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Everything posted by MiCarl

  1. I've got the HF hydraulic only. I love it. 3 issues though: 1 - The wheel clamp is near useless, I would never trust it to hold a motorcycle upright for even a second. 2 - The location they have for the u-bolts tends to pull the bike away from the wheel clamp unless you attach tie downs well toward the opposite end of the bike. This interferes with actually being able to work on the bike. I re-drilled mine near the wheel clamp. 3 - My shop floor is smooth. When trying to put a heavier machine on it (like my VR) the lift scoots out. I solve this by starting against the wall. As you raise the lift pulls away from the wall.
  2. Of course I can read it. I'm a product of the Ohio educashun system!
  3. Thanks, I thought the middle gear cover had to come off but I wanted to find out if I over looked anything. Clutch action is fine. Problem is all the fluid drains out overnight. I cleaned everything up when I fixed the oil leak on the stator wire and it's all still clean so it's gotta be coming out along side the piston. Hopefully I won't find it's cracked or anything.
  4. I do a similar thing, except I use pipe welding solvent to apply the fiberglass to the plastic. Slather solvent on the plastic with the applicator in the can, then lay the fiberglass cloth in. Then I topcoat with the epoxy to reinforce the glass. You can get a small can of pipe solvent at walmart for under $2. They also have fiberglass cloth and epoxy.
  5. I would think a shop that repairs electric motors might be a good place to check to have a stator rewound. BJBoomer, when you put your replacement stator into the cover pay close attention to the grommet that seals where the wires pass through the cover. My 89 apparently had the stator replaced at some point. The grommet doesn't quite fill the opening in the cover, leaving about 1/16" gap between the grommet and the engine. This created a persistent (and difficult to find) oil leak. A bit of RTV on the flat edge of the grommet solved my problem.
  6. I need to rebuild the clutch slave cylinder on my 89 VR. Parts should arrive tomorrow. Does anyone know a trick to fish out the cylinder without pulling the middle gear cover?
  7. According to the parts fiche the order of assembly from bottom to top is: Spindle, Taper (the cone) Spring, Valve Washer Spring, Valve Both springs are the same part. As for tightening the bottom bolt that holds the damping rod in place: If you go ahead and put the spring in you can invert the fork (over a clean rag) and put your weight into the lower fork. The pressure from the spring should keep the damping rod from turning while you tighten the bolt.
  8. Do the Ventures use 29mm shims like the XJs? If so, this is the cheapest place I have found to purchase. $4.95 is about half of what other places charge. Shipping is reasonable too. http://www.dual-star.com/index2/Brand/Kawasaki/klr%20650%20valve%20shims.htm
  9. Clutch is a bit different than brakes. As break pads wear fluid level in master cylinder goes down. Since clutch is pushed apart, rather than together like brakes, fluid level goes up as it wears. What oil did you put in? Energy conserving oils have friction modifiers that reportedly can cause clutch slippage.
  10. MiCarl

    Wet Feet

    Perhaps your next food bridge should be made to accommodate the motorcycle.
  11. Ok, I've not synced a 2nd gen., but the principal is the same on all machines. You have 4 carburetors, and 3 sync screws to adjust the relative butterfly opening between them. One of the carbs has the idle stop screw on it. In principal you match the other 3 to this one. From what was posted earlier it seems that the idle stop screw is on #2, so you can't reduce it's vacuum (or more properly, increase it's pressure). What you need to do is reduce the pressure (increase vacuum) in the other 3 until they match #2. You adjust the sync screws to close those butterflies down. As you do this your idle speed will come down, you'll compensate by turning in the idle stop screw which will increase the pressure (reduce vacuum) in number 2. Eventually you'll get the pressure up in #2, and down in the other three until they all balance. Then you're synchronized.
  12. Perhaps your bushing in the side cover isn't worn enough to permit a reverse install........
  13. Just so happens I had my rear wheel off last week and ran into the same problem you're having with the washer. When I put it next to the wheel the brakes bound up, so I moved it against the swingarm. Clearly that's where it was. Now, if it was in the correct place from the previous owner is an entirely different matter......
  14. I've been doing some repairs on plastic. I found that the pipe solvent for PVC also works on ABS. Bonds almost instantly. I've been repairing cracks by coating with the solvent then laying in a piece of fiberglass cloth. Then I put a thin coat of epoxy on to reinforce the glass, although I suspect polyester resin would be an even better choice. Where I'm missing tabs I bond a piece of glass to the panel. Then I cover the mating surface with masking tape. Use epoxy to form the glass to the mating surface. Fill with epoxy putty for thickness, then another piece of glass on the other side. It's working out great for me. Oh, one other tip. Take your pictures in the sun instead of inside a dark building with an open door behind your subject and you'll get better results.
  15. Well, in rural Michigan: A mile of deep water shoreline (on an inland lake) is at least $1 million. Much more on one of the great lakes. And that's where you can only enjoy it 4 months a year. The 100 acres would be another 2-3 million. -- On the inland waterway, presumably within an hour of major population centers, $7 million looks like a fire sale.
  16. We used to have that. Called the "Marriage Penalty". Laws were changed a few years ago and were supposed to correct that. I'm skeptical although I haven't run the numbers. When I proposed to my wife she wanted to get married in December. I told her there was no way we were going to take a $9000 tax hit to be married for a month. We got married in February.
  17. Check out http://www.cheapcycleparts.com They have those upper cowls (the part that goes on top of fairing and holds speaker) for $33. I haven't priced the other parts as I only need the cowls.
  18. Metal line is clutch line. If you tear into it you'll need to pull the middle gear cover. That's the cover right behind it. Under that cover are retainers for the stator wires and pickup wires. Bend the retainers open to free up the wires. I recommend you unplug the wires from the harness so you can take to cover to the bench to prep it. Mark your shift shaft so you know where to align the lever linkage. You can put it back in 180 degrees out which changes your shift pattern to 1 up 4 down. The bottom of the side cover is below the oil level, do it on the center stand to minimize oil loss (about a quart). You can also drain the oil first, but still do it on center stand so it drains out of the cover. You should have on hand: Side cover gasket Middle gear cover gasket Little copper crush washer for the bottom bolt on the middle gear cover. Small tube of RTV. Bout $20 worth of parts. Can do the job in under 2 hours.
  19. I just corrected a similar problem on my '89. The grommet that the stator wires pass through was too small - leaving about 1/16" gap between the side cover and the engine case. I'm not sure if it shrunk or if someone replaced the stator and the new grommet isn't quite right. The grommet is above the oil level, however the flywheel throws oil up there when running. It runs down by the brake slave cylinder and then along under the cover coating the side stand hinge and frame rail. It stops dripping a few minutes after shutting off. I solved my leak by putting a little RTV on top of the grommet to close the gap. BTW, I have a leaking clutch slave cylinder too. That leaks all the time (until the reservoir is empty).
  20. MiCarl

    Recycle Bin

    It turns ever tighter inside itself until it forms a black hole. Then it eats your hard drive.
  21. I've been using http://www.cheapcycleparts.com The parts fiches are very handy for understanding what goes where and which fasteners are needed. They seem to still have the grommets and bolts for most of the plastics.
  22. Question - I assumed that Venture or Venture Royale was 1st gen and Royal Star Venture was 2nd gen. Did I get that wrong? When I started to pull the middle gear cover off it started leaking so I realized that since the oil hadn't already leaked out the problem was elsewhere. Bolts were so tight I had to drill the head off one. Not much RTV in there though. The leak was at the engine side cover - the one the stator was in. One of the screws holding the clamp for the stator wire was broken off and one of the screws holding what must be a pickup coil had to be sacrificed. Plenty of RTV in this cover. The plug between the stator pigtail and the harness is fried. I believe at least one of the wires was broken off before I messed with it. Glad to have found this one.
  23. Turns out it was the LH crankcase cover. Amazing it leaked. Enough RTV in there to fix the hull on the titanic. Of course when you torque tight enough to squeeze it all out of the joint it might not work so well.
  24. Thanks for the input. I think the shift shaft is forward of the leak but will double check. I haven't spent a lot of time with the service manual yet but I suppose there is some kind of shaft to the clutch that has a seal. It's definitely oil, not hydraulic. I'm going to go ahead and pull the cover. The goop at the bottom is a real red flag. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't overlooking something higher up. I'll watch for the screw with the washer.
  25. I just picked up an 89 Venture Royale. It has an oil leak above the exhaust crossover when running. The left frame behind the shift lever has oil on it. I think it must be the Middle Gear Cover because: - I can't see anything down the back of the engine or on top of the transmission except a coat of grime. And the oil on the floor looks like it just came out of the bottle, no dirt. - PO said the clutch slave was leaking and he hadn't been able to fix it (not clear if he tried). - The bottom of the cover is gooped up like someone tried an external patch or put lots of RTV in the joint when assembling. Before I pull the cover are there any known issues I should be looking for first? Thanks for feedback.
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