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Everything posted by MiCarl

  1. Michigan is high, but from what I've read it's cheap compared to Ontario. As I posted in another thread I did better with Allstate than I did with Progressive.
  2. I had my boat through Progressive, $1,000,000 liability. It was $50 first year then went to $100. An Allstate agent contacted me and got me the same coverage for $60. I had Progressive on VR too. The Allstate guy got that business by saving me more than 1/3. For years I had Metropolitan for the cages and house. Periodically I'd shop it on the internet and find that Metropolitan was only a couple $$ higher than the cheapest. Then last month I asked the agent that has my business insurance to quote it. He sliced my homeowners and auto in HALF. That's more than $3,000/year! The Progressive and Metropolitan policies I bought on the phone/internet. I'm now convinced that it pays to work with an independent agent. For what it's worth: Every time I've shopped insurance GEICO was the highest. Warren Buffet didn't become one of the richest men in the world by selling insurance cheap.
  3. +1 on the fact that they are line bored and unique. I'm not sure if the caps are symmetrical to the extent they can be installed "backward". Normally this is a no-no, but since you're replacing the cap anyhow it'd be worth checking both ways for the best fit. I wouldn't bother having the old cap welded. The distortion to the cap from the welding is likely to be worse than the mismatch from using a cap off another head.
  4. I went from a XJ650 to the Venture. Even that was a big step up. As mentioned a number of times before: "Practice". It takes some getting used to. They are considerably more top heavy than you are used to. Get it off balance while pushing and you're done too. Finally, for those 2 lane turn arounds use the friction zone liberally. If you don't know what the "friction zone" is get out and take the MSF Beginning Rider Course ASAP. Oh, one more thing: Even more important not to stop with your foot in a rut or hole.
  5. According to http://www.snopes.com/fraud/telephone/809.asp this is overblown. Particularly they state that the scam is rare, that the charges when the scam is employed are much lower than the emails circulating state and that your local phone company will typically help you remove the charges. The article points out that most 809 numbers are legitimate numbers. The ATT link states they will help their customers remove these charges.
  6. How is the noise when not locked up?
  7. Yep. Too little free play on the brake pedal will cause the brakes to heat up an engage. In my case it was front and rear and I didn't lock up, just kept slowing down until I pulled off the freeway.
  8. 1st gen isn't gravity feed. Carburetors are higher than half the tank. If it's really bone dry carburetor aren't the issue.
  9. Put me down for doing this too. The pads rub just a little bit and as they get hotter and expand everything comes to a halt. After they cool down it rolls again.
  10. This can be a problem. When it happens they stop passing up snax and beverages.
  11. My dog is a Lab pup. I'm making a trailer for her.
  12. Feel them. You can either turn them with a finger or set the axle between a couple of supports with the wheel on and turn it. Any hint of roughness and they're gone.
  13. WOW! I didn't even know I had a lost twin brother.
  14. And I saw an article that said our friends down under are having record temps. Sure be nice if they set up a big fan and sent some up North.
  15. It was a nice one for sure, got up to 43 degrees here. Had to work so the Venture stayed parked. In a few weeks days like yesterday should start to get pretty common!
  16. What's even worse is you can't even change the channel and get a different sob story. It's like the news outlets have a conference call at 4:00 AM and pick the story of the day.
  17. Unnecessary. They removed the last wolf from Cincinnati a long time ago (he has a talk show now).
  18. Decent?? 40 with no salt on the roads is decent! 50, cloudy - pretty good. 60, partly sunny - really great. 65, mostly sunny - AS GOOD AS IT GETS! 70, sun or not - still pretty good 80, sunny - hope I don't get stuck in traffic. 90+, sun or not - I'm taking the cage with AC. I really feel sorry for those southern folks having weather like this 8 months a year.
  19. I'll weigh in now since I started the thread: I agree that the fact that Shanklin was legally drunk isn't the issue. His passing to the right of a vehicle turning left is. I've seen plenty of people make stupid moves while sober. Should Kellog have seen Shanklin? Probably. But is it reasonable for him to anticipate that Shanklin would pass to the right of the other motorcycle. I don't think so. Even assuming Kellog is responsible under the law, it seems to me this is a good case for prosecutorial discretion. Surely the county has better things to invest it's $$ in.
  20. My mother put me on to this story. http://www.ohio.com/news/dyer/38072269.html I feel for the guy in the SUV. Seems like he's being hung out to dry.
  21. YAMA MAMA, poor form to invite everyone to a party and then not be home:95:
  22. From the other thread: I've racked my brain and the only way I can see for us to evaluate the validity of BuddyRich's original statement is for all the wimin to post their best nekid pictures. After a thorough review we men will decide Buddy's fate. If guilty we men will severely punish him. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
  23. I've got one of those too (from Costco). One thing you need to watch with it is that the mount bars for the front and rear gate are only welded to the sheet metal. If you travel much with them down the welds break. I thorough bolted mine.
  24. When the trough gets filled every company has a fiduciary responsibility to it's share holders to get as much as possible. The problem isn't the companies elbowing up to the trough, the problem is the people that fill it.
  25. Looks like the factory tires were Dunlop or Bridgestone. According to the Dunlop fitment guide they're only available from Honda. Tiresunlimited has the Bridgestone for $85.43 Front and $115.25 Rear.
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