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Everything posted by MiCarl

  1. It won't shift into a gear unless the dogs on the gears are lined up. When the engine is running that alignment happens quite easily, but with things not turning they might not ever line up. Put it up on the center stand (hopefully the oil is drained!) and turn the rear wheel while shifting. That should help things line up so it drops into gear.
  2. Hold a flashlight behind them and inspect. Any holes and they need to be replaced.
  3. Gary, Remember I stated that I had it running on 2 cylinders? I'd thought it was both rears but I could be wrong, I didn't really look into it. What if the right cylinders were the ones that were firing and they got hot enough to cook off discoloration from sitting? Alternatively maybe the left ones were firing and got hot enough to cook on crap from the old oil that was in there?
  4. Plus, what you really want to know is if the amperage from the charging system is equal to the load or not. Ammeter doesn't tell you that. A Volt meter tells you that at a glance.
  5. The estimator I use supposedly uses the factory warranty times: Carburetors (all) - adjust: 0.5 Hours Rear tire: 1.00 Hours For what it's worth it lists setting Valve lash at 3.7 Hours.
  6. The part that wears is a lead insert and is replaceable. I got new ones at the corner auto parts store.
  7. Detroit is pretty much like any other big city. Too many one way streets to find your way around (NAV system should take care of that), too much crime. The really bad areas aren't right downtown. Probably the worst you'd run into is panhandlers. If you're out and about keep your wallet in your front pocket and have the women keep their purses tucked under their arms rather than hanging by the strap. When driving keep the doors locked. Don't go wandering around unless you're with someone that knows the area, especially after dark.
  8. Not a bad idea to replace the o-ring on the cap. You may get them open and find that you need bushings. I generally recommend to my customers that they do bushings when they do seals. However, if you can afford to leave it torn apart for a couple of weeks while waiting for bushings you can wait and inspect them when you disassemble.
  9. You'll need to pull the lids off the bags to see the holes. They're just above the edge of the bag.
  10. Not OEM. I can't get OEM parts at a price that will let me be competitive with the sites already listed. I do carry a variety of non-OEM parts. DAKn2, if an aftermarket part is acceptable you might have a look at my store. Remember you get 15% off the prices listed entering "VentureRider" as a coupon code at check out. If you don't see what you're looking for use the "Contact Us" link at bottom left and send me a message, I'll try and get it for you.
  11. I've usually found the best prices at www.cheapcycleparts.com
  12. MiCarl

    Who Dat?

    The NFL says it owns a trademark on that phrase. You can only say dat if you are licensed for dat by the NFL. SOURCE
  13. Sounds like possibly two separate problems. The motorcycle has a device called a "reserve lighting unit". It's purpose is to keep the motorcycle from going dark if one of the headlight filaments burns out. If you are on low beam and the low beam element goes out the RLU should switch on the high beam element and light the indicator to tell you of a bulb failure. Alternatively if you are on high beam and the high beam element fails it's supposed to switch to low beam and light the indicator. The owners manual does not say what the RLU does if it gets neither the high or low beam from the handlebar switch. I suppose it's possible that it lights the indicator to let the operator know that neither beam is switched on. Personally, I'd suspect that or a problem with the RLU itself. The extra load when the headlamp indicator is on is dimming your other lights. It's possible you have a poor connection somewhere that is giving extra resistance or it may be normal.
  14. The buttons have a rubber cover over them. Unless you disassembled the control unit you did not get cleaner in them.
  15. MiCarl

    US Census

    From the FAQ: Even my wife doesn't nag me about stuff before she asks me the first time.
  16. Gary, you sure have a picture of everything! The last picture gives a pretty clear look at those six dowels. Not a huge job to get in there. If you've spit one I wouldn't use used parts. This is a problem that pops up and no use using parts that are about ready to fail. Clutch basket holder isn't necessary. Shift to 5th gear (or the highest you can) and get your assistant to apply the rear brake. That'll hold the basket for you. **EDIT** Just looked at the link Freebird provided. I'd put the assembly from a 2nd gen in there if I was fixing it. That's a no brainer.
  17. When you're looking any Venture TCI 84-89 are all the same. 83 is different and 90+ absolutely will not work.
  18. I assume it goes to 3rd, then when you shift it stays in 3rd? If so it may be that it's dropped a dowel pin from the end of the shift drum. There have been posts about that happening. When that happens there is nothing for the shifting pawl to grab so it doesn't turn the drum. I've never been in one, but the parts fiche shows a star shaped plate that is probably there to hold the dowels in place. If it shifts to neutral then you have bigger issues.
  19. To answer your original question: The sensor will pull out. Some new batteries (YUASA) come with them, others come with a plug in the hole. If the new battery comes without a sensor you can move your old one (although I suppose they do eventually go bad).
  20. 90% 11 Miles 599 Secs. (Tough to play fast on a laptop with touch pad). Dinged me 100 miles on South Dakota as my first state. Pretty tough to position SD with nothing else there. Them little guys in the NorthEast that are smaller than the cursor are also kinda tricky!
  21. I'm on my third pair. Every pair has been out of focus when eyes are aimed to the side rather than straight ahead. Not bad, but noticeable if I look at something then turn my head while watching it. I think it's the nature of the beast. Having said that, I got used to it in about three days. I think it might be a problem when comparing a bunch of documents or something like that.
  22. I got a pair with distance prescription for watching TV. Keep them next to the recliner. The woman at the eyeglass place acted like it was the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard:confused24: For the work I do a thin strip of close prescription at the top of the lens would be just the ticket. Gotta talk to them about that. Thanks for the idea!
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