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Everything posted by MiCarl

  1. Yeah, I don't understand either. If it's got Ontario plates and insurance just bring it home. I'm assuming you already have an Ontario title if you got plates? How'd you get plates without an inspection?????
  2. What he's doing will work just fine. It won't be the Center of gravity though, just the vertical line it lies on. No way to calculate how high it is without more information.
  3. In the XJBikes forum they've been replacing the sight glass with a watch crystal epoxied into place for years. I've heard of no problems with the fix.
  4. Use a left hand bit and 9 times out of 10 just as it cuts through the head it runs the screw out.
  5. Now to add another variation for you. The springs in my forks are not progressive. They are not stock. I don't know what they are. I run them at 0PSI. They have no preload spacer. They are so stiff that if there was a preload spacer I'd pull it out.
  6. When it's all said and done, it's gone because we (not as individuals, but overall) are unwilling to pay for it. Warm bodies are expensive, companies cut back on them like mad so they can have their price be a nickle cheaper than the competition. Then we flock to the cheaper guy so the one with service either has to cut back or go bust. It's a vicious cycle to the bottom. The places we get excellent customer service (good restaurants, top flight hotels, resorts) we pay for it - usually directly in the form of tips.
  7. You're a thief Pete. Glad to see somebody from here got them.
  8. You'd need to make sure the can was clean. You don't want any contamination in there. Also, somehow need to keep the fluid in while you turn the can over and immerse it. The $29.99 Harbor Freight bleeder that is operated by your air compressor comes with a special bottle that is meant to do that. It's got a shut off valve and brackets to mount it to the brake reservoir. None of them for motorcycle though...... You could hold it in place.
  9. I stand to the left, grab the grips, rock back and push it off. It aint easy, and I'm 6'0 250lbs.
  10. I wasn't impressed by the Kobalt boxes at Lowes, they seemed poorly made (The welds looked like I did them!). I have been told that the big SS one seems ok but I didn't look at it. I ended up getting the Husky stainless base and chest from Home Depot. The quality seemed pretty good to me, although "flimsy" by Snap On, Mac etc. standards. I liked having shallow drawers because I use mostly smaller tools. The 36" width was just right for my work space. It's got a pull out work platform in the bottom of the chest which I didn't care about but do find myself using from time to time. At $750 it's better quality than Craftsman at twice the price.
  11. Source for online manuals
  12. Dan, You need to cut 10-12 inches off each side of that snow shovel. Not only will you not tire so quickly, it'll corner better too. Glad you're ok.
  13. That's gonna count as the deal of the century then. Congrats!
  14. I don't recall ever doing #4, #6 or #9 (at least since they put seat belts in the cars). Done all the others though, sometimes more than one at a time.
  15. Did you say when the problem initially occurred the radio worked, but only in the ACC. position? That would likely be ignition switch, or maybe connector where it plugs into the harness. Spark in that neighborhood could be caused by the same thing.
  16. I've bought from Hess. I got a square deal on my purchase.
  17. I like anything by Follett. My favorite has to be "Pillars of The Earth". The sequel "World Without End" is also outstanding. If you like historical fiction (middle ages) try them.
  18. I think the link is fixed now.
  19. Buy it now of $45. Somebody better snap it up! LINK
  20. They are sold each. You need to order two for two helmets.
  21. We use a pair of the full face set and they are awesome. Bit of warning though, the mic is quite large and finding a spot for it in the chin bar can be challenging.
  22. This is a good point. Ball joints bad enough that you can see a change in camber should sound like a dump truck with three bowling balls in back.
  23. You're not starting a job, you're starting a business. You need to get with an expert (business accountant) yesterday. How you structure the business will impact reporting requirements, legal requirements, ability to offer yourself retirement and health plans etc. A Sole Proprietorship may not be the best way for you to operate.
  24. If the diaphragms don't have holes I wouldn't replace them. Parts shouldn't have fallen out when you pulled them. I haven't looked to see how the needle is locked in. Maybe someone else will come along and help with that.
  25. AT&T would prefer you not know this...... You can purchase one of their brand new prepaid phones (Go Phone), stick in the SIM card from your daughter's phone and she's good to go. Their low end prepaid phones are often on sale for under $30.
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