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Everything posted by MiCarl

  1. His problem isn't just the petcock. You only turn the petcock off to protect you if you have a float bowl over filling. When it over fills gasoline can leak out the vents and/or into the cylinders. If you get enough fuel in a cylinder to hydro-lock it you can bend a rod. So, he has a float problem and if the petcock was switched off it's leaking too.
  2. Just some clarification for you: When you checked diodes you were checking the rectifier portion of the Regulator/Rectifier. You're not checking the voltage regulator circuit. Basically, if the diode test fails you know the regulator/rectifier is bad. But passing the test doesn't mean it is good.
  3. Me three. Voltage is low, you hit the brakes. brake lights come on -> motorcycle dies.
  4. Yeah that is my thinking too. The headset doesn't care what the audio source is and certainly has no way of "knowing" how far away the other transmitter is. Perhaps a squelch issue?
  5. $1,000 down, 60 months at $202.58/month. The monthly payment is all some buyers care about.....
  6. To elaborate on what Bob said: The key code is stamped on the side of the ignition switch assembly. You'll need to remove it to see the code. I've only ever pulled one and if I recall correctly a 10mm socket and a bunch of extensions will let you get to it from under the fairing so you don't have to remove any plastic. It requires some contortions, especially getting it back in. I don't think your dealer can do anything with the key code. A competent lock smith might. Someone here has been advertising that they can punch cut keys, I think from the key code. I have ordered keys by code from key men Key Men - Keys for Classics. They're tough to deal with though and can take a couple weeks. If you send them incorrect information they're likely to just ignore you.
  7. Google is your friend: Brake Pad Archives - EBC Brakes The sizes are the same regardless of trailing letters. It's just a matter of how much you want to spend and how much rotor wear you'll tolerate.
  8. What is Grizzly? Why don't I know about this? Is there one near Detroit?
  9. If you have it vertical you'll only lose what is laying in the cover. On the side stand you might lose more.
  10. Bob, on tubeless tires I find the heavy spot on the wheel and put the mark to that. The valve doesn't come up the heavy spot much more than random chance. In fact, on a wheel like the 1st gen with a big rib that is cut away for the valve there is a very good chance the heavy spot is 180 from the valve. Point of interest - I find that generally the wheel itself is more out of balance than the tire. I think the aligning the mark with the valve comes from tube type tires - where the tube is reinforced at the valve and adds a lot of weight.
  11. I grew up outside Akron, OH and went to school in Cincinnati. Periodically mom would send care packages. They typically took about 3 days. She had one that was rush so she paid extra for priority shipping. It took 4 days. When she asked about that they told her it was because all the priority packages went to Pittsburgh to their new sorting facility......
  12. I've got one coming too. Supposed to be here today (according to their tracking). Not though, at the sort facility South of town. It appears that it decided to spend an extra night in Tampa. Can't say I blame it.....
  13. It wasn't me, but a friend had what appeared to be a chicken bone.
  14. Every time I encounter a Smart car I worry that I might get it caught in my spokes.
  15. Unless things are different in Canada, it's almost always a better $$ value to buy one someone else has already completed.
  16. I'm the boss so I can work or close up and spend the day with the in-laws (Christmas day with the in-laws is mandatory). I decided I had too much work to spend 2 days with the in-laws.
  17. I'm not sure you can get the carbs out with the boots attached. Wouldn't that be a bummer after reaching in there with 2 fingers to remove the screws? As flyday58 indicated, you can pry them off. I use an old hammer handle and make sure you're not prying on anything delicate. I use soapy water on reassembly.
  18. Here is what it boils down to: LEDs draw a lot less power than incandescent lamps. They draw so little power that the motorcycle "thinks" bulbs are burned out. The result is the flasher runs very fast and the lamp warnings on the CMS will come on. The resistors you read about are installed in parallel with the LEDs to increase the power draw so all the sensors on the motorcycle are happy. The problem is then you use just as much power as the incandescents, losing a major benefit of the LEDs. The running lights and brake light you can deal with by bypassing the lamp sensors in the CMU. I've seen posts by Dingy showing where that is done. If you do the headlamp the Reserve Lighting Unit might need to be bypassed - If the RLU "thinks" the headlamp is burned out it will rapidly oscillate between low and high beam.
  19. If you decide to go that route make sure and get the matching riding gear: http://www.returnofkings.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/PM710126.jpg
  20. Unless the motorcycle is now too tall for you I'd suggest you not do anything. It's not that the progressive springs raised the front, it's that they eliminated the drop caused by the old springs. If it is too tall, I'd look to modifying the seat before changing the suspension geometry.
  21. The circlip is there to keep the air collar from sliding down. The trees will hold the fork in place.
  22. The holes should be closed off (air tight) somehow. Not only do you want to keep dirt out but the captured air acts as a spring. You want to look very carefully at whether the fender will hit anything when the forks are compressed.
  23. Unless my '89 had the wrong starter it was only 2 brush. I put a v-max starter on it.
  24. How's this for a definition: If the oil fill is on top of the crankcase, behind the #3 cylinder, it is a 1st gen. Also no cooling fins. (86 - 93) If the oil fill is at the top of the clutch cover it's a 2nd gen. Fake cooling fins all over it. (96 - '13)(I included the Royal Star)
  25. MiCarl


    The only thing I know anything about (other than what I have read) is natural gas in water wells. The house I grew up in had the water well in the basement and we found natural gas coming out the vent after the 2nd explosion. Dad plumbed the vent outside and no more problems. So I'm skeptical about people that claim fracking has caused their water to be flammable. We had flammable water long before the current fracking thing........ Cowpuc - you cannot smell the methane leaking from a natural gas well, it doesn't have all the sulfur that landfill gas has. You can open a natural gas wellhead and it might roar like a jet engine but you can't smell a thing (do not ask how I know this). The gas company adds 'perfume' to the methane they deliver so we can smell when there is a leak.
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