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Everything posted by MiCarl

  1. You can buy grip glue. Check the motorcycle shops around you or search on line.
  2. I'm sure there isn't a "defined" way to do it, but I'd be willing to bet someone with the right skill set could pull it off. Sounds like you're already going to make a big time commitment but if you don't have the skills you're shut down. I wish I had more free time. I'd love to spend a couple weeks with your backups.........
  3. Sorry, I used confusing language. By image I was referring to the server image, not the picture files. Here is what I had in mind, and I'm not sure it's doable. Someone that understood the database better than I would have to look into it: 1) Restore the October 29th files and database somewhere. This should give you an operating forum as of Oct. 29. 2) Upgrade that "old" copy using the method that preserves links to the images. 3) Extract the records created after Oct. 29 from the "current" database and import them into the upgraded "old" database. -> This is the tricky part that would need some DB expertise to approach. I can think of one other trick that would require some coding: An application to go through the old DB, identify picture links and insert them into the posts in the current DB. If the upgrade reshuffled indexes though this would be much harder or impossible. If your issue is you have multiple DBs in that Oct. 29 backup and the restore will roll them all back there is a work around for that too. Export each current DB separately via PhpMyAdmin, do your restore, then use PhpMyAdmin to import the current data back into the DBs you don't want rolled back. This is a trick I've had to use a couple times when I've trashed a DB and had to recover from an account level backup.
  4. OUCH! That's painful. One thought Don - I believe the folks at Knownhost have backups going back farther than you can see in WHM. I wonder if it'd be possible to restore an image from before the upgrade, upgrade (properly) the restored image THEN overlay the newer DB records. If possible it'd be a lot of work. On the other hand you may be contemplating even more with your manual path.
  5. Street motorcycles have two properties that make what you attempted nearly impossible: 1) Street tires don't grab mud at all and aren't much better on wet turf. 2) Since the tires have such a small contact patch the pressure on the ground is pretty high. If the dirt can flow it just squirts around the tire resulting in sinking.
  6. I don't remember the model number. It is the same one that fits Goldwing.
  7. To a certain extent it'll depend on what bike you have. Not all grips fit all bikes. I've got Kuryakyn Iso Grips on my 89 and love them. Last year I got my wife Avon MT Air Cushion grips for her VSTAR Classic. I think her Avons are even nicer than my Kuryakyns, but they won't fit a 1st Gen. Venture. The Avons will fit a 2nd Gen Venture.
  8. You're not going to be able to push it by hand. The small diameter of the master cylinder combined with the mechanical advantage from the lever give you a LOT more push than you can do with your arm.
  9. I think the answer is that they're special. They do more than seal the bolt - they also put the proper force on the cover to properly seal the gasket. If you use something the wrong thickness or the wrong elasticity you could cause other problems. I share your pain. I too have laid down a pile of money for a few bits of rubber.
  10. MiCarl


    No. The tab on the switch is broken. Someone tried to glue it in place. With it hanging out like that your cruise control won't work and it'll probably start in gear without pulling the clutch.
  11. I don't know that the AGM batteries are a whole lot different than wet cells life wise. I believe letting them sit discharged or over charging will significantly shorten their lives. I know my 89 will draw a battery down to where it won't start if it sits for a couple weeks. That's hard on the battery. I put it on a maintainer any time it's going to be parked for more than a few days.
  12. Paysaw, Two possibilities come to mind. The first is blocked line, which shouldn't be an issue if they really bled ok. The second is stuck clutch plates. Was your bike sitting for a long time? The plates can dry out and stick together if they sit long enough. They can also get a bit of surface rust which will lock them up.
  13. At the master cylinder there is a small hole under the switch. If you press up in there with a punch it releases the locking tab and you can pull the switch out and leave connected to the wiring harness. While Yamaha includes the piston with their seal kit, you aren't likely to actually need it.
  14. A leaky clutch slave cylinder will run down onto the pipes/collector on the left side of the engine. That's consistent with your other symptoms. You need to rebuild or replace the slave cylinder. The cylinder is probably badly pitted and would take a lot of work to clean up. Replacement slaves are inexpensive enough that it makes sense to just put a new one on. In addition to the rebuild kit or new cylinder you will need a middle gear cover gasket.
  15. I just encountered some database connection errors. Of course it cleared up or I wouldn't be able to post this......... Interestingly I needed to rebuild PHP and Apache on my server yesterday to support a software upgrade. While I was at it I noticed my PHP version was end of life so I upgraded to the latest release which broke one of my applications. I had to roll PHP back a version to keep working.
  16. Your problem is likely air is trapped at the banjo bolt on the front of the reservoir. It's easiest with a helper - Hold a good bunch of towels around the line just below the banjo bolt. Loosen banjo bolt a bit. Have helper slowly squeeze lever. Snug banjo bolt. Have helper release lever. Repeat until fluid oozes around banjo with no bubbles. Securely tighten banjo bolt. Make sure you clean up any brake fluid that drips immediately with soap and water. It's hard on paint and will ruin unpainted ABS (your fairing cover) almost immediately. Now go on and bleed the rest of the system.
  17. If I recall correctly the red/white will have +12v on it with the key on. The TCI triggers it by interrupting the ground on the orange wire. You should be able to test the coil by putting +12v on the red/white wire and bumping a wire connected to the orange to the (-). You just want to bounce it across, if you keep it energized you can potentially overheat the primary. To a large extent the TCI has four separate circuits in it. Just because it fires 3 of your cylinders does not mean it is good.
  18. I'm not a big fan of the Exedra. In my 8 years in business I've only had to replace two tires under warranty - both Exedra. What makes that worse is it's one of the tires I sell few of. If you're happy with the Elite 3s I suggest you stick with them.
  19. That just ruins them! They're best raw.
  20. Well, electric is the only technology on the horizon. For it to work there are a bunch of things that need to happen: + Large storage capacity + Quick recharge + Ubiquitous recharge stations + Infrastructure to generate and deliver electricity to the retail location. The hydrocarbon production and distribution system we have was developed over 100+ years. It'll be a VERY long time before electricity replaces it. Your bigger concern should be that your betters mandate a switch before its economically feasible. In that case, buying gasoline for the scoot will probably be low on your list of problems.
  21. The Yamaha Engineers knew what they were doing. Do like cowpuc and use the same type plugs the factory put in.
  22. If you buy the car you will be helping the dealer more than the kids. If what this is really about is helping the kids everyone (except the dealer) would come out ahead if you just handed the kids cash.
  23. I know someone who used to carry a few rolls of stickers he'd apply to bikes people who embarrassed themselves. I remember he had one that dealt with the side stand. My favorite though was: "REMEMBER: LOWER FEET WHEN STOPPING!". It's probably my favorite because I was standing with him when a fellow biker rode into a parking space, stopped and promptly fell over because his feet were still on the pegs. Looked like something from Benny Hill.
  24. ....... and I thought getting off the bike without putting the stand down was the ultimate embarrassment.
  25. Today it seems to be as always. Probably an ID10T error.
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