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Everything posted by MiCarl

  1. Mine uses 18mm, although that could vary by plug manufacturer. Most general tool sets don't include an 18mm socket. I purchased an 18mm spark plug socket from Sears.
  2. Yeah, I have a similar problem. My wife came with two cats....... There are a couple fox running around the neighborhood. Would probably like a nice cat snack. Unfortunately whenever the cats get out:whistling:my wife just lets them back in.
  3. I just picked up a full face version of this headset. I'm not an audiophile but they sound pretty good to me. Mic seems nice and clear. Only issue is the size of the mic. Pretty deep, and it needs to be mounted inside the chin bar. Not much area deep enough for it and you need to avoid the venting. It was quite a challenge to install in my helmet.
  4. Ok, some pics of the mounts. Sorry, rained on the ride home tonite........
  5. I mounted them pretty much in the stock location. Because I didn't want them sticking out real far I swept the brackets I made back about 30 degrees. I removed the stock horn and brackets. I had some of the connectors that join sections of a garage door laying around. I cut one at about the 2/3 point, the short piece is used on the right and the long piece on the left (the mount on the horn is off center). The holes that were in the brackets worked perfectly. I bent them about 30 degrees where they attach to the frame to sweep the horns back (without the sweep they hit the lower cowling - unless you stick them out way far). I added a small hole in each to engage the locating hole on the frame tab to keep them from sagging. The horns are made by WO-LO http://www.wolo-mfg.com/air.htm. I got mine from J.C. Whitney, Northern tool and Harbor Freight also carry them. Stebel has one that seems to have identical packaging. I'll put up pictures over the weekend. http://images.kodakgallery.com/servlet/Images/1944276755/photos3675/5/37/66/48/99/0/99486637514_0_BG.jpg
  6. A few weeks ago I replaced the stock horns on the VR with air horns. Today a guy started to swerve into my lane when he got stuck behind a stopping truck. A blast from the pair of 118db horns sent him back in a hurry, he almost rolled he jerked back so fast. Then he sat there for a long time before changing lanes. I think he may have actually soiled himself:)
  7. Hey Maritimer, that headset looks like it comes with the cord with the correct connector. Is that true? Or is a separate adapter cord and extension required?
  8. First gens came later because they didn't meed maintenance, just came for the lunch. By 11:00 top of the hill was all that was left because 2nd gens were crowded around the garage like bugs at a porch light.
  9. Thanks SE Michigan crowd for allowing me to ride with you. I got home about an hour ago after my detour to Jackson. Adding just two pictures as many were just like the ones you guys posted. mini-muffin and YAMA MAMA. And one great picture I got showing off Don's nice lawn, I guess I got some of my mom's photography skills .
  10. Well, I'm looking at the 24 gusting to 40 headwinds and decided to wait until morning. I'll see you all at Leon's
  11. It's been a long time since I took 20 (I'm from originally from Akron) but if I recall correctly a lot of it is divided highway. It's not limited access though so you have 55mph with cross traffic and lights. The occasional hay wagon..... If you like twisties drop a bit south and take 18. It still follows the old property lines in some places. **EDIT** My bad. Strike 18. It runs with 20 on that side of the state.
  12. I rode in a Parade Memorial day. Hot. 1 mile in 43 minutes at idle. Had the hazard flashers on. Of course the brake lights were on most of the trip. I noticed after the radiator fan kicked on that the charging system wouldn't keep up. Had to loose the flashers. I'm also pretty sure my battery is on it's last legs.
  13. Hey SE Michigan crew. I'm planning to bug out at 7:00PM sharp Friday. If anyone wants to join up give me a holler. I'll try and come back with you guys Saturday.
  14. I'll be hitting the Ohio Turnpike at Toledo about 8:15PM Friday Evening and coming back that way late Saturday afternoon if anyone wants to hook up for a partial ride.
  15. I wish I could buy my Venture is disassembled for new rear wheel bearings. Won't be back on the road until Monday (I hope).
  16. If you do bearings beware the issue that hit me. There is a sealed bearing on the right side of the rear wheel - no problem. The left side has a "cylindrical bearing". That's not the whole bearing. There is another part called the "collar" that is essentially the inner race. Get that too.
  17. I was in a dealer last week while the Mrs. shopped for a jacket. I wandered to the service department. They have a sign that says if it's older than 1990 they won't touch it. Right above it was their rate sign. $80/hour. Not sure about the MKI Venture, but on the MKII both mufflers, the RH bag and the RH bag guard have to be removed to do the job. I have practice and I think it would take me two hours just to get the wheel off, back on, and the luggage all back in place. I believe on the MKI the bags are quick release and maybe the guard could stay in place during the job. Figure only an hour for that one. For what it's worth, I charge $30 for a carry in mount and balance. And I work cheap. 100 for the whole job doesn't sound out of line to me.
  18. Floyd, Even though we are a no fault state the other driver is responsible for the first $500 of damage. Make sure you contact his insurance company and tell them you have a "mini tort claim" for the accident. They should cut a check straight to you. I assume you were on the bike? If it was parked he is responsible for 100% of the damage.
  19. I'm not thrilled with the HF tire changer. I put my homemade one on top of it and only use the bead breaker portion. http://www.clarity.net/~adam/tire-changing-doc.html is the design I based mine on. Before I had the HF changer I used a portapower to the ceiling joists to break beads. Major difference with mine is I split some fuel line to cover the edge of the car rim rather than using duct tape.
  20. I believe the XS has Mikunis. If the idle screws aren't having any effect the butterflies are probably too far open, so you're getting fuel from the mains. You've either got plugged up pilot circuits or air is getting in somewhere. Butterfly shaft seals? I know the mileage is low, but the rubber is getting pretty near 30 years old.
  21. I have an XJ650 and have had similar difficulties when the idle circuit is set too lean. Here's my theory. When lean it runs better hot, so the idle creeps up and you turn the idle screw back. When the engine is cold the lean condition is aggravated so your idle speed is then too low. I know on the XJ650s Yamaha changed the pitch of the pilot mixture screw in 1982. While a 1981 XJ650 came from the factory about 1 7/8 turns out the 82 and beyond were in the 3 turns range. Because of the age, butterfly shaft seals often start to leak, leaning the mixture out more. A lot of the 82-83 650s need to be set to 4 turns or so to get a consistent idle. I believe the XS has Mikuni carbs vs. Hitachi on the XJ. Still, I'd try something like 3 turns on the screws. Also, a colortune will help a lot.
  22. Can you turn the shaft through the stator cover a full turn? If so I have to believe you are either slipping where the linkage clamps to the shaft, or the linkage is broken off near the shaft. I think if it were anything else the linkage would bind before you got a full turn. If you pull the middle gear cover you can see the linkage. Since you need to pull that cover to free the wires to the stator cover you might as well start there and see what's going on. You'll loose about a pint of oil when you open it. Hopefully you're just missing the bolt on the clamp. Anything else will be tough as it's darn tight in there.
  23. I'm having a similar issue. Power on self test is fine. After hitting the "set" speed isn't maintained. If I then use the clutch or brakes the resume light comes on. That tells me the system "thinks" everything is ok and "thinks" the cruise is engaged. It also "knows" to turn on the resume light if I hit a lever that disengages. I'll almost bet I have a problem with the linkage or not having vacuum somewhere. Haven't set aside the time to pull the front end off and chase it.
  24. Well, I don't have a legal mind but I did stay at Holiday Inn Express. As in any negotiation they are trying to give as little as they can just like you want to get as much as you can. A settlement is supposed to be final. They want closure and to be reasonably sure you won' t be back next week. You talk about getting "time extended". I assume you mean a deadline to pursue legal remedies. Any extension would be state specific, but my bet is if you don't hurry up and sue the train will leave the station. How far apart are you? Is it 4K? More? Less? If it's 4K (or more) it might be worth paying a lawyer a couple hundred bucks to kick them in the pants. They don't want to go to court, lawyers cost them a lot of money too. Probably smart to spend a couple hundred on an Attorney just to explore your options.
  25. Wanna bet?
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