hole 4 or it'd have been 24. A good monitor makes a lot of difference (23" hi def). I don't do near as well at work on a 17"CRT.
  23. 25:stickinouttounge:
  24. I agree with Dingy, sounds like mostly valve train noise. I noticed that there also what sounded like an exhaust leak when you were low on the left side. I wonder if the difference in appearance of "smoke" from the mufflers is that the right one is open more, with the gas moving slower.
  25. I don't know anything about golf. I got 29, should I get more than that?
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