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Everything posted by bull463

  1. Hi All I just sent out for more tickets. on this project. Do you think I should have had Condor buy them for me? Bull463
  2. Geat better soon. Thoughts go out to ya. Bull463
  3. Christy and I are in Bull463
  4. Hi Have you checked the floats to make sure that they are working right? Bull463
  5. Hi All As most of you know I have bought a Gold Wing. With that said the guy I sold my 83 VR to would like arm rest for hie girlfrend. Do they make them for this old a bike and where would I look for them? Thanks Bull463
  6. Hi All I had sirus on my 83 with a auto ant. It worked ok but on side roads it would cut out. They have a bike ant for sirus its about 30 bucks but it seems to work better. Bull463
  7. Wipe the oil off their glasses. Then they came over to the venture riders with a small grin on their face and......
  8. I just sent mine in also. I have looked around and find it hard to find people of this mindset. So Im staying. Bull463:cool10:
  9. Looks good Rick. Bull463
  10. Looks like a nice Open floor plan.
  11. Thanks guys Bull463
  12. Thanks guys and yes some have told me what to do with my horn. Funny a guy with my people skills and I get that kind of reaction. Weird Bull463
  13. Hi All As most of you know I have bought a 1988 Gold Wing. I had a streble air horn on my venture and my daughter has gotten me a new streble air horn for the wing. So Im looking for places to put the new horn, Still looking do you guys have any ideas on this? Bull463:confused24:
  14. Hey Dan the thing about painting Im sure you know is the prep work. I used to paint in high school. But that was a couple years ago so I took my time with it and asked alot of people at the paint shop to make sure I was on track with this project. Bull463
  15. No the tires are good just a bad pic. Bull463
  16. I hear there is a ice place in Johnson city. Its called the hour glass and the entertanment was great when I was there in the early 80s. Bull463
  17. Hi All I have been working hard on my new bike. After painting the tour pack I changed out some 30 light bulbs for LEDs . I been polishing everything in sight. She was a real dirty girl when I picked her up but she is cleaning up nice. I still have some things to put on arm rests for Christy and the ever important cup holder. But thing are going well now if the weather would change so I can stop riding her in the garage. Bull463
  18. bull463

    Did you

    Got mine they should be the winning ones so no need for anyone to buy more. Bull463
  19. He are some pics of it Bull463
  20. Hi all Today is the day after many hrs in the garage out of Christys hair. Im getting to paint the new bikes tour pack. The heat has been on since yesterday. The 2nd coat is on starting to look like something now. this would have so much nicer if the PO had not put all those pics on the bike but hey its coming. I know I need pics they will be coming soon now. Bull463
  21. Carl before you get rid of it pull the muffer off check the screen and make sure there are no mud bees in the muffler. When I was a small eng teck I dont know how many saws I worked on that just had a plugged muffler. 2 strokers dont go bad that often if they have the right gas oil mix and have not been kept in a swamp. It is normally somthing simple . I also have seen alot of flywheels brake the keyway just a bit timing is everything with 2 strokes. Bull463
  22. Ok guys time for a update. I have spent lots of time cleaning and replacing chrome. I still have to paint the tour pack it had some things painted on it that I did not like. I know I have to post pics but I want to get it all done before all of you see it. So far the wife loves it I spend lots of time in the garage and out of her hair. Bull 463
  23. congrats sounds like a new chapter in your life. Have fun with it.
  24. Happy new years to all. Bull463
  25. Well we havent gotten anything yet. Both Christy and I had to work christmas eve and day. To make it worst I was on days and she was on nights. We will open things today in the afternoon. Bull463:cool10:
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