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Everything posted by bull463

  1. sharp bike hows it do in the turns? Bull463
  2. I would be lost without it. Bull463:mo money:
  3. I will never have Avons agin. The side wall didnt crack the tread had big cracks after about 2500 miles. Dunlops 3 are a better tire in my opinion. Bul463
  4. Coming from a fomer HD rider it really makes me wounder about some riders tht think HD is the only bike to own to be a biker. Im happy with my 83 VR but I will never downgrade to another Harley. I guess if this happened to me there could be problums I tend to run out of people skills fast when I have to deal with Idiots. Bull463
  5. Hi All Do you guys have a address or web site for this? Bull 463
  6. Hey Guess What Im working I know big suprize. If you guys get down around Ithaca I will be at the airport till 1600hrs. Bull463
  7. Hi I just stand on the stand and lift and lean back a little seems to work for me. Its all about the leaverage. Bull463
  8. Hi Most tractor supply stores have them also used on hyd, mowers Bull463
  9. Hi What kind of miles are on it? Bull463
  10. Had a Artic Cat mini bike 2 speed atomatic trans fun toy. Hey Tom They had ice cream back when you were a kid? Bull 463
  11. Ive been burning coal for the last 15 yrs love it. I heat for about 1000 bucks a yr. Ive got a keystoker harth . Bull463
  12. Hi All Looking for a CB ant for a first gen anone got one they dont need? Bull 463
  13. Hi Be carefule of the Avon Tires I had mine start to crack in the tread area. Avon was not at all helpful in this matter. Just my 2 cents I went to a dunlop and no Im not a tire salesman. Bull463
  14. Ive got a extra one that worked when I took it off the bike. Bull463
  15. Send a pic of your rear brake peddle I had to adjust mine but you have to careful the master cyl stays in he neutral position. bull463
  16. TOM I belive you had somthing to do with this. Bull463
  17. Sofapiloit Thank you I havnet seen that before. Very nice lets all take a momant out of the day to think about all mthe service men and woman that gave us this great country. Bull 463
  18. I just got off the phone with Avon about my rear tire on my 1st gen. Dont waste your time with this company. She didnt even want my name and adress or any info about the proublum. I have big cracks in my tread area the air was kept up the tire is 2 yrs old and less than 5000 miles. Avon gave me the run around on the phone. I will never buy another AVON tire. Bull 463
  19. Hi Looks like you have the basics down these tents may or may not have a place to put a rope mid way about half way up on the tent to pull them out for more room. Thay alwas sag a little in the middle. After 23 yrs in them Im glad I dont have to worry about putting them up any more. Oh stake one side of the entrance and exit then at night snap the other flap to it agin more room. Bull 463
  20. Hey Bob It could have been alot worse. Good to here you and becky came out of it ok. Bull
  21. Hi this will be my first yr with you guys but I like blueberry. Bull:sign woo hoo:
  22. Hi Freebird Just woundering if you will have any venture t shirts ect. At mant day. Bull:225:
  23. Not a bad bike I had one some yrs ago rode to Ft Leanardwood MO on it if its in good shape may be a deal. I never had any proublums with mine till I let someone use it and he crashed it. Then went bankrupt. tom
  24. Hi All Im looking for a full right hand dash panel. My CLASS is no longer and would like to mount some things there. I have a 83 VR thanks tom
  25. Look on Hemmings motor news.com tom
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