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Everything posted by bull463

  1. Hi All The other day we were cleaning the shed. I had pulled the bike out for more room. After a bit christy and I turned to see two bad kids trying to highjack the bike! Bonny and Clyde they are not. Who Let The Dogs Out Bull463
  2. I Love This thread Bull463:smile5:
  3. Hi All Im just woundering what the YCIS chamber is located and what its job on the bike I have a 83VR. Bull463
  4. I would take a 16oz bull463
  5. Hi All I heat with a keystoker coal have been for 10 yrs now. I buy oiled coal so dust is not there I think its easyer to find coal. I spend about $800.00 per yr and only shut down once or twice a yr to clean. Just myt 2 cents Bull463
  6. Mine were the same way I had put some oil on them to get them to work. Bull463
  7. NICE JOB Bull463
  8. Hi All Along with the other things that were listed I would say A CPR mask for ging ventilaions would be good also. If your not trained you should be. Never know when you may need it for frends or family. Also disposable gloves your size several pairs in a zip lock bag. Bull463
  9. Hey Guys I have a 83 VR and on the way back from Dons this yr my left dash vent blew out at about 75. It is still on the highway in about a hundred peices. Woundering if anyone has one they dont need? It would be the left one as you sit on the bike by the speaker. Thanks Bull463
  10. Hi Guys Im just woundering how many songs can be put on 8g? Bull463
  11. Hi All Im looking for 2 ea mic and headsets for my 83 VR. Just woundering if anyone has two sets they dont need anymore. Bull463
  12. Check your clutch lever switch. Mine just went and did the same thing as yours. Bull463
  13. Hey welcome. Just to let you know you have just enterd the best site for these bike. Its like having a NASA enginering team at yor fingertips the guys on this site can figuer out most problums givien time and info. Enjoy the site I always do. Bul463
  14. I have to have EMT for the job I also teach some of the course. Plus national cert firefighter. Bull463
  15. Buy her a bike. My ex has been down twice with minor injures. But shes sure to get it right sooner or later. She drives with about the same effort as she put into the marrage. Bull463
  16. Mo Larry and Curly Bull463:big-grin-emoticon:
  17. Hey hope ya get better soon. Bull463
  18. My only proublum with them is the cars think that their cops right. Well as someone that has red lights and runs firetrucks every day at a distance the cars may think its just a bunch of bikes out there. I know firetrucks are alot bigger and my taho is to i can see were this could cause a proublum. Bull463
  19. Hey Don Ive got 3 months sick time you use . Just call in sick. Bull463
  20. Hi All Just got the word that my ex wife went down on a curve last weekend. She has 3 broken ribs and the bike is in tough shape also. Her boy frend stayed with the bike then when to dinner with some buddys while she was in the hospital. When I hear of true love like that it brings a tear to my eye. Bull463
  21. Yea its not good. Oh Hey sqwidly thank you agin for all the work you did on my bike MD I know you were not able to fix alot of my problums but you were able to point me in the right direcion. THANKS Bull463
  22. Hi All Check out the Ithaca journal .com under Arson to see what I was up to satthe 10th at 4am. This will not be pretty when it all shakes out. Some people need to not be on this earth. Bull463
  23. Hey Jonas Yes I had a shot of death. Thanks for sending it not my cup of tea but then I may be a sissy. Missed ya this see ya on the next go round. Bull463:happy-emoticon:
  24. Had a great time left big tom and taters little after 1400hrs. Thanks for a geat time Dokn. Also thank you sqwidly you make look so easy. Bull463
  25. bull463


    Makes it easy to send christmas cards. Buii463:puzzled:
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