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Everything posted by MiCarl

  1. Well said!
  2. I buy almost all my parts from http://www.cheapcycleparts.com. I usually get my stuff in about 10 days.
  3. Wet it up with some brake fluid and stretch it over. Profanity often helps.
  4. The "top cap" is a vent. Probably best not to disturb it. Fill through the middle plug.
  5. I saw that the part is still available for the 86+ models. My experience is that Yamaha doesn't change part numbers unless they change the part. The cap on the later models also has a different part number. Now, the changes may be superficial or they may be significant. You might get away with a later diaphragm, a diaphragm and cap, or it might be hopeless. Only way to judge will be to get hold of the parts and compare them. Good luck!
  6. That diaphragm moves down with the brake fluid, the vent you see lets air on top so the level can go down. If you don't have the diaphragm air will contact the brake fluid. The brake fluid will absorb moisture from the air and be ruined. Of course that diaphragm is discontinued. You can replace the whole master cylinder assembly for about $513. Best to watch eBay for one. Also, could rig some other reservoir as a replacement. Are you sure the old one is deformed? It should accordion back into shape.
  7. Full face DOT helmet 100% of the time, even when test riding a motorcycle in the parking lot at speeds up to 10 mph. I also have on boots and gloves. When I leave the parking lot I also have the armored jacket (mesh when hot, leather when cool) and leather chaps. 100% of the time. I know way too many people who went down hard at high speed and walked away to do anything else.
  8. How about the steam tractor? Will she let you have that?
  9. When oil gets hotter it also flows better. Whatever problem you have is more noticeable when the oil thins out and gets into the combustion chamber faster. By all means check for gasoline in the oil - a sticking float can cause that. Is the oil the proper weight? The motorcycle may have only 12K miles on it but the valve stem seals have been aging for 20+ years. Could be one of them leaking a bit.
  10. I vote for oil in the cylinders. Much better to risk fouling a plug than to break a ring. If it were me, I'd put in 10w40 or other light oil and let it sit overnight. Crank over with plugs out and grounded or ignition disconnected. I'd also flush the brakes and clutch system with fresh brake fluid. New tires - no matter how good the old ones look.
  11. I noticed in Harbor Freight the other day that they had a recall posted on fuses.
  12. I put mine off to the side (per the instructions). It almost brushes the corner of my mouth. People tell me it works well.
  13. I've got a J&M full face from sierra for $59. It works well, however the mic needs a rather deep hole in the foam inside the chin bar. A bit deeper than my foam actually is, so it protrudes just a hair.
  14. cheapcycleparts.com usually has pretty good prices. I will say this: After I'd already ordered the slave kit someone recommended replacing the whole slave cylinder. I ended up doing a lot of polishing to the bore on the old one. If I had it to do over I'd have ordered the whole thing.
  15. I have a pair of the Bad Boyz on my VR. Only fired them in anger once. Guy started to swerve in my lane when the delivery truck ahead of him stopped. I pushed him back with them and I was 1/2 mile down the road before he tried to change lanes again. He was very careful the 2nd time.
  16. MiCarl

    Tony Snow

  17. I also run a 15w40 diesel oil in my 1st gen. Works out really well. For what it's worth, I put 20w50 in my XJ. I'm not happy with how the clutch works with it. It doesn't disengage completely until very hot. If I take out extra free play then it slips when very hot. If you really want to pamper your baby get Shell Rotella T 5w40 Synthetic diesel for it. You can purchase it at wally world for about $18/gallon.
  18. I've got that one on my trailer. I really like it.
  19. I've got a customer that has one on an 86 VR. Just so you are aware - the badge says 1200.
  20. RandyA is right. Stay away from the dealers. Best if you are a bit handy there is plenty of help available here for a DIYer. At $1500 you should really jump before he changes his mind. They go for that all beat up and wrecked as parts bikes.
  21. Using the clutch will significantly reduce wear on the gear dogs, shifter drum and shift forks. It also reduces the chance of bending the shift forks. Unless rebuilding transmissions is your hobby you should use the clutch. BTW, the same was true of the dirt bikes. You were prematurely wearing out those transmissions.
  22. That's darn scary. I wouldn't be going back...............
  23. I've never worked with a modulite, but it sure sounds wired wrong to me. Sounds like the brakes are wired to the turn signals and vice versa.
  24. I believe the vehicle is insured rather than the driver. I'd contact redneck's insurance. They'll either jack up his rates a bunch or cancel his policy for letting her drive it. Get your estimates and your corrected police report first. Then, you might want to go see redneck for a cash settlement. He might just a soon not have his insurance company know about the incident.
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