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Everything posted by MiCarl

  1. Or it could be hydro locked from a stuck float. We need more information about the history on this motorcycle.
  2. I had a customer bring me a VT1100 Shadow that he said wasn't charging. I put the meter on and it was 14.2V at idle. I thought he must be mistaken. As soon as I gave it some throttle the voltage dropped to battery voltage. In his case it was the Regulator/Rectifier.
  3. That's almost 4X what I asked for. That will work.
  4. If they're wired up in parallel they'll both keep the same charge level, basically becomes one larger battery. I believe the Tender is capable of doing much larger capacity batteries, so theoretically it should work. The issue I see is if the batteries aren't in the same condition. If one has a problem it could end up ruining the other. You can get a Tender JR for under $30. You'd spend a good chunk of that rigging up something to share a tender. For that matter, you can get an extra vehicle side connector - just move your tender every couple weeks.
  5. I replied to your survey. A question I didn't ask: How sensitive is it? It needs to read at or better than 10mm Hg. Also, all the other tools out there use units of a column of mercury. So the display should read in either inches or mm (or both) Hg.
  6. I don't know if it's your problem, but the 5W30 is a poor choice. As far as I know all 5W30 oils are energy conserving, which means they have additives that can make a wet clutch slip.
  7. My bikes don't get started unless they're going on a ride. Treat the fuel, top off the battery water, change the oil and put on the maintainer.
  8. No, the black sludge is not from the clutch. It's because the fluid became water saturated and it precipitated out. It's from neglected maintenance. Clutch and brake fluid should be replaced at least every year, more often if it lives outside or it's a humid environment. You likely have it in the brake system too. There is likely some of that crud (or worse) in the slave cylinder and the seal got damaged.
  9. Usual place for a leak is at the slave cylinder. The leak can be quite slow. It runs down behind the middle gear cover, above and behind the exhaust pipe. Depending on what the garage floor is like and how fast a leak is it could be hard to notice. 2007 is fairly new for a leaking slave though. Monitor the reservoir. If it goes down you'll probably need to tear in to the slave.
  10. BTW: As the clutch wears the fluid in the reservoir will rise (opposite of brakes). You should leave plenty of room at the top (I like to put them just above the minimum mark). If the fluid has gone down you've got a leak somewhere.
  11. Actually, 5.1 is different than 5. 5.1 is compatible with DOT4. Why you'd spend the extra money is beyond me though..... **IMPORTANT** Make sure you understand that plain DOT 5 is incompatible with (almost?) all other fluids and systems. If you mix DOT 5 with DOT 3, DOT 4 or DOT 5.1 there is a chemical reaction that causes sharp crystals to form. There is also the issue of compatibility of seals, lines etc.
  12. If you actually Log Out the cookie is deleted. That's what Log Out does. When you sign in click the "Remember Me" check box and never log off. Then your settings will be kept.
  13. I have had some success opening pilot jets by removing the screw and blowing in compressed air (high pressure from a compressor, not an air can). They often re-block though.
  14. My current GPS (Navigon) came with life time traffic. It usually knows about major, long term construction projects. It's never had any information related to small short term projects, accidents or congestion. I suspect they all use the same service. No way I'd shell out $$ for a subscription to it.
  15. Yeah, I was concerned about that. I didn't stop and think when I posted it that I only need 4 gig. Assuming I can find a card that small.......
  16. I believe your '83 only has On/Off. The newer models have On/Off/Res. Part number is 3JJ-24500-00-00. I'm guessing it'll fit........ Those of us with On/Off/Res typically leave them on "Res" and just use the fuel gauge - like in the car.
  17. I think probably the correct fluid is Ride On. Not only will it stop the leak, but it'll balance him too.
  18. I recognize one of them. I think he might be the Governor.
  19. Maybe an o-ring that has shrunk with age, like a 1st gen cooling system? I hope what you've been smelling isn't burnt brain fluid, that would indicate an overhaul! Good luck friend!
  20. Wow! Some stuff going on there I don't understand. Someone sure made a mess of it. The cover on your 84 is the same. I broke one in the same place putting my foot through it as I hit the car that pulled out on me. I grabbed one off the parts bike I bought, but I think the original would have been weld-able. Not sure if you've got anything to work with under that gob of stuff or not....
  21. Thank you!
  22. I'm thinking about getting a 660LM. How much music are you able to store on it (I've got about 4GB on the player I currently use).
  23. Yamaha already thinks they have tourers in the V-STAR line. To them, throwing on a pair of hard bags makes a touring bike. I wouldn't hold my breath!
  24. How big a pool. On mine when the thermostat housing o-ring started to leak it'd drop about a tablespoon as it cooled down. I let it go until winter.
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